150 research outputs found

    Kinematic analysis and dimensional optimization of a 2R2T parallel manipulator

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    International audienceThe need of a device providing two translational (2T) and two rotational (2R) movements led us to the design a 3UPS-1RPU parallel manipulator. The manipulator consisted on a mobile platform connected to a base through four legs. That is, the manipulator layout has one central leg and three external legs at the same radial distance. By studying different locations of the legs anchoring point, we improved the first layout design, yet not the optimal one. On this basis, this paper focus on the optimal dimensional design of the manipulator. To this end, we put forward the kinematics equations of the manipulator in accordance to the anchoring points coordinates. Through a numerical approach, the equations enable to find the manipulator workspace. Also, we find a global manipulability index using a local dexterity measure. The latter index serves as optimal function. The optimization process considers joint constraints. Thus, we built a nonlinear optimization problem solved through sequential quadratic programming algorithms. We start by optimizing only a small set of parameters rather than the entire set, which gives us insights on the initial guess to optimize using the entire set. The optimal design layout varies from the original layout. Findings suggest that a task-oriented reconfiguration strategy can improve manipulator performance

    Upgrading of Traditional Electric Meter Into Wireless Electric Meter Using ZigBee Technology

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    Since the electric generating, distributing and marketing has been possible; the Electric Meter was introduced and developed along the years, but never like this time. The digital technology, the wireless communication, and the computer systems have dramatically changed the Electric meter generation from Traditional Meter to Automatic Meter and now to Smart Meter. Their differences lie in how to collect and process information, and the amount of information they can provide. Even so the traditional meter reading has been long used, and it is still one of the most common ways for meter reading. This method, however, has their disadvantages which are the result of human basis reading method that uses. If the reading problem is solved by adding a simple circuit, which makes it automatic it will be still useful method of reading. In this paper it is described a prototype for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system that uses a Traditional meter, ZigBee modules, and Mesh network. As result the system gives, full capability of automatic meter even some features of smart meter too. This experiment has an important result for developing country like Ethiopia, which almost 99% its meters are the Traditional meter

    Mapa de zonas sismogeneradoras en cuba

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    A new distribution of seismogenetic zones in Cuba is presented and discussed. Three main conditions are taken into account: tectonic-geological characteristics, geodynamic conditions and seismic activity of the Cuban block and surrounding areas. A new version of the classification system of Cuban seismogenetic zones is shown.Se presenta en forma de mapa y se discute una nueva propuesta de distribucion de 19 zonas sismogeneradoras en Cuba que toma en consideracion, para la etapa conternporanea del desarrollo geologico, tres elementos principales: las caracteristicas qeoloqo-tectontcas, las condiciones geodinamicas y la actividad sismica del megabloque cubano y de su entomo inmediato. Una nueva version del sistema de claslticacton de zonas sismogeneradoras (de 4 categorias) es expuesta y aplicad

    Using Internet Protocols to Implement IEC 60870-5 Telecontrol Functions

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    The telecommunication networks of telecontrol systems in electric utilities have undergone an innovation process. This has removed many of their technical restrictions and made it possible to consider carrying out telecontrol tasks with general standard protocols instead of the specific ones that are used currently. These are defined in the standards 60870-5, 60870-6, and 61850 from the International Electrotechnical Commission, among others. This paper is about the implementation, using the services of general standard protocols, of the telecontrol application functions defined by the standard IEC 60870-5-104. The general protocols used to carry out telecontrol tasks are those used in the Internet: the telecommunication network-management protocol SNMPv3 (simple network management protocol version 3), the clock synchronization protocol network time protocol and Secure SHell. With this new implementation, we have achieved, among others, two important aims: 1) to improve performance and, above all, 2) to solve the serious security problems present in the telecontrol protocols currently being used. These problems were presented by IEEE in an article published in the website of the IEEE Standards Association. In this paper, the use of general standard protocols to perform the telecontrol of electrical networks is justified. The development of this paper—its achievements and conclusions and the tools used—is detailed.Junta de Andalucía EXC-2005-TIC-1023Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-0843

    Open and Flexible Embedded System Applied to Positioning and Telecontrol

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    This paper presents the development and testing of an open and flexible embedded system applied to positioning and telecontrol (OFESAPO) for outdoor applications. The system is composed of a control center (CC) and a set of remote terminal units (RTUs); the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60870-5 series has been chosen for communication among them. This is a standard protocol of real-time telecontrol applications. The CC is a personal computer, and the RTUs are based on open hardware and software. The RTU hardware is an embedded system, i.e., a system-on-chip-type design using fieldprogrammable gate array that has been programmed with the open-core LEON running Linux operating system. For prototyping, the GR-XC3S-1500 board has been used. As there is no open source code available for the IEC standard protocols, an open source code has also been implemented. Hence, both the hardware and the software are open source in OFESAPO. Several tests have been made to show the system’s limitations and the suitability for real-time applications. A prototype has also been tested in a real environment, where the real position of two moving RTUs was shown by a CC using Google Map.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC

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    This paper presents a work in progress for the developing of a fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC, an IEEE 802.15.4 embedded software implementation from Atmel to be used in different scenarios like e_health, ambient living or smart building. The system is thought to work as another one that we have yet developed but using the BitCloud Stack, a full-featured, second generation embedded software stack from the same supplier, but improving it. The first steps followed up in the system development are shown in this paper.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    The IEC-60870-5 standard for a personal server applied to telemedicine

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    This paper presents a proposal of a flexible telemedicine system for remote patient monitoring. It can be used in different kind of environments where there is only available low speed transmission links like Radio Frequency. This proposal includes the use of a previous work where the IEC-60870-S standard was applied to the development of an open and flexible RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) based in open hardware, a SoCtype design using a FPGA programmed with the open core LEON and open source, so both the hardware and the ISO are open source.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Comparison Among Ambiguous Virtual Keyboards For People With Severe Motor Disabilities

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    This paper presents an exhaustive study on the different topologies of ambiguous soft keyboards, analyzing the text entry average time per character and the average number of user inputs necessary for its creation. Various topologies and design criteria are investigated. In addition, an analytical model is also proposed. This model allows one to compare among different topologies and estimate the sensitivity that different keyboards offer when compared with dictionary hit rates. It has been found that ambiguous keyboards, with six keys, are better to us

    Proyecto de intervención paisajística en Ciudad Universitaria - Córdoba Capital

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    Trabajo Final Integrador (Área de Consolidación Planificación, Gestión y Manejo de Espacios Verdes - Ingeniería Agronómica) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2019El presente trabajo forma parte del Área de Consolidación de Planificación, Gestión y Manejo de Espacios verdes, en la cual se realizó un proyecto de intervención paisajístico en un sector público en la Ciudad Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. En primer lugar, se recabó información del pasado y presente del sitio por medio de fotografías, encuestas, visitas en diferentes momentos del día y el año, consulta de material bibliográfico, y a partir de ahí se realizó un análisis ambiental, social y funcional del sitio en cuestión. Luego de sintetizar este análisis se elaboró un diagnóstico F.O.D.A del lugar. El objetivo de este trabajo es poner en valor un espacio verde público y responder a las distintas necesidades que demanda el sitio. Una vez evaluado el sitio y considerando las necesidades del mismo se proyectó un parque público y se plantearon medidas de ejecución (Plan de Obra) y medidas de manejo (Plan de Manejo).Fil: Gallo Ingrao, Octavio María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Gómez Burón, Agustín Patricio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Rodríguez Moreno, Joaquín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Meehan, Ana Ruth. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Espacios Verdes; Argentina