48 research outputs found

    Faunal behavior in response to near bottom water dynamics in a marine protected area (Cantabrian Sea, southern Bay of Biscay)

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    A set of lander deployments in a deep marine protected area (MPA; El Cachucho) combining environmental sensors and a baited camera provided insight on the relationship between faunal behavior and oceanographic dynamics. Landers were deployed at different depths, ranging from 500 to 960 m for a period of 24–26 h. A total of 10,989 photographs were downloaded and synchronized using a time code with all the environmental variables recorded (pressure, temperature, salinity, water current, and direction). Total richness accounted for 41 species of different taxonomic groups (21 fishes, 11 crustaceans, 6 echinoderms, and 3 molluscs). The most abundant species were Synaphobranchus kaupii, Mora moro, Phycis blennoides, Helicolenus dactylopterus, and Etmopterus spinax. Arrival times (Tarr) and maximum number of individuals (Nmax) greatly differed among stations. Cluster analysis showed two main faunal groups in relation to depth: those close to the top of the bank and those in the flanks. Species densities were estimated using Priede's equations and compared with those obtained in previous studies using trawl samplers. The relation of species with environmental variables showed high variability depending on the location of the station and the associated variables (depth, current, and water masses). Near-bottom dynamics were consistent with previously known oceanographic patterns at the bank, dominated by background anticyclonic recirculation along the flanks overlaid by strong tidal cycles. Current and hydrography tidally driven phases showed an evident effect in the arrival of species at some locations. Species appeared during specific periods matching the beginning of the flooding phase or end of the ebb phase. Movement rates (cm s−1) were estimated for some invertebrate species, such as crabs (Bathynectes maravigna, 0.66; Pagurus sp., 0.09), the gasteropod Colus gracilis (0.15), and echinoderms (Cidaris cidaris, 0.04; Araeosoma fenestratum, 0.23)

    Threatened, endemic and harvested – two overlooked European skates

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    Sandy ray Leucoraja circularis and shagreen ray L. fullonica are large-bodied skate species occurring in the Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean on the edge of the continental shelf and upper slope. These areas are not sampled effectively by fishery-independent trawl surveys, and fisheries-dependent data are also limited, as these species are landed as a bycatch. Consequently, there are no formal assessments or reference points, even though they are harvested as part of the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for generic skates and rays. The implementation of data-limited assessment methods is often reliant on robust life-history data, which was lacking. Therefore, biological data were collected from 116 specimens of L. circularis (21–116 cm LT) and 54 specimens of L. fullonica (19–100 cm LT). Length at 50% maturity for L. circularis was estimated at 81 cm LT and 100 cm LT for males and females, respectively. This large size at maturity makes them more biologically vulnerable than other skate species managed under the generic TAC. This inherent vulnerability, low representation of mature individuals in trawl surveys and bycatch risk due to spatial overlap with important commercial fisheries suggests that both species, assessed as Threatened, would benefit from precautionary species-specific management measures. L. circularis and L. fullonica are respectively, the only IUCN listed Endangered and Vulnerable elasmobranchs that are endemic to Europe and also occur in UK waters. Therefore, with the eastern Atlantic being the main part of their distribution, urgent research and management action is of even greater importance to conserve them

    Biometric relationships to estimate length and weight of Leucoraja naevus, Raja montagui and R. clavata, from wing landings in Cantabrian Sea.

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    Conference posterThe scarce elasmobranch information existing nowadays has received rapidly growing worlwide attention in targeted fisheries, and also as a by-catch in other fisheries. The landings of rays are significant as by-catch in the North of Spain fisheries, and not always individuals are landed whole. The ray wings are cut on board of commercial vessels, and this landing is recorded by fish-markets. One of the objectives of DELASS project (Development of Elasmobranch Assessments) is to obtain reliable data into a particular area. In this poster the degree of existent correlation between the round fresh weight and landing lenght distribution concerning these species is presented

    Results on main elasmobranches species from 2001 to 2020 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) bottom trawl surveys

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    This working document presents the results of the most significant elasmobranch species caught on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3) in 2020. Biomass, abundance, distribution and length frequency were analysed for Galeus melastomus (blackmouth catshark), Deania calcea (birdbeak dogfish), Deania profundorum (arrowhead dogfish), Scymnodon ringens (knifetooth dogfish), Scyliorhinus canicula (lesser spotted dogfish), Etmopterus spinax (velvet belly lantern shark), Dalatias licha (kitefin shark), Hexanchus griseus (bluntnose sixgill shark), Dipturus nidarosiensis (Norwegian skate), Dipturus batis (common skate), Dipturus intermedius (common skate), Leucoraja circularis (sandy ray) and Leucoraja naevus (cuckoo ray), Squalus acanthias (picked dogfish) and Raja clavata (thornback ray). In 2020 the biomass of D. calcea, S. ringens, D. nidarosiensis, H. griseus and D. licha increased, whereas it decreased for G. melastomus, S. canicula, E. spinax and L. circularis. Signs of recruitment were found for S. ringens and E. spinax. Only a few specimens of S. acanthias, D. profundorum, R. clavata, D. batis, L. naevus and D. intermedius were captured. The species R. montagui, with regular presence in the historical series, was not found in 2020 survey

    Results on main elasmobranch species from 2001 to 2021 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) bottom trawl surveys

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    This working document presents the results of the most significant elasmobranch species caught on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3) in 2021. Biomass and abundance index, distribution and length frequency information is presented for Galeus melastomus (blackmouth catshark), Deania calcea (birdbeak dogfish), Deania profundorum (arrowhead dogfish), Scymnodon ringens (knifetooth dogfish), Scyliorhinus canicula (lesser spotted dogfish), Etmopterus spinax (velvet belly lantern shark), Dalatias licha (kitefin shark), Hexanchus griseus (bluntnose sixgill shark), Dipturus nidarosiensis (Norwegian skate), Dipturus batis (common skate), Dipturus intermedius (common skate), Leucoraja circularis (sandy ray) and Leucoraja naevus (cuckoo ray), Squalus acanthias (picked dogfish), Raja clavata (thornback ray) and Raja montagui (spotted ray). In 2021 the biomass of G. melastomus, D. calcea, S. ringens, D. licha, S. acanthias, L. naevus, L. circularis and D. batis increased, whereas it decreased for D. nidarosiensis, H. griseus, S. canicula and E. spinax. Signs of recruitment were found for G. melastomus, D. calcea, S. ringens, D. licha, D. nidarosiensis and D. batis. Only a few specimens of R. clavata, R. montagui, Centroscymnus coelolepis, Oxynotus paradoxus, Centroscymnus crepidater, Apristurus laurussonii, Galeus murinus and Centrophorus squamosus were caught. The species Centroscyllium fabricii and Neoraja caerulea were captured for the first time in the survey. The species D. profundorum and D. intermedius, with regular presence in the historical series, were not found in 2021 survey

    Commented checklist of marine fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain)

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    A commented checklist containing 139 species of marine fishes recorded at the Galician Bank seamount is presented. The list is based on nine prospecting and research surveys carried out from 1980 to 2011 with different fishing gears. The ichthyofauna list is diversified in 2 superclasses, 3 classes, 20 orders, 62 families and 113 genera. The largest family is Macrouridae, with 9 species, followed by Moridae, Stomiidae and Sternoptychidae with 7 species each. The trachichthyd Hoplostethus mediterraneus and the morid Lepidion lepidion were the most abundant species. Biogeographically, the Atlantic group, with 113 species (81.3%) is the best represented, followed by the Lusitanian one with 17 species (12.2%). Data on species abundance, as number of individuals caught, size and depth are reported. Habitat, distribution and vulnerability status are commented. Moreover, biometric data and meristic counts are also reported for several species. The results obtained showing a high fish biodiversity and a sensible number of threatened species, strongly support the future declaration of the Galicia Bank as a Marine Protected Area.En prensa0,974

    Analysis of seminal plasma from brown bear (Ursus arctos) during the breeding season: Its relationship with testosterone levels

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    [EN] Seminal plasma (SP) plays an important role in the motility, viability and maintenance of the fertilizing capacity of mammalian spermatozoa. This study is the first on brown bear (Ursus arctos) SP components, and has two main objectives: 1) to define the SP composition in bear ejaculate and 2) to identify variations in SP composition in relation to high and low levels of testosterone in serum during the breeding season. Forty-eight sperm samples from 30 sexually mature male brown bears (Ursus arctos) were obtained by electroejaculation, and their serum testosterone levels were assessed to sort the animals into 2 groups (high and low testosterone levels, threshold 5 ng/dl). The biochemical and protein compositions of the SP samples were assessed, and sperm motility was analyzed. We found that lactate dehydrogenase was significantly higher in the low-serum-testosterone samples, while concentrations of lipase and Mg+ values were significantly higher in the high-serum-testosterone samples. In contrast, sperm motility did not significantly differ (P>0.05) between the testosterone level groups (total motility: 74.42.8% in the high-level group vs. 77.1±4.7% in the low-level group). A reference digital model was constructed since there is no information for this wild species. To do this, all gel images were added in a binary multidimensional image and thirty-three spots were identified as the most-repeated spots. An analysis of these proteins was done by qualitative equivalency (isoelectric point and molecular weight) with published data for a bull. SP protein composition was compared between bears with high and low serum testosterone, and three proteins (binder of sperm and two enzymes not identified in the reference bull) showed significant (P<0.05) quantitative differences. We conclude that male bears with high or low serum testosterone levels differs only in some properties of their SP, differences in enzyme LDIP2, energy source LACT2, one protein (similar to BSP1) and Mg ion were identified between these two groups. These data may inform the application of SP to improve bear semen extenders.SIThis work was supported in part by MINECO (CGL2013-48255-R) and Cantur S.A. Luis Anel-Lopez was supported by MINECO (CGL2013-48255-R). C. Ortega Ferrusola is supported by a postdoctoral grant from “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad “Juan de la Cierva” IJCI-2014-21671