232 research outputs found

    La prevención de riesgos y la accidentabilidad laboral : aportaciones desde la psicología social

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    El accidente y la enfermedad profesional, son, sin duda alguna, dos de los problemas más graves y de mayor relevancia que tiene planteados aún hoy el mundo del trabajo y la sociedad en general, ya que implica altos y variados costes humanos. Ahora bien, la accidentabilidad laboral o la pérdida de la salud no es un problema exclusivo del trabajador y del empresario, sino que ha de ser responsabilidad de la sociedad en su conjunto, pues tanto los accidentes como la salud en el trabajo son temas centrales desde una perspectiva política, económica y social. Desde el punto de vista científico, las líneas de investigación que se han seguido, quizás hayan estado excesivamente dirigidas hacia la restauración o intervención, aunque en la actualidad parecen desplazarse hacia el campo de la prevención._____________________ Professional accidents and diseases are without any doubt two of the main problems in the labour world and the society in general, as it implies a great deal of human lives. Now, the workplace accident rate or the health loss is not simply a problem for employers or employees, it must also be the responsibility of the society as a whole, as both workplace accidents and health are political, economic and social topics. From a scientific point of view, the research approaches have mainly been focussed towards restoration and intervention. However, at present research is developing towards prevention

    The relevance of title, abstract, and keywords for scientific paper quality and potential impact

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    Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11042-023-14451-9Authors, editors, and reviewers need to have a good perception regarding the quality of a manuscript in order to improve their skills, save effort, and prevent errors that can affect the submission procedure. In this paper, we compared the author’s perception of a manuscript’s quality with the manuscript’s actual impact. In addition, we analyzed the uncertainty of the author’s perception of the manuscript’s quality. From there,we defined ‘partition’ as the author’s ability to perceive the actual quality. We did this by launching a website for the use of the scientific community. This webpage provided a tool to help improve an investigator’s skill in understanding and recognizing the quality of a manuscript so as to help researchers improve and maximize their works’ potential impact. We carried out the experiment with 106 experienced users who tested our webpage. We found that the Abstract, the Title, and the Keywords were enough to perform a substantially decent evaluation of a manuscript. Most of the researchers were able to determine the quality of a paper in less than a minute from this small amount of information.Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Strategic Framework to Maintenance Decision Support Systems

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    AbstractIn current global markets the maintenance can be considered key to assurance the required function of equipments and low life cycle costs of productive equipments. In this context, the Maintenance Decision Support Systems can be relevant as strategic framework. Accordingly, in this paper, the main objective is integrating the strategic functions with Balanced Score-Card, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, where the Key Performance Indicators are associated to goals of company. The core of this purpose is to maximize the efficiency of the plant through maintenance. The decisional problem has been modelled with four production areas, as alternatives, that were pre-selected by experts. Commercial package Expert Choice has been used to model the problem and to analyse the results. A purely strategic approach has been followed to maintenance in the industrial business; results serve as input in tactical scope

    Corner Centrality of Nodes in Multilayer Networks: A Case Study in the Network Analysis of Keywords

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    In this paper, we present a new method to measure the nodes’ centrality in a multilayer network. The multilayer network represents nodes with different relations between them. The nodes have an initial relevance or importance value. Then, the node’s centrality is obtained according to this relevance along with its relationship to other nodes. Many methods have been proposed to obtain the node’s centrality by analyzing the network as a whole. In this paper, we present a new method to obtain the centrality in which, in the first stage, every layer would be able to define the importance of every node in the multilayer network. In the next stage, we would integrate the importance given by each layer to each node. As a result, the node that is perceived with a high level of importance for all of its layers, and the neighborhood with the highest importance, obtains the highest centrality score. This score has been named the corner centrality. As an example of how the new measure works, suppose we have a multilayer network with different layers, one per research area, and the nodes are authors belonging to an area. The initial importance of the nodes (authors) could be their h-index. A paper published by different authors generates a link between them in the network. The authors can be in the same research area (layer) or different areas (different layers). Suppose we want to obtain the centrality measure of the authors (nodes) in a concrete area (target layer). In the first stage, every layer (area) receives the importance of every node in the target layer. Additionally, in the second stage, the relative importance given for every layer to every node is integrated with the importance of every node in its neighborhood in the target layer. This process can be repeated with every layer in the multilayer network. The method proposed has been tested with different configurations of multilayer networks, with excellent results. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is very efficient regarding computational time and memory requirements

    In Vitro Toxicity Assessment of Stilbene Extract for Its Potential Use as Antioxidant in the Wine Industry

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    The reduction of sulfur dioxide in wine is a consumer’s demand, considering the allergic effects that may occur in people who are sensitive to it. Stilbenes are candidates of great interest for this purpose because of their antioxidant/antimicrobial activities and health properties, and also because they are naturally found in the grapevine. In the present study, the in vitro toxicity of an extract from grapevine shoots (with a stilbene richness of 45.4%) was assessed in two human cell lines. Significant damage was observed from 30 μg/mL after 24 h, and 40 µg/mL after 48 h of exposure. Similarly, the ultrastructural study revealed a significant impairment of cell growing. The extract was able to protect cells against an induced oxidative stress at all concentrations studied. In view of the promising results, a more exhaustive toxicological assessment of the extract is needed to confirm the safety of its further use as additive in wine.España,Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and INIA for the financial support for this project (RTA2015-00005-C02-02

    The delay of consequences and perceived risk: an analysis from the workers’ view point

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    This paper addresses the question of how construction workers perceive occupational risks. It is a question that has not been addressed in scientific research. Specifically, we answer the following research questions: what is the perception of risk of construction workers?; what aspects of risk significantly influence the formation of the overall perception of risk?; are there sociodemographic variables that help to understand the perception of risk of construction workers? and if this were the case, then what are these variables and how do they influence them? Ultimately, it examines the profile of perceived risk, its relation to the delay of consequences and the influence of socio-demographic variables. Respondents filled out a questionnaire in the presence of the survey-taker. The questionnaire was based on the psychometric paradigm, and was comprised of: (a) nine questions, each exploring a perceived risk attribute or dimension rated on a Likert 7-point scale, (b) a question on global risk perception, and (c) categorical questions about socio-demographic issues. The survey was conducted in the city of Granada (Spain). A profile of the construction workers’ perceived risk was obtained. Answers to each attribute were above the neutral line (scores above four). The profile shows the risk dimension with the highest score was the delayed consequences of exposure to risk conditions, a dimension that can be related to ergonomics and occupational hygiene. This is a new outcome since traditionally this dimension was given a lower score in the worker’s perception. A simple linear regression showed global risk may be explained in terms of the delayed consequences dimension (R2=0.29). Finally, a variance analysis (ANOVA) and several t-tests explored the relationship between this dimension and the sample’s socio-demographic variables. To conclude, the delay of consequences is the risk dimension workers perceived as the most critical in their daily chores. In addition, this risk dimension is decisive in creating a high global risk perception. Parenthood, a higher worker category and training are the only socio-demographic variables having an impact on this dimension of perceived risk. Hence, there is a direct relationship between these two variables.Este artículo aborda el problema del desconocimiento por parte de la ciencia de cómo perciben el riesgo laboral los trabajadores de la construcción. Específicamente, se da respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones de investigación: ¿cuál es el riesgo que perciben los trabajadores de la construcción?; ¿qué aspectos del riesgo influyen de forma significativa en la formación del riesgo percibido global?; ¿existen variables sociodemográficas que ayuden a entender la percepción del riesgo de los trabajadores de la construcción?, y en caso afirmativo, ¿cuáles son estas variables y de qué forma influyen? En definitiva, se examina el perfil del riesgo percibido, su relación con la demora de las consecuencias y la influencia de las variables socio-demográficas. Los participantes rellenaron un cuestionario en presencia del encuestador. El cuestionario se basaba en el paradigma psicométrico, y se componía de: (a) nueve cuestiones, donde cada una de ellas exploraba un atributo o dimensión del riesgo en una escala Likert de 7 puntos, (b) una pregunta global de la percepción del riesgo, y (c) preguntas sociodemográficas acerca de ellos mismos. La muestra se consiguió en Granada (España). Como resultado se obtuvo un perfil del riesgo percibido para el trabajador de la construcción. Las respuestas a cada atributo siempre estuvieron por encima de la línea neutral (puntuaciones superiores a cuatro). El perfil muestra que el atributo con mayor puntuación fue el atributo relacionado con la demora de las consecuencias en la exposición al riesgo, una dimensión que puede estar relacionada con la ergonomía y la higiene. Esto es un resultado novedoso ya que tradicionalmente esta dimensión ha obtenido una puntuación menor en la percepción que el trabajador tiene frente a la inmediatez de los efectos. Una regresión lineal muestra que el atributo global del riesgo puede ser explicado por la demora de las consecuencias (R2=0.29). Finalmente, mediante un análisis de la varianza (ANOVA) y varios análisis T se exploró la relación entre esta dimensión y las variables sociodemográficas de la muestra. En conclusión, la demora de las consecuencias es la dimensión del riesgo que los trabajadores perciben más crítica en sus tareas diarias. Además, esta dimensión del riesgo es determinante en la creación de una alta percepción del riesgo global. La paternidad, una categoría laboral superior y la formación son las únicas variables sociodemográficas que tienen impacto en esta dimensión de la percepción del riesgo. Por consecuente, hay una relación directa entre estas dos variables

    Acute and mid-term outcomes of transvenous implant of a new left ventricular quadripolar lead versus bipolar leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy: Results from a single-center prospective database

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the use of a quadripolar left ventricular (LV) lead for cardiac resynchronization therapy and to compare its acute and mid-term outcomes with those obtained with bipolar leads. Cardiac resynchronization exhibits a high incidence of problems involving the LV lead when conventional leads are used, and these problems may be minimized by using multipolar leads. Methods: We gathered clinical, implant, and follow-up data at 3 and 9 months from 21 consecutive patients in whom a quadripolar (Group Q) or bipolar (Group B) lead was used for a biventricular defibrillator implant. Results: The leads were successfully implanted in all of the patients. In Group B, more than one lead was used in 20% (p = 0.048) of cases. There were no clinical differences or differences in the implant parameters between the two groups except for the radiation dose, which was greater in group B (p = 0.035). The incidence of problems related to the LV lead during follow-up was higher in group B, but the difference was not significant (42.9% vs. 23.8%, p = 0.326). The use of more than one LV lead was the only variable that was significantly associated with lead-related problems during follow-up (p = 0.03; OR = 10.8; 95% CI 1.07–108.61). Conclusions: The quadripolar lead was associated with excellent implantation success rates and mid-term performance. The multi-programmability capabilities of quadripolar leads facilitated the achievement of implant goals and helped to reduce problems during the implant and follow-up. (Cardiol J 2012; 19, 5: 470-478

    El caos necesario. Un ensayo sobre la morfología y la sintaxis de los mitos afroasiáticos

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    El mito primordial (Urmythos) no es el primer mito documentado historiográficamente, sino el origen de la narración cultural. Podríamos definirlo como aquel que dota a una sociedad de las nociones de orden y de principio temporal para que esta pueda legitimarse o construirse. Nuestro trabajo, partiendo desde las religiones comparadas, muestra y reflexiona acerca de un modelo funcional del mito primordial (Urmythos) de los proto-afroasiáticos a través de la comparación de los existentes en los grupos étnicos derivados de este
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