10 research outputs found

    Isonymic Relations In The Bolivia-Argentina Border

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    When migrating, people carry their cultural and genetic history, changing both, the transmitting and the recipient populations. This phenomenon changes the structure of the population of a country. The question is how to analyze the impact on the border region. A demographic and geopolitical analysis of borders requires an interdisciplinary approach. An isonymic analysis can be a useful tool. Surnames are part of cultural history, socio-cultural features transmitted from ancestors to their descendants through a vertical mechanism similar to that of genetic inheritance. The analysis of surname distribution can give quantitative information about the genetic structure of populations. The isonymic relations between border communities in southernBoliviaand northernArgentinawere analyzed from electoral registers. This comprised 89 sections included in 4 major administrative divisions, 2 from each country, which includes the international frontier. The Euclidean and geographic distance matrices where estimated for all possible pair wise comparisons between sections. The average isonymic distance was lower between Argentine than between Bolivian populations. Argentine sections formed three clusters, of which only one included a Bolivian section. The remaining clusters were exclusively formed by sections fromBolivia. The isonymic distance was greater along the border. Regardless of the intense human mobility in the past as in the present, and the presence of three major trans-border conurbations, the Bolivian-Argentine international boundary functions as a geographical and administrative barrier that affects differentially the distribution and frequency of surnames. The observed pattern could possibly be a continuity of pre-Columbian regional organization

    Population groups in Uruguay based on the distribution of surnames

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    Recientemente publicamos el análisis de los apellidos del Padrón Electoral de 2010 de la República Oriental del Uruguay a través de distancias isonímicas, basado en sus 19 departamentos y las 171 comparaciones posibles entre estos, lo que mostró la forma-ción de dos grandes agrupamientos en el sur, y otros pocos vinculados en el norte y este. El objetivo del presente trabajo es detallar el análisis de las distancias isonímicas utilizando la distribución de apellidos, no a nivel departamental, sino de los 221 municipios en los cuales se divide el país. Se estimaron las distancias isonímicas entre ellos, tomados dos a dos (24.310 comparaciones), se construyeron las matrices de distancia correspondientes y se correlacionaron con las de distancias geográficas. La correlación fue mayor para la distancia euclídea (r=0,253±0,033), intermedia para la de Lasker (r=0,18±0,029) y menor para la de Nei (r=0,17±0,03), todas estadísticamente significativas (p<0,001). Se construyeron nuevos dendrogramas determinándose agrupamientos no identificados previamente. Se destaca cierta homogeneidad en el sur con las me-nores distancias, con 7 agrupamientos cercanos a  Montevideo. Al norte, con mayores distancias que denotan mayor heterogeneidad de apellidos, se identifican 8 agrupamientos. Se corrobora que el río Negro actuó como barrera geográfica, pero también se observan límites marcados por otros accidentes orográficos, hidrográficos, históricos y factores sociodemográficos no identificados en el análisis anterior. Por último, se resalta la utilidad del uso de apellidos para analizar la estructura poblacional, permitiendo el análisis global de la población de un país, en este caso, Uruguay.Recently we published the analysis of surnames of the 2010 Electoral Register of República Oriental del Uruguay through calculation of isonymic distances, based on the 19 departments of the country, and the 171 possible comparisons, showing two large clusters in the south, and a few others with smaller relationships in the north and east. The purpose of the present work is to deepen the analysis of isonymic distances using the distribution of surnames based on the 221 municipalities, instead of departments, that make up the country. Isonymic distances were estimated taking two at a time, for 24,310 comparisons. Matrices of isonymic distances were tested for correlation with geographic distance. The correlations were higher (r=0.253±0.033) for euclidean, intermediate for Lasker (r=0.18±0.029), and lower for Nei’s distance (r=0.17±0.03), all statistically significant (p<0.001). New dendrograms were constructed with clusters not previously determined. The relative surname homogeneity in the south is noteworthy, with 7 clusters close to Montevideo. In the north, with 8 clusters identified, distances are greater, revealing more surname heterogeneity. It was confirmed that the Río Negro acted as a geographical barrier, but orographic, hydrographic, historic, and sociodemographic factors, which were not detected in the previous analysis, were also involved. Finally, the usefulness of surnames in the analysis of the population structure of a whole country, in this case Uruguay, was highlighted

    Diversidad mitocondrial en el nor-occidente de venezuela. implicaciones para probables rutas migratorias prehispánicas

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    RESUMEN La utilidad del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt) para determinar afinidad genética entre grupos indígenas contemporáneos e inferir sobre migraciones, ha sido demostrada; pero la imposibilidad de estudiar grupos prehispánicos extintos, limita las inferencias sobre migraciones en esa época. El mestizaje en poblaciones neoamericanas ha sido caracterizado por uniones entre hombres europeos y mujeres indígenas, permitiendo detectar en la población contemporánea haplogrupos mitocondriales amerindios que informan sobre poblaciones extintas. Para conocer los linajes femeninos en el occidente de Venezuela, se estudiaron los haplogrupos del ADNmt a partir de RFLP, en una muestra de 193 individuos con antepasados procedentes del occidente de Venezuela, 81 del Estado Lara (Barquisimeto) y 112 de tres pueblos del Estado Falcón (Macu-quita=25, Macanillas=29 y Churuguara=58). Se comparó la distribución de haplogrupos entre las poblaciones y se estimó el mestizaje por línea femenina en ellas. Se comparó la distribución de cuatro haplogrupos indígenas con otras regiones de América. Se observa que en las cuatro poblaciones predominan haplogrupos amerindios, seguidos de los africanos. Al comparar la fracción indígena con el resto de América encontramos que Macanillas, Lara y Churuguara se asemejan a grupos de Amazonas y Suramérica, mientras que Macuquita a Aruba. Esto sugiere una diversidad genética importante en esa zona como probable ruta de paso hacia el sur y el Caribe; además refleja vínculos genéticos importantes entre grupos prehispánicos de Aruba y los de la Península de Paraguaná. Evidencias arqueológicas soportan estos postulados. Se recomienda aumentar la muestra y realizar análisis de secuencias para un nivel mayor de precisión. Palabras clave: ADN mitocondrial, haplogrupos, población venezolana, grupos indígenas. ABSTRACT Mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been widely used to study genetic relationships between contemporary Amerindian groups and to infer ancestral migration movements; however inferences about migration routes of prehispanic extinct groups are difficult. Admixture of Neoamerican groups has been characterized by unions between European males and Amerindian females. This allows the identification in present populations of Amerindian mitocondrial haplogroups which give information on ancestral groups. In order to investigate female lineages present in western Venezuela, RFLP haplogroups from mtDNA were obtained from 193 individuals with grandparents from this region, 81 from the State of Lara (Barquisimeto) and 112 from 3 towns of the State of Falcon (Macuquita=25; Macanilla=29 and Churuguara=58). Comparison of haplogroup distributions between groups was performed, and admixture estimates based on female lineages were obtained. The distribution of four Amerindian haplogroups was compared with those of other populations from the American Continent. In our four samples Amerindian haplogroups predominate, followed by those of African origin. In the comparison of the mtDNA Amerindian fraction with other populations we find that Macanillas, Lara and Churuguara are similar to South American and Amazonian groups whilst Macuquita is similar to groups from Aruba. Our findings suggest an important genetic diversity in this region, explained by migration routes to and from the south and the Caribean. They also suggest genetic relationship between prehispanic groups from Aruba and those from the Paraguaná peninsula, which have been inferred by archeological evidences. An increase in sample size and analysis of sequences for more precision is recommended. Key words: Mitocondrial DNA, haplogroups, Venezuelan population, Amerindians

    Isonymy Structure of Sucre and Táchira, Two Venezuelan States

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    The isonymy structure of two Venezuelan states, Sucre and Tachira, is described using the surnames of the Register of Electors updated in 1991. The frequency distribution of surnames pooled together by sex was obtained for the 57 counties of Sucre and the 52 counties of Tachira, based on total population sizes of 158,705 and 160,690 individuals respectively. The coefficient of consanguinity resulting from random isonymy ((/\u3e„), Karlin and McGregor’s /?, (= v), and the proportion of the population included in surnames represented only once (estimator A) and in the seven most frequent surnames (estimator B) were calculated for each county. RST, a measure of microdifferentiation, was estimated for each state. The Euclidean distance between pairs of counties within states was calculated together with the corresponding geographic distances. The correlations between their logarithmic transformations were significant in both cases, indicating differentiation of surnames by distance. Dendrograms based on the Euclidean distance matrix were constructed. From them a first approximation of the effect of internal migration within states was obtained. Ninety-six percent of the coefficient of consanguinity resulting from random isonymy is determined by the proportion of the population included in the seven most frequent surnames, whereas between 72% and 88% of Karlin and McGregor’s nt for Sucre and Tachira, respectively, is determined by the proportion of population included in surnames represented only once. Surnames with generalized and with focal distribution were identified for both states, to be used as possible indicators of the geographic origin of their carriers. Our results indicate that Tachira’s counties, on average, tend to be more isolated than Sucre’s counties, as measured by RsT, estimator B, and u. Comparisons with the results obtained for other Venezuelan states and other non-Venezuelan populations are also given

    Consanguinity by random isonymy and socioeconomic development in Argentina: a population study

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    In human populations various flexible, labile and interdependent structures (genetic, demographic, socioeconomic) co-exist, each of which can be organized in an hierarchical order corresponding to administrative entities. The relationship between consanguinity, as estimated by random isonymy (F ST), and socioeconomic conditions was analysed at different levels of political and administrative organization in Argentina. From the surnames of 22,666,139 voters from the 2001 electoral roll, F ST was estimated for 510 Argentinian departments. Using a principal component analysis, a Socio-Demographic and Economic Indicator (SDEI), summarizing the effect of 22 socioeconomic and demographic variables at the departmental level, was computed. The relationship between departmental F ST and SDEI values was analysed for the whole nation and within regions using multiple regression analysis. The F ST presented a clinal distribution with the highest values in the north and west of the country, while SDEI expressed the opposite behaviour. A negative and significant correlation was observed between F ST and SDEI, accounting for 46% of the variation in consanguinity in Argentina. The strongest correlations of F ST with SDEI were observed in the Central, Patagonia and Cuyo regions, i.e. those with the highest values of SDEI and lowest values of F ST.Fil: Dipierri, Jose Edgardo. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez Larralde, Alvaro. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas; VenezuelaFil: Barrai, Italo. Universidad de Ferrara; ItaliaFil: Redomero, Esperanza Gutiérrez. Universidad de Alcalá; EspañaFil: Alonso Rodríguez, Concepción. Universidad de Alcalá; EspañaFil: Alfaro Gómez, Emma Laura. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Biología de la Altura; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; Argentin

    Distribución de apellidos y migración en el noroeste argentino

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    Surname distribution may replace quantitative information on the genetic and demographic structure of human populations. Deviations of random unions due to a limited number of ancestors, sex, preference or rejection of certain types of consanguineous marriages, and a limited migration within a social or geographical space constitute the population structure. The objective of this study was to use surnames as an analytical element to examine the population structure and recent migration pattern of the 6 provinces that constitute the Argentine Northwest (ANW): Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, La Rioja, Catamarca, and Santiago del Estero. The sample of male and female surnames corresponding to 2,576,548 individuals proceeded from Voting Registers (2001). The following population movement indicators were calculated for the 117 ANW departments: Karlin MacGregor�s v, Wright�s m, and Rodríguez Larralde�s A. These values were correlated to the population sample size and proportion of Unsatisfied Basic Needs (UBN) and urban populations. A negative relationship was observed between the sample size and the 3 anthroponimics indicators. Correlation between v and m was positive and very strong (r = 0,953) and the A indicator presented a positive relationship to both. Percentages of UBN population and urban population correlated both positively and negatively, respectively, to v and m. It was concluded that different indicators developed from frequency and distribution of surnames provided similar results about recent migration in the ANW, and that it was more significant in the smaller population-sized departments. Although these indicators do not allow making a distinction between the relative contribution of emigration and immigration to the migratory flow, it maybe hypothesized that the predominant movement would be that of individuals moving toward urban centers where better living conditions can be found.La distribución de los apellidos puede suplir la información cuantitativa sobre la estructura, genética y demográfica, de las poblaciones humanas. Las desviaciones de las uniones al azar debidas al limitado número de ancestros, al sexo, a la preferencia o al rechazo por ciertos tipos de uniones consanguíneas y a una migración limitada en el espacio social o geográfico constituye la estructura de población. El objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar los apellidos como elemento analítico para examinar la estructura poblacional y el patrón de migración reciente de las 6 provincias que integran el Noroeste Argentino (NOA): Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, La Rioja, Catamarca y Santiago del Estero. La muestra de apellidos de varones y mujeres, correspondientes a 2.576.548 individuos, provino de los Padrones Electorales (2001). Se calcularon para los 117 departamentos del NOA los siguientes indicadores de movimiento poblacional: v de Karlin MacGregor, m de Wright y A de Rodríguez Larralde. Estos se correlacionaron con el tamaño de la muestra y los porcentajes de población con Necesidades Básicas Insatisfechas (NBI) y de población urbana. Se observó una correlación negativa entre el tamaño de la muestra y los 3 indicadores antroponímicos. La correlación entre v y m fue positiva y muy fuerte (r = 0,953) y el indicador A presentó una correlación positiva con ambos. Los porcentajes de población con NBI y de población urbana se correlacionaron positiva y negativamente, respectivamente, con v y m. Se concluye que distintos indicadores construidos a partir de la frecuencia y distribución de apellidos proporcionan resultados similares sobre la migración reciente en el NOA y que ésta es más importante en los departamentos de menor tamaño poblacional. Aunque no se puede distinguir con estos indicadores la contribución relativa de la emigración y de la inmigración al flujo migratorio, se plantea la hipótesis de que el movimiento predominante sería el de salida de individuos hacia los centros urbanos y con mejores condiciones de vida


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    RESUMEN La utilidad del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt) para determinar afinidad genética entre grupos indígenas contemporáneos e inferir sobre migraciones, ha sido demostrada; pero la imposibilidad de estudiar grupos prehispánicos extintos, limita las inferencias sobre migraciones en esa época. El mestizaje en poblaciones neoamericanas ha sido caracterizado por uniones entre hombres europeos y mujeres indígenas, permitiendo detectar en la población contemporánea haplogrupos mitocondriales amerindios que informan sobre poblaciones extintas. Para conocer los linajes femeninos en el occidente de Venezuela, se estudiaron los haplogrupos del ADNmt a partir de RFLP, en una muestra de 193 individuos con antepasados procedentes del occidente de Venezuela, 81 del Estado Lara (Barquisimeto) y 112 de tres pueblos del Estado Falcón (Macu-quita=25, Macanillas=29 y Churuguara=58). Se comparó la distribución de haplogrupos entre las poblaciones y se estimó el mestizaje por línea femenina en ellas. Se comparó la distribución de cuatro haplogrupos indígenas con otras regiones de América. Se observa que en las cuatro poblaciones predominan haplogrupos amerindios, seguidos de los africanos. Al comparar la fracción indígena con el resto de América encontramos que Macanillas, Lara y Churuguara se asemejan a grupos de Amazonas y Suramérica, mientras que Macuquita a Aruba. Esto sugiere una diversidad genética importante en esa zona como probable ruta de paso hacia el sur y el Caribe; además refleja vínculos genéticos importantes entre grupos prehispánicos de Aruba y los de la Península de Paraguaná. Evidencias arqueológicas soportan estos postulados. Se recomienda aumentar la muestra y realizar análisis de secuencias para un nivel mayor de precisión. Palabras clave: ADN mitocondrial, haplogrupos, población venezolana, grupos indígenas. ABSTRACT Mitocondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been widely used to study genetic relationships between contemporary Amerindian groups and to infer ancestral migration movements; however inferences about migration routes of prehispanic extinct groups are difficult. Admixture of Neoamerican groups has been characterized by unions between European males and Amerindian females. This allows the identification in present populations of Amerindian mitocondrial haplogroups which give information on ancestral groups. In order to investigate female lineages present in western Venezuela, RFLP haplogroups from mtDNA were obtained from 193 individuals with grandparents from this region, 81 from the State of Lara (Barquisimeto) and 112 from 3 towns of the State of Falcon (Macuquita=25; Macanilla=29 and Churuguara=58). Comparison of haplogroup distributions between groups was performed, and admixture estimates based on female lineages were obtained. The distribution of four Amerindian haplogroups was compared with those of other populations from the American Continent. In our four samples Amerindian haplogroups predominate, followed by those of African origin. In the comparison of the mtDNA Amerindian fraction with other populations we find that Macanillas, Lara and Churuguara are similar to South American and Amazonian groups whilst Macuquita is similar to groups from Aruba. Our findings suggest an important genetic diversity in this region, explained by migration routes to and from the south and the Caribean. They also suggest genetic relationship between prehispanic groups from Aruba and those from the Paraguaná peninsula, which have been inferred by archeological evidences. An increase in sample size and analysis of sequences for more precision is recommended. Key words: Mitocondrial DNA, haplogroups, Venezuelan population, Amerindians