2 research outputs found

    La formaci贸n de actitudes ambientales en actividades deportivas (Revisi贸n)

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    The problem is related to the development of environmental education in primary education, particularly in sports activities, since an adequate methodological work that contributes to the development of environmental attitudes from all subjects has not yet been achieved. A study of the main references that support the theoretical framework of this research is carried out, which can serve as a reference for all teachers of the different subjects, as well as the trends in the development of environmental education in Cuba. As a result, it contributes to the solution of this problem through the contribution of theories that enrich the methodological preparation of teachers. The article aims to declare the referents of the environmental education process in primary education, which constitute an important theoretical and practical reference for the formation of environmental attitudes in the teaching-learning of subjects such as Natural Sciences, Geography, Physical Education and the development of extra-educational activities to promote the work with environmental education.La problem谩tica est谩 relacionada con el desarrollo de la educaci贸n ambiental en la ense帽anza primaria, particularmente en las actividades deportivas, pues todav铆a no se logra un adecuado trabajo metodol贸gico que contribuya al desarrollo de actitudes ambientales desde todas las diferentes asignaturas. Se realiza un estudio de los principales referentes que sustentan el marco te贸rico de esta investigaci贸n que pueden servir de referencia a todos los profesores de las diferentes asignaturas, as铆 como se declaran las tendencias del desarrollo de la educaci贸n ambiental en Cuba. Como resultado, se contribuye a la soluci贸n de esta problem谩tica mediante el aporte de teor铆as que enriquecen la preparaci贸n metodol贸gica de los docentes. El art铆culo tiene como objetivo declarar los referentes del proceso de educaci贸n ambiental en la ense帽anza primaria, los cuales constituyen un referente te贸rico y pr谩ctico importante para la formaci贸n de actitudes ambientales en la ense帽anza aprendizaje de asignaturas como Ciencias Naturales, Geograf铆a, Educaci贸n F铆sica y desarrollo de actividades extradocentes para fomentar el trabajo con la educaci贸n ambiental

    Environmental Education: an efficient process for the formation of conservational attitudes in elementary school students. (Original)

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    El presente art铆culo es resultado de una tesis de grado para solucionar, desde la investigaci贸n, la problem谩tica relacionada con el desarrollo de la educaci贸n ambiental en la ense帽anza primaria, pues todav铆a no se logra un adecuado trabajo metodol贸gico que contribuya al desarrollo de actitudes ambientales. Se realiza un estudio de los principales referentes que sustentan el marco te贸rico de esta investigaci贸n, se declaran las tendencias del desarrollo de la educaci贸n ambiental en Cuba, as铆 como el diagn贸stico de su situaci贸n actual desde el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje. Como resultado se contribuye a la soluci贸n de esta problem谩tica mediante el aporte de teor铆as que enriquecen la preparaci贸n metodol贸gica de los docentes. El art铆culo tiene como objetivo declarar los referentes del proceso de educaci贸n ambiental en la ense帽anza primaria, los cuales constituyen un referente te贸rico y pr谩ctico importante para la formaci贸n de actitudes ambientales en la ense帽anza aprendizaje de asignaturas como el Mundo en que Vivimos, Ciencias Naturales, Geograf铆a y desarrollo de actividades extra clases para fomentar el trabajo con la educaci贸n ambiental.This article is the result of a thesis to solve, from the research process, the problems related to the development of environmental education in primary education, since an adequate methodological work that contributes to the development of environmental attitudes has not been achieved yet. A study of the main references that support the theoretical framework of this research is made, the trends of the development of environmental education in Cuba are declared, as well as the diagnosis of its current situation from the teaching learning process in this level of education. As a result, it contributes to the solution of this problem through the contribution of theories that enrich the methodological preparation of teachers. The article aims at declaring the references of the environmental education process in primary education, which constitutes an important theoretical and practical reference for the formation of environmental attitudes in the teaching learning process of subjects such as the World We Live in, Natural Sciences, Geography and the development of extra class activities to promote the work with environmental education