401 research outputs found

    Las Políticas Públicas y su Incidencia en la Optimización de la Educación en Colombia

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    This article refers to a documentary review that proposes to investigate the historical evolution of the current legal regulations of public policy in Colombia through its educational reforms, for the understanding of the nature of the educational system and the exploration of the actions implemented by the government for the development of curricular and teaching management. From this exploration, an analysis of the information is carried out to address a viable theoretical foundation on the findings and conditions that affect the provision of educational right by the State and the creation of new public policies. The position is defended that, in order to improve the current educational situation of the country, it is necessary to change the assets and purposes of the educational policies in force, with attention to the organization of the social space of the existing nations to guarantee the fulfillment of the social rights towards the common welfare.El presente artículo remite a revisión documental que propone indagar sobre la evolución histórica de la normativa legal vigente de la política pública en Colombia a través de sus reformas educativas, para la comprensión de la naturaleza del sistema educativo y la exploración de las acciones implementadas por el gobierno para el desarrollo de la gestión curricular y docente. A partir de esta exploración se realiza un análisis de la información para abordar una fundamentación teórica viable sobre los hallazgos y condiciones que inciden en la prestación del derecho educativo por parte del Estado y la creación de nuevas políticas públicas. Se defiende la postura que, para mejorar la situación educativa actual del país, es necesario cambiar los acervos y finalidades de las políticas educativas vigentes, con atención en la organización del espacio social de las naciones existentes para garantizar el cumplimiento de los derechos sociales hacia el bienestar común.   ABSTRACT This article refers to a documentary review that proposes to investigate the historical evolution of the current legal regulations of public policy in Colombia through its educational reforms, for the understanding of the nature of the educational system and the exploration of the actions implemented by the government for the development of curricular and teaching management. From this exploration, an analysis of the information is carried out to address a viable theoretical foundation on the findings and conditions that affect the provision of educational right by the State and the creation of new public policies. The position is defended that, in order to improve the current educational situation of the country, it is necessary to change the assets and purposes of the educational policies in force, with attention to the organization of the social space of the existing nations to guarantee the fulfillment of the social rights towards the common welfare. Key words: Public educational policies, curricular management, social welfare.   RÉSUMÉ Cet article fait référence à une revue documentaire qui propose d'étudier l'évolution historique des réglementations juridiques actuelles de la politique publique en Colombie à travers ses réformes éducatives, pour la compréhension de la nature du système éducatif et l'exploration des actions mises en œuvre par le gouvernement pour le développement de la gestion des programmes et de l'enseignement. À partir de cette exploration, une analyse de l'information est effectuée pour aborder une base théorique viable sur les constatations et les conditions qui affectent la fourniture du droit à l'éducation par l'État et la création de nouvelles politiques publiques. La position est défendue que, pour améliorer la situation éducative actuelle du pays, il est nécessaire de changer les atouts et les objectifs des politiques éducatives en vigueur, avec une attention à l'organisation de l'espace social des nations existantes pour garantir la l'accomplissement des droits sociaux au bien-être commun. Mots clés: Politiques publiques d'éducation, gestion des programmes, protection sociale. &nbsp

    SARS-CoV2 infection: the role of cytokines in COVID-19 disease

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    Elsevier concede permiso para que toda su investigación relacionada con COVID-19 que esté disponible en el centro de recursos COVID-19 -incluido el contenido de esta investigación- esté inmediatamente disponible en PubMed Central y otros repositorios financiados con fondos públicos, como la base de datos COVID de la OMS, con derechos para su reutilización y análisis de investigación sin restricciones en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio con reconocimiento de la fuente original. Estos permisos son concedidos gratuitamente por Elsevier mientras permanezca activo el centro de recursos COVID-19.COVID-19 disease, caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2, is related to a series of physiopathological mechanisms that mobilize a wide variety of biomolecules, mainly immunological in nature. In the most severe cases, the prognosis can be markedly worsened by the hyperproduction of mainly proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, and TNF-α, preferentially targeting lung tissue. This study reviews published data on alterations in the expression of different cytokines in patients with COVID-19 who require admission to an intensive care unit. Data on the implication of cytokines in this disease and their effect on outcomes will support the design of more effective approaches to the management of COVID-19.Este estudio ha contado con el apoyo del grupo de investigación BIO277 (Junta de Andalucía) y del Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Granada

    Análisis de la implementación del currículo evaluado dentro de la filosofía de enseñanza, para la comprensión. En el colegio oblatas al divino amor

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    Este estudio busca analizarlas prácticas evaluativas del aprendizaje en colegio Oblatas al Divino Amor a la luz del programa de la (EPC). A partir de esta exploración se pretenden descubrirlas distancias y los acercamientos en la evaluación del aprendizaje en relación con este modelo. Esto se lleva a cabo haciendo un estudio de las concepciones docentes y las percepciones de los estudiantes en cuanto su práctica evaluativa. La reflexión sobre las prácticas evaluativas le puede permitir a la comunidad adoptar una mirada crítica en cuanto a los procesos de aprendizaje y las maneras de hacer al estudiante partícipe en todo su proceso de evaluació

    Different Sources of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tissue Regeneration: A Guide to Identifying the Most Favorable One in Orthopedics and Dentistry Applications

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    The success of regenerative medicine in various clinical applications depends on the appropriate selection of the source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Indeed, the source conditions, the quality and quantity of MSCs, have an influence on the growth factors, cytokines, extracellular vesicles, and secrete bioactive factors of the regenerative milieu, thus influencing the clinical result. Thus, optimal source selection should harmonize this complex setting and ensure a well-personalized and effective treatment. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be obtained from several sources, including bone marrow and adipose tissue, already used in orthopedic regenerative applications. In this sense, for bone, dental, and oral injuries, MSCs could provide an innovative and effective therapy. The present review aims to compare the properties (proliferation, migration, clonogenicity, angiogenic capacity, differentiation potential, and secretome) of MSCs derived from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and dental tissue to enable clinicians to select the best source of MSCs for their clinical application in bone and oral tissue regeneration to delineate new translational perspectives. A review of the literature was conducted using the search enginesWeb of Science, Pubmed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. An analysis of different publications showed that all sources compared (bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs), adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs), and dental tissue mesenchymal stem cells (DT-MSCs)) are good options to promote proper migration and angiogenesis, and they turn out to be useful for gingival, dental pulp, bone, and periodontal regeneration. In particular, DT-MSCs have better proliferation rates and AT and G-MSC sources showed higher clonogenicity. MSCs from bone marrow, widely used in orthopedic regenerative medicine, are preferable for their differentiation ability. Considering all the properties among sources, BM-MSCs, AT-MSCs, and DT-MSCs present as potential candidates for oral and dental regeneration.Junta de Andalucia"5 per mille" research grant 73042

    An Approach to Precise Nitrogen Management Using Hand-Held Crop Sensor Measurements and Winter Wheat Yield Mapping in a Mediterranean Environment

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    Regardless of the crop production system, nutrients inputs must be controlled at or below a certain economic threshold to achieve an acceptable level of profitability. The use of management zones and variable-rate fertilizer applications is gaining popularity in precision agriculture. Many researchers have evaluated the application of final yield maps and geo-referenced geophysical measurements (e.g., apparent soil electrical conductivity-ECa) as a method of establishing relatively homogeneous management zones within the same plot. Yield estimation models based on crop conditions at certain growth stages, soil nutrient statuses, agronomic factors, moisture statuses, and weed/pest pressures are a primary goal in precision agriculture. This study attempted to achieve the following objectives: (1) to investigate the potential for predicting winter wheat yields using vegetation measurements (the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index—NDVI) at the beginning of the season, thereby allowing for a yield response to nitrogen (N) fertilizer; and (2) evaluate the feasibility of using inexpensive optical sensor measurements in a Mediterranean environment. A field experiment was conducted in two commercial wheat fields near Seville, in southwestern Spain. Yield data were collected at harvest using a yield monitoring system (RDS Ceres II-volumetric meter) installed on a combine. Wheat yield and NDVI values of 3498 ± 481 kg ha−1 and 0.67 ± 0.04 nm nm−1 (field 1) and 3221 ± 531 kg ha−1 and 0.68 ± 0.05 nm nm−1 (field 2) were obtained. In both fields, the yield and NDVI exhibited a strong Pearson correlation, with rxy = 0.64 and p < 10−4 in field 1 and rxy = 0.78 and p < 10−4 in field 2. The preliminary results indicate that hand-held crop sensor-based N management can be applied to wheat production in Spain and has the potential to increase agronomic N-use efficiency on a long-term basis

    New advertising in-real-time formats and transmedia storytelling. A case study on Tous’ Tender Stories campaign

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    El sector publicitario está apostando hoy en día por nuevas estrategias publicitarias basadas en el concepto de narración transmedia. Esto ha sido posible gracias al desarrollo tecnológico que permite al consumidor participar e interaccionar con los contenidos publicitarios a través de diferentes medios y soportes, hecho que supone la configuración de una nueva era de consumidores, denominados por Alvin Toffler (1980) como prosumidores. Un ejemplo de ello lo constituye Tender Stories, una campaña de la firma publicitaria Tous, formada por cinco historias independientes, con el fin de promocionar las diferentes colecciones de temporada de la marca. Su estrategia publicitaria se ha centrado en la expansión de un relato base a través de diferentes plataformas, entre ellas las redes sociales. Precisamente en relación a estas últimas se suma una sexta iniciativa, la más novedosa, lanzada en la red social Instagram –Instagram Tender Stories– que se llevó a cabo en tiempo real. La presente comunicación plantea como objeto de estudio la estrategia publicitaria llevada a cabo por Tous en Tender Stories, la cual se ha basado en la utilización de las principales redes sociales para el desarrollo y la promoción de la campaña entre 2014 y 2016: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook y YouTube. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se ha optado por una perspectiva cualitativa-cuantitativa, con el objetivo de estudiar a través de un análisis de contenido la estrategia narrativa transmedia y el uso de las redes sociales desde el punto de vista de la interacción-participación de los usuarios en la citada campaña publicitaria.Nowadays, the advertising industry is turning to new strategies based on transmedia storytelling. This happens because technological progress allows users to take increasingly part on advertising content and to interact with it across different means and formats, which stands for a new age where consumers are referred to as prosumers (Toffler, 1980). Tender Stories, an advertising campaign created by the firm Tous, is a good example of this kind of content as it is made up of five independent stories aimed at promoting different jewellery collections. The advertising strategy is based on a main story spreading throughout different platforms, with social media among them. Precisely, the most innovative part of the campaign was launched in real time on Instagram –Instagram Tender Stories. This study addresses the analysis of the advertising strategy developed by Tous in Tender Stories, a strategy based on the use of social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube) between 2014 and 2016. A quali-quantitative methodology approach based on the content analysis technique is adopted in order to analyse the campaign’s transmedia storytelling strategy and its use of social media from an interaction-participation point of view

    Role of Vitamin D in the Metabolic Syndrome

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    This study was supported by research group BIO277 (Junta de Andalucía) and the Department of Nursing (University of Granada).The prevalence of hypovitaminosis D has risen in developed countries over the past few years in association with lifestyle changes and an increase in unhealthy habits. Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in various diseases, including metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is clinically defined by a set of metabolic and vascular disorders. The objective of this study was to review scientific evidence on the relationship between MetS and vitamin D deficiency to support the development of prevention strategies and health education programs. An inverse relationship has been reported between plasma vitamin D concentrations and the features that define MetS, i.e., elevated serum concentrations of glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, glycosylated hemoglobin, and a high body mass index. Numerous studies have described the benefits of vitamin D supplementation to improve outcomes in individuals with MetS. Interventions to maintain optimal vitamin D concentrations are proposed as a preventive strategy against MetS.Junta de AndaluciaDepartment of Nursing (University of Granada

    Biological properties and therapeutic applications of garlic and its components

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    This study was supported by research group BIO277 (Junta de Andalucia) and Department of Nursing (University of Granada).Garlic is one of the most widely employed condiments in cooking. It has also been used since ancient times in traditional plant-based medicine, largely based on its organosulfur compounds. The objective of this study was to provide updated information on the biological and therapeutic garlic properties. Garlic has been found to possess important biological properties with high therapeutic potential, which is influenced by the mode of its utilization, preparation, and extraction. It has been attributed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory capacities. Garlic, in particular its organosulfur compounds, can maintain immune system homeostasis through positive effects on immune cells, especially by regulating cytokine proliferation and expression. This may underlie their usefulness in the treatment of infectious and tumor processes. These compounds can also offer vascular benefits by regulating lipid metabolism or by exerting antihypertensive and antiaggregant effects. However, further clinical trials are warranted to confirm the therapeutic potential of garlic and its derivatives.Department of Nursing (University of Granada)Junta de Andaluci

    Elaboración e implementación del plan de manejo de residuos sólidos de la fundación ecogarritas Socorro

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    La elaboración de un plan que permita el manejo adecuado de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) es primordial para la dispersión final, debido a la necesidad del cumplimiento de una normatividad, que se dirige a la implementación de procesos sostenibles. Su implementación permite minimizar el impacto al medio ambiente y asegura la salud de las personas, preserva el medio ambiente y es fundamental para un mejor uso de los recursos naturales. (Argentina.gob, s.f., párr.1) Por otra parte, a pesar de los esfuerzos desarrollados y las políticas implementadas para lograr una reducción significativa de los Residuos Sólidos Municipales (RSM), en América Latina y el Caribe no se encuentran muchos sistemas de aplicación a escala desarrollados por las ciudades o los municipios. (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2009 como se citó en Espinosa, 2011, p.7) La fundación Ecogarritas es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro creada con la finalidad de dar ayuda a perros y gatos que se encuentran en las calles en abandono, y fue establecida legalmente para diciembre del año 2015. (Fundación Ecogarritas, 2015). A pesar de tan importante labor, la Fundación Ecogarritas, que se encuentra ubicada en el municipio de Socorro, Santander, actualmente no desarrolla de manera adecuada la gestión de sus residuos, esto debido a que no cuenta con un Plan de Manejo de Residuos Sólidos que le permita cumplir con estas actividades de forma apropiada. Para el desarrollo del plan se inició un proceso diagnóstico que permita identificar los factores que producen un impacto ambiental a causa de los desechos generados, para luego plantear estrategias que ayuden a mitigar la problemática que se presenta en la fundación, al no desarrollar actividades de disposición final de sus residuos de la forma establecida por la normatividad vigente. Adicionalmente, la generación de programas y estrategias se requiere de manera pronta debido a que la Fundación Ecogarritas han venido en crecimiento por el aumento de la población de gatos y perros que se encuentran en las calles de Socorro, Santander, lo cual representa un problema ambiental, que coloca en situación de riesgo a la población y los trabajadores de la entidad. Mediante la elaboración del PGIRS (Plan de Gestión Integral de los Residuos Sólidos) y en consideración de lo expuesto anteriormente, se debe resaltar que es importante la implementación de estos métodos no se lleva a cabo únicamente para cumplir con lo que se estableció, sino con el propósito de hacer un monitoreo continuo y un correcto seguimiento para que el plan sea más eficaz y eficiente, que contribuirá con una mejora en los procesos de disposición final de forma sostenible para un mejor manejo de estas actividades en la entidad.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro - Facultad de Ingenierías y Ciencias AgropecuariasThrough the elaboration of the PGIRS (Integral Solid Waste Management Plan) and in consideration of the above, it should be noted that it is important that the implementation of these methods is not carried out only to comply with what was established, but with the purpose of continuous monitoring and correct follow-up so that the plan is more effective and efficient, which will contribute to an improvement in the final disposal processes in a sustainable manner for a better management of these activities in the entity