633 research outputs found

    The influence of differences between father and mother on adolescent adjustment

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    Este trabajo se centra en analizar cómo influyen en el consumo de sustancias (tabaco, alcohol y cannabis) y el bienestar psicológico adolescente (calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y satisfacción vital) las diferencias entre el padre y la madre en afecto, promoción de la autonomía, revelación, interés y conocimiento. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 10170 chicos y chicas españoles de 13 a 18 años de familias biparentales que participaron en la edición 2006 del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes que indicaron que su padre y madre coincidían en presentar altos niveles en las dimensiones familiares analizadas consumieron menos sustancias y tuvieron mejor bienestar psicológico. Por el contrario, el ajuste de los adolescentes cuyos progenitores (padre y madre) tenían bajos niveles en esas dimensiones familiares fue peor. Concretamente, la dimensión más importante para el consumo de sustancias fue el conocimiento parental y para el bienestar psicológico lo fue el afecto parental; la revelación adolescente solo fue relevante para el consumo de alcohol y la calidad de vida, mientras que la promoción parental de la autonomía lo fue para la calidad de vida.This paper analyzes how the differences between father and mother in affection, promotion of autonomy, disclosure, solicitation and knowledge influence on substance use (tobacco, alcohol and cannabis) and psychological well-being (health-related quality of life and life satisfaction). The sample was composed of 10170 boys and girls aged 13 to 18 years from two-parent families who participated in 2006 edition of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Results indicated that adolescents whose both parents had high values for the different family dimensions used less substance and scored higher in psychological well-being. In contrast, the adjustment of adolescents whose both parents had low values for the different family dimensions was worse. Specifically, the most important dimension for substance use was parental knowledge and for psychological well-being was parental affection; adolescent disclosure was only relevant for alcohol use and quality of life, and parental promotion of autonomy for quality of life

    Revisión del uso de suplementos de vitamina D

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    La vitamina D está considerada como una hormona capaz de regular distintos procesos de nuestro organismo, por lo que, además de su papel fundamental en el equilibrio fosfocálcico, se le atribuyen varias funciones extraóseas. A pesar de los esfuerzos de los profesionales por intentar transmitir la importancia de mantener unos niveles adecuados de vitamina D y hacer un uso responsable de los suplementos, sigue existiendo controversia a la hora de establecer cuáles son los valores óptimos. Se han revisado los beneficios de estos suplementos sobre algunas de las enfermedades más prevalentes en la actualidad, encontrándose diferencias significativas y por tanto, una relación positiva entre la vitamina D y la dermatitis atópica en niños, cáncer y la Covid-19, algo que puede resultar útil durante esta pandemia. Destacamos la trascendencia del calcifediol durante el embarazo y la edad pediátrica, tras observar en pacientes suplementados una disminución del riesgo a padecer determinadas enfermedades. Asimismo, ocurre algo parecido con la fuerza muscular, niveles de vitamina D por encima de 20 ng/ml se relacionaron con una mejora al realizar ciertas actividades cotidianas. Aunque se observaron resultados positivos en algunos casos, las expectativas que tenía la comunidad científica no se cumplieron, lo que les anima a seguir investigando.Vitamin D is considered to be a hormone capable of regulating different processes in our body. In addition to its fundamental role in the phosphocalcic balance, several extra-osseous functions are attributed to it. Despite the efforts of professionals to try to convey the importance of maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D and making responsible use of supplements, there is still controversy when it comes to establishing optimal values. The benefits of these supplements on some of the most prevalent diseases have been reviewed, finding significant differences and therefore a positive relationship between vitamin D and atopic dermatitis in children, cancer and Covid-19, something that may prove useful during this pandemic. We highlight the importance of calcifediol during pregnancy and in the pediatric age, after observing a decrease in the risk of suffering from certain diseases in supplemented patients. Likewise, something similar happens with muscle strength, vitamin D levels above 20 ng / ml were related to an improvement when performing certain daily activities. Although positive results were observed in some cases, the expectations of the scientific community were not met, which encourages them to continue investigating.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Farmaci

    El implante coclear en niños : su eficacia funcional desde la perspectiva de las familias y los profesionales

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    This doctoral thesis focus on the study carried on in the island of Tenerife with children with cochlear implants, families and professionals of the educational area. The study gathers the opinions both from parents and from professionals about the functional efficiency of the cochlear implant. The situation of detection of the deafness and of later confrontation and expectations on the part of the families is an object of analysis of this investigation. The presented study analyzes the answers given by a total of 28 implanted children, 23 families and 21 professionals, by means of the contrast of results obtained across questionnaires of opinion to parents and professionals, interviews, standardized tests of the linguistic competence of the implanted children.Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio realizado en la isla de Tenerife con niños con implante coclear, sus familias y los profesionales del ámbito educativo. El estudio realizado recoge las opiniones tanto de los padres como de los profesionales sobre la eficacia funcional del implante coclear. Aborda uno de los campos menos tratados del proceso de implantación, nos referimos a los procesos de toma de decisiones, afrontamiento y expectativas de los padres, así como, de la coordinación entre los profesionales y las respuestas educativas que precisan. El estudio presentado analiza las respuestas dadas por un total de 28 niños implantados, 23 familias y 21 profesionales, mediante el contraste de resultados obtenidos a través de cuestionarios de opinión a padres y profesionales, entrevistas y pruebas estandarizadas de la competencia lingüística de los niños implantados

    Perspectivas de la terapia farmacológica en el cáncer de mama. Visión de enfermería.

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    El uso de la terapia sistémica en el cáncer de mama (quimioterapia, hormonoterapia e inmunoterapia) depende entre otros factores, del tipo de cáncer, su estadio evolutivo y características y estado previo de la paciente que va a ser tratada. La quimioterapia es altamente citotóxica y se administra intermitentemente en ciclos para permitir la regeneración celular de los tejidos sanos afectados. Por su parte, la terapia hormonal solo es útil en el cáncer de mama hormonosensible. Sin embargo, los anticuerpos monoclonales tienen la propiedad de reconocer ciertas moléculas que son propias de las células cancerosas para terminar destruyéndolas sin afectar a las células sanas, es decir, no son citotóxicos per se. Para administrar de forma segura y eficaz estas terapias, la enfermera responsable, debe conocer bien estos fármacos, sus modos de acción y las consecuencias de su extravasación, así como sus efectos terapéuticos y adversos. Además, una buena comunicación, junto al diseño de un plan de cuidados adaptado a las necesidades individuales, permite aportar información sobre los posibles cambios potenciales en la enfermedad, prestar los cuidados requeridos en cada momento y mejorar en lo posible, tanto la calidad de vida de la paciente, como la de su familia.The use of systemic therapy in breast cancer (chemotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy) depends, among other factors, on the type of cancer, stage of progression and characteristics and previous state of the patient to be treated. Chemotherapy is highly cytotoxic and is administered intermittently in cycles to allow cell regeneration of affected healthy tissues. Hormone therapy, on the other hand, is only useful in hormone-sensitive breast cancer. However, monoclonal antibodies have the property of recognize certain molecules that are specific to cancer cells and destroying them without affecting healthy cells, they are not cytotoxic by themselves. In order to administer these therapies safely and effectively, the nurse in charge must have a good knowledge of these drugs, their modes of action and the consequences of their extravasation, as well as their therapeutic and adverse effects. In addition, good communication, together with the design of a care plan adapted to individual needs, makes it possible to provide information on possible potential changes in the disease, to provide the care required at all times and to improve, as far as possible, both the quality of life of the patient and that of her family

    Sense of coherence and substance use in Spanish adolescents. Does the effect of SOC depend on patterns of substance use in their peer group?

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron analizar las relaciones entre el sentido de coherencia (SOC) y el consumo de sustancias en los adolescentes españoles y el potencial efecto moderador de los patrones de consumo de sustancias en el grupo de iguales en dicha relación. La muestra constaba de 5475 adolescentes españoles de 15 a 18 años, participantes en la edición 2010 del estudio Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Los análisis estadísticos consistieron en análisis de cluster, para identificar grupos de adolescentes según los patrones de consumo de sustancias en su grupo de iguales, y regresión logística, con el SOC y los patrones de consumo en el grupo de iguales como predictores del consumo actual de tabaco y alcohol, episodios de embriaguez alguna vez en la vida y en la actualidad. Los resultados mostraron que un fuerte SOC parecía reducir la probabilidad de consumo de tabaco y episodios de embriaguez, pero no se asoció con el consumo actual de alcohol. Además, el efecto protector del SOC estaba moderado por los patrones de consumo del grupo de iguales. En concreto, el SOC tuvo un efecto protector significativo en los adolescentes cuyo grupo de iguales mostraba un patrón de no consumo o de frecuente consumo de alcohol y episodios de embriaguez ocasionales, pero el efecto del SOC desapareció si el patrón de consumo de los iguales incluía drogas ilegales. En conclusión, el SOC tiende a actuar como un factor protector individual respecto al consumo de sustancias durante la adolescencia, pero la influencia del grupo de iguales parece moderar dicho efecto protector del SOC.The aims of this work were to analyse the relationships between sense of coherence (SOC) and substance use among Spanish adolescents and to examine the potential moderator effect of the patterns of substance use in the peer group. Sample consisted of 5475 Spanish adolescents aged 15 to 18 from the 2010 edition of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study. Statistical analysis included cluster analysis to identify groups of adolescents according to their peer group’s patterns of substance use and logistic regression with SOC and peers’ pattern of consumption as predictors of current tobacco use, current alcohol use, life-time drunkenness and current drunkenness. The results showed that a strong SOC seemed to reduce the adolescents’ likelihood of involving in tobacco use and drunkenness, but it was not associated with being a current drinker. In addition, the protective effect of SOC was moderated by peers’ patterns of substance use. Specifically, SOC had a significant protective influence in adolescents whose peer group showed either a nonconsumption pattern or a pattern of frequent alcohol use and occasional drunkenness; but the protective effect of SOC disappeared if peers showed a pattern of consumption that included illegal drugs. In conclusion, SOC tends to act as a protective personal variable with respect to substance use during adolescence, but the influence exerted by the peer group seems to moderate the aforementioned protective effect of SOC

    Parent–child relationships and adolescents' life satisfaction across the first decade of the new millennium

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    Objective To examine whether changes occurred in parent–child relationships (maternal and paternal affection, ease of communication with the mother and father, maternal and paternal knowledge, and family activities) between 2002 and 2010 in boys and girls and to examine the contributions of these family dimensions to life satisfaction. Background Although parent–child relationships may be affected by social change, there are few investigations of change in parent–child relationships over time. Method The sample consisted of 46,593 adolescents between 11 to 18 years of age who participated in the 2002, 2006, or 2010 editions of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in Spain. Trend analysis including univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and factorial ANOVAs were conducted separately for boys and girls, and effect size tests were calculated. Results Communication with fathers and family activities statistically increased across HBSC editions and parent–child relationships were positively associated with life satisfaction across the examined period. Conclusion There were small positive changes in some family dimensions, and some of them were increasingly important for adolescent life satisfaction over time. Implications Interventions for strengthening parent–child relationships and promoting adolescent well-being should include mothers and fathers and emphasize affection, communication, and family activities.Ministerio de Educación FPU2009-097

    Assessing adolescents' information management with mothers and fathers: a brief report

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    Adolescents’ information management is a fundamental topic for research on adolescence, with numerous studies using Kerr and Stattin’s (2000; Stattin & Kerr, 2000) scale or adapted versions from this tool for the assessment of this key dimension of parent-child relationships. Although this measure was initially considered to be a unidimensional scale assessing disclosure, studies later suggested a two-factor structure, making a distinction between disclosure and secrecy. The objective of this study is to analyse the factorial structure of Kerr and Stattin’s (2000) original scale of routine disclosure, including a separate analysis of the scale functioning when used to assess information management with mothers and with fathers. Participants came from a representative sample of Spanish adolescents aged 11–18 years old who had taken part in the 2014 edition of the WHO-collaborative survey Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using EQS 6.1 to compare two competing factorial structures based on the literature: one factor vs two correlated factors. Results showed that the two correlated-factors structure had a better fit to the data, both for the analysis of the maternal and paternal scales. However, one of the disclosure items also loaded on secrecy, which can be attributed to the item content. Therefore, although our results further support the differentiation between disclosure and secrecy, they also point to a possible effect of the imbalance of item content in this scale functioning, which requires attention in future research.Ministerio de Salud, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad de Españ

    Sociometric typologies during adolescence: Contrasting different scoring techniques and formulas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar distintas fórmulas para la clasificación sociométrica y analizar la relación de las tipologías obtenidas con cada sistema y la conducta evaluada por los iguales en la adolescencia. Un total de 1.009 estudiantes de 4º de ESO fueron clasificados utilizando cuatro sistemas distintos: dos basados en la técnica de nominación de Coie y Dodge y Newcomb y Bukowski, una adaptación de este último basada en la revisión del estatus de ignorados, y un cuarto sistema basado en la escala de calificación de Maassen y Laandsheer. Los resultados muestran una asociación significativa entre las cuatro clasificaciones, pero también diferencias entre ellas, mostrándose más relacionados entre sí los que parten de la técnica de nominación, además de ofrecer una mejor caracterización conductual de las categorías sociométricas.Our aim in this work is to compare the different sociometric classification formulae and to analyze possible connections between each type of formula and each behaviour assessed by peers during adolescence. We classified a total of 1,009 Spanish fourth-grade secondary education students (15-year-olds) using four different systems: two were based on a nomination technique by Coie and Dodge, Newcomb and Bukowski, the third system was a modified version of the latter based on the revision of the neglected status, and a fourth system was based on the qualification scale by Maassen and Laandsheer. Results show a significant relation between all four classifications, but there are also differences among them. The classifications proceeding from the nomination technique share more similarities and also offer a better behavioural characterization of sociometric categories
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