51 research outputs found

    Análisis de cargas de trabajo del personal de administración y servicios de la universidad

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    [ESP] La comunidad de las universidades ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años, tanto en los alumnos matriculados debido a la mayor oferta universitaria, como en el Personal Docente e Investigador (PDI) y Personal de Administración y Servicios (PAS), formado por dos colectivos con distinto tipo de régimen jurídico: funcionarios y laborales no docentes que configuran la estructura administrativa, de gestión y de servicios de la Universidad. Este crecimiento lleva asociado un aumento en las gestiones administrativas en ocasiones no abarcables, provocando así una visión negativa del servicio prestado. Se hace necesario optimizar los recursos disponibles para seguir ofreciendo un servicio eficaz a los usuarios. La Relación de Puestos de Trabajo del PAS se ha ido adaptando para hacer frente a este crecimiento, atendiendo la demanda de puestos de trabajo solicitados desde las distintas unidades. El estudio surge ante la necesidad del Área de Planificación de Recursos Humanos de disponer de una información fiable y útil para la asignación anual de relación de puestos de trabajo

    Sustainable Development and Efficiency Analysis of the Major Urban Water Utilities in Spain

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    In Spain, the water supply service is a municipal responsibility and in general is a sector without competitors. For this reason, an efficiency analysis attains greater significance. This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate the efficiency of different urban water utilities. An extensive data search, where several variables such as the capital expenditure, the cost of material, or the labor have been recorded, has allowed evaluating the relative efficiency of the most important Spanish water distribution networks in using their resources. Furthermore, their sustainable efficiency has also been evaluated by including a variable representing the percentage of water losses. Results reveal the weaknesses of inefficient utilities and help to detect potential aspects that these companies should improve. For instance, there is an evident incorrect management of the costs of material by many urban water utilities, which does not happen with the labor. Additionally, the most efficient water utilities regarding the sustainable efficiency help to discover target percentages of water losses for the inefficient ones.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad - Junta de Andalucía - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) PYC20- RE082 US

    Use of a genetic algorithm for building efficient choice designs

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    Choice design building based on D-error minimization can be accomplished either by using predefined β values or by assuming probabilistic distributions for them. Several mathematical techniques have been used for both approaches in the past, resulting in algorithms that obtain efficient designs, which guarantee the high quality of the information that will be provided by the respondents. This paper proposes the use of a genetic algorithm for dealing with the problem of building designs with minimum D-error, describing the technique and applying it successfully to several benchmark cases. Design matrices, D-error values, percentages of level overlap and computation times are provided for each case

    Prolonged quiescence delays somatic stem cell-like divisions in Caenorhabditis elegans and is controlled by insulin signaling

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    Cells can enter quiescence in adverse conditions and resume proliferation when the environment becomes favorable. Prolonged quiescence comes with a cost, reducing the subsequent speed and potential to return to proliferation. Here, we show that a similar process happens during Caenorhabditis elegans development, providing an in vivo model to study proliferative capacity after quiescence. Hatching under starvation provokes the arrest of blast cell divisions that normally take place during the first larval stage (L1). We have used a novel method to precisely quantify each stage of postembryonic development to analyze the consequences of prolonged L1 quiescence. We report that prolonged L1 quiescence delays the reactivation of blast cell divisions in C. elegans, leading to a delay in the initiation of postembryonic development. The transcription factor DAF‐16/FOXO is necessary for rapid recovery after extended arrest, and this effect is independent from its role as a suppressor of cell proliferation. Instead, the activation of DAF‐16 by decreased insulin signaling reduces the rate of L1 aging, increasing proliferative potential. We also show that yolk provisioning affects the proliferative potential after L1 arrest modulating the rate of L1 aging, providing a possible mechanistic link between insulin signaling and the maintenance of proliferative potential. Furthermore, variable yolk provisioning in embryos is one of the sources of interindividual variability in recovery after quiescence of genetically identical animals. Our results support the relevance of L1 arrest as an in vivo model to study stem cell‐like aging and the mechanisms for maintenance of proliferation potential after quiescence.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2016-74949-P and BFU2012- 35509)European Research Council (ERC-2011-StG-281691)Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship (FP7-PEOPLE-2013- IEF/GA Nr: 627263

    Prohibitin-mediated lifespan and mitochondrial stress implicate SGK-1, insulin/IGF and mTORC2 in C. elegans

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.Lifespan regulation by mitochondrial proteins has been well described, however, the mechanism of this regulation is not fully understood. Amongst the mitochondrial proteins profoundly affecting ageing are prohibitins (PHB-1 and PHB-2). Paradoxically, in C. elegans prohibitin depletion shortens the lifespan of wild type animals while dramatically extending that of metabolically compromised animals, such as daf-2-insulin-receptor mutants. Here we show that amongst the three kinases known to act downstream of daf-2, only loss of function of sgk-1 recapitulates the ageing phenotype observed in daf-2 mutants upon prohibitin depletion. Interestingly, signalling through SGK-1 receives input from an additional pathway, parallel to DAF-2, for the prohibitin-mediated lifespan phenotype. We investigated the effect of prohibitin depletion on the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt). Remarkably, the lifespan extension upon prohibitin elimination, of both daf-2 and sgk-1 mutants, is accompanied by suppression of the UPRmtinduced by lack of prohibitin. On the contrary, gain of function of SGK-1 results in further shortening of lifespan and a further increase of the UPRmtin prohibitin depleted animals. Moreover, SGK-1 interacts with RICT-1 for the regulation of the UPRmtin a parallel pathway to DAF-2. Interestingly, prohibitin depletion in rict-1 loss of function mutant animals also causes lifespan extension. Finally, we reveal an unprecedented role for mTORC2-SGK-1 in the regulation of mitochodrial homeostasis. Together, these results give further insight into the mechanism of lifespan regulation by mitochondrial function and reveal a cross-talk of mitochondria with two key pathways, Insulin/IGF and mTORC2, for the regulation of ageing and stress response.This work was funded by grants from the European Research Council (ERC-2011-StG-281691) and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2012-35509) to M.A.S. The study was also supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG (SFB746, SFB850) to R.B. and from BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies to R.B and M.A.S.Peer Reviewe

    Age-dependent changes of nuclear morphology are uncoupled from longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans IGF/insulin receptor daf-2 mutants

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    Nuclear envelope (NE) architecture and aging have been associated since the discovery that certain human progeria diseases are due to perturbations in processing of lamin A protein, generating alterations in NE morphology. However, whether changes in the NE are a causal effect of normal and premature aging is still controversial. Caenorhabditis elegans is a model organism where observations supporting both, dependent and independent roles of nuclear architecture in the aging process, have been reported. We found that the long-lived glp-1 mutant and dietary restriction delayed age-associated nuclear morphology changes. In addition, we observed that the long-lived mutant of the insulin/IGF receptor daf-2 delayed the age-dependent changes of nuclear architecture at 25 °C, as previously described. However, when daf-2 animals were incubated at 20 °C they remained long-lived, but nuclear appearance changed at similar rate as in the wild type. This supports the idea that both phenotypes, longevity and maintenance of nuclear architecture are tightly associated but can be separated and argues that nuclear morphology deterioration is not a cause of the natural aging process.This work was funded by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia (P07-CVI- 02697). In addition, we wish to acknowledge Fundación Ramón Areces for a fellowship to ER. Some nematode strains used in this work were provided by the ‘‘Caenorhabditis Genetic Center’’, which is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR).Peer Reviewe

    Combined flow cytometry and high-throughput image analysis for the study of essential genes in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Background: Advances in automated image-based microscopy platforms coupled with high-throughput liquid workflows have facilitated the design of large-scale screens utilising multicellular model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans to identify genetic interactions, therapeutic drugs or disease modifiers. However, the analysis of essential genes has lagged behind because lethal or sterile mutations pose a bottleneck for high-throughput approaches, and a systematic way to analyse genetic interactions of essential genes in multicellular organisms has been lacking. Results: In C. elegans, non-conditional lethal mutations can be maintained in heterozygosity using chromosome balancers, commonly expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the pharynx. However, gene expression or function is typically monitored by the use of fluorescent reporters marked with the same fluorophore, presenting a challenge to sort worm populations of interest, particularly at early larval stages. Here, we develop a sorting strategy capable of selecting homozygous mutants carrying a GFP stress reporter from GFP-balanced animals at the second larval stage. Because sorting is not completely error-free, we develop an automated high-throughput image analysis protocol that identifies and discards animals carrying the chromosome balancer. We demonstrate the experimental usefulness of combining sorting of homozygous lethal mutants and automated image analysis in a functional genomic RNA interference (RNAi) screen for genes that genetically interact with mitochondrial prohibitin (PHB). Lack of PHB results in embryonic lethality, while homozygous PHB deletion mutants develop into sterile adults due to maternal contribution and strongly induce the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR mt ). In a chromosome-wide RNAi screen for C. elegans genes having human orthologues, we uncover both known and new PHB genetic interactors affecting the UPR mt and growth. Conclusions: The method presented here allows the study of balanced lethal mutations in a high-throughput manner. It can be easily adapted depending on the user's requirements and should serve as a useful resource for the C. elegans community for probing new biological aspects of essential nematode genes as well as the generation of more comprehensive genetic networks.European Research Council ERC-2011-StG-281691Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2012–3550

    An automated method for the analysis of food intake behaviour in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The study of mechanisms that govern feeding behaviour and its related disorders is a matter of global health interest. The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans is becoming a model organism of choice to study these conserved pathways. C. elegans feeding depends on the contraction of the pharynx (pumping). Thanks to the worm transparency, pumping can be directly observed under a stereoscope. Therefore, C. elegans feeding has been historically investigated by counting pharyngeal pumping or by other indirect approaches. However, those methods are short-term, time-consuming and unsuitable for independent measurements of sizable numbers of individuals. Although some particular devices and long-term methods have been lately reported, they fail in the automated, scalable and/or continuous aspects. Here we present an automated bioluminescence-based method for the analysis and continuous monitoring of worm feeding in a multi-well format. We validate the method using genetic, environmental and pharmacological modulators of pharyngeal pumping. This flexible methodology allows studying food intake at specific time-points or during longer periods of time, in single worms or in populations at any developmental stage. Additionally, changes in feeding rates in response to differential metabolic status or external environmental cues can be monitored in real time, allowing accurate kinetic measurements.España MINECO BFU2012-3550

    Optimization of recyclable waste collection using real-time information

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    This paper addresses the recyclable waste collection problem in urban areas. The work focuses on the recyclable glass bins collection, but with the peculiarity that these are provided with a device that sends fill level data daily to the control center. With this additional real time information we propose a collection policy that minimizes the length of the routes of vehicles on two levels, one daily and other for a larger planning horizon. This proposed policy is compared to the one used in the current literature and only optimizes the daily routes. Several simulations of the two policies are performed on a model of the city of Seville. Results show the proposed policy achieves better results in terms of meeting demand and better utilization of resources

    Cepa de trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos

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    Cepa de trichoderma útil para el tratamiento y/o prevención de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos. La invención se refiere a una nueva cepa de hongos perteneciente a la especie Trichoderma harzianum resistente a cobre capaz de inhibir el crecimiento de otros microorganismos, preferiblemente hongos, fitopatógenos. Por ello, se propone su uso como fertilizante y para la prevención y/o tratamiento de infecciones de plantas y/o suelos provocadas por microorganismos fitopatógenos, preferiblemente por los patotipos defoliante o no defoliante de Verticillium dahliae, agente causante de la verticilosis del olivo. Además, debido a su capacidad de resistencia a cobre, la cepa de la invención puede ser utilizada en un método de prevención y/o tratamiento de infecciones provocadas por microorganismos, preferiblemente hongos, fitopatógenos en combinación con otros agentes antifúngicos.Españ