6 research outputs found

    Flexible Abrasive Tools for the Deburring and Finishing of Holes in Superalloys

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    Many manufacturing sectors require high surface finishing. After machining operations such as milling or drilling, undesirable burrs or insufficient edge finishing may be generated. For decades, many finishing processes have been on a handmade basis; this fact is accentuated when dealing with complex geometries especially for high value-added parts. In recent years, there has been a tendency towards trying to automate these kinds of processes as far as possible, with repeatability and time/money savings being the main purposes. Based on this idea, the aim of this work was to check new tools and strategies for finishing aeronautical parts, especially critical engine parts made from Inconel 718, a very ductile nickel alloy. Automating the edge finishing of chamfered holes is a complicated but very important goal. In this paper, flexible abrasive tools were used for this purpose. A complete study of different abrasive possibilities was carried out, mainly focusing on roughness analysis and the final edge results obtainedThe authors gratefully acknowledge the project “Estrategias avanzadas de definición de fresado en piezas rotativas integrales, con aseguramiento de requisito de fiabilidad y productividad IBRELIABLE” (DPI2016-74845-R), and “Discos de freno premium para trenes de alta velocidad”, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy

    Edge finishing of large turbine casings using defined multi-edge and abrasive tools in automated cells

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    Automate finishing processes is a global challenge in several industrial sectors. Concretely, when dealing with aero-engine components, only simple finishing processes are automated nowadays. Most of the high-added value components manufactured are finished hand working, using deburring and polishing manual techniques. The driver of the proposed work is to achieve the necessary knowledge to introduce in a production line a complete finishing process for automated robotic deburring applications with low machinability materials (Inconel 718 in this case-study) on aero-engine casings with complex geometries: extruded casting bosses, internal features, etc. For this purpose, a three-step methodology is presented and analysed, providing a feasible workflow combining visual inspection for part positioning and edge location, with multi-edge solid tools and flexible abrasive tools to automate finishing operations, taking into account all process singularities. Results show that, using correct techniques, processes and parameters, an automated finishing process reducing operating time can be implemented in production lines.Thanks are addressed to the HAZITEK program from the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and from FEDER founds, related to the project with acronym FAKTORIA. Authors are also grateful to the Basque government group IT IT1337-19. Finally, thanks are owed to the Ministry of Mineco REF DPI2016-74845-R and PID2019-109340RB-I00

    Comparison of dry and liquid carbon dioxide cutting conditions based on machining performance and life cycle assessment for end milling GFRP

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    In the present scenario, citizens' concern about environment preservation creates a necessity to mature more ecological and energy-efficient manufacturing processes and materials. The usage of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) is one of the emerging materials to replace the traditional metallic alloys in the automotive and aircraft industries. However, it has been comprehended to arise a sustainable substitute to conventional emulsion-based coolants in machining processes for dropping the destructive effects on the ecosystem without degrading the machining performance. So, in this study, the comparison of the two sustainable cutting fluid approaches, i.e., dry and LCO2, has been presented based on machining performance indicators like temperature, modulus of cutting force, tool wear, surface roughness, power consumption, and life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis for end milling of GFRP. The cutting condition of LCO2 has been found to be superior in terms of machining performance by providing 80% of lower cutting zone temperature, tool wear, 5% lower modulus of cutting force, and reduced surface roughness with 9% lower power consumption that has been observed in the case of LCO2 in comparison with dry machining. However, to compress the CO2 for converting in liquid form, a higher amount of energy and natural resources is consumed resulting in a higher impact on the environment in comparison with dry machining. Considering the 18 impact categories of ReCiPe midpoint (H) 2016, 95% higher values of impacts have been observed in the case of LCO2 in comparison with dry machining.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The authors received financial support from Basque Government in the Excellence University Group system call, grant IT 1573-22

    A Cleaner Milling Process Replacing Emulsion Coolant by Cryogenics CO2

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    In manufacturing sector, looking for a balance between environmental and technical efficiency taking into account productivity is mandatory. Some sectors, such as the biomedical manufacturing sector, also needs to consider the cleanness inherent to prosthesis manufacturing processes for avoiding pathogens transfer to the human body, that is, neither chemicals, bacteria, nor uncontrolled metals can be introduced during the surgical intervention. This work here presented stems from the idea of analyzing the cleanness of cryogenic cooling to be applied to medical pieces. For this, several samples were machined using CO2 cryogenic technology and oil emulsions, respectively. In particular, a modified milling tool was used to apply not only efficiently as cutting fluid but also as cleaner fluid. Afterwards, they were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with the aim of looking for biological remains. Finally, with the aim of validating the modified tool in which CO2 is introduced axially as internal coolant, its tool life was tested in comparison with a conventional one. The results shown that the use of CO2 as internal coolant significantly improves the cleanness of current machining processes in comparison with the use of oil emulsions and the way in which is injected does not affect to machining performance.Authors owes deeply thanks to Basque Government university group IT 1573, High performance machining, MiCINN PDC2021-121792-I00 New cutting tools production for manufacturing high added-value turbomachinery components with acronym: HCTAYLOR. In addition, the authors thanks to Grant PID2019-109340RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and to Vice chancellor of innovation, social compromise and cultural action from UPV/EHU (Bizialab program from Basque Government). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Inconel 718 aleaziozko pieza asimetriko baten konformatzea prentsa gabe?

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    This article upholds the possibility of forming an aeronautical component made of In-conel 718 sheet by means of Incremental Sheet Forming and without using a forming press. The re-search work presented aims to validate the operation of the hydrostatic ball burnishing as a strategy to improve the surface quality of an aeronautical component of Inconel 718, previously shaped by Asymetric Incremetal Sheet Forming (AISF). The combination of both processes, burnishing on AISF, has a very high level of innovation and is a pioneer in its application on an industrial component made of this high performance nickel-chromium alloy. The surface quality of the incrementally shaped component has been studied to subsequently apply a burnishing by means of the hydrostatic ball. The results obtained confirm the feasibility of the proposed strategy, with a reduction in roughness ranges between 20 and 65%, depending on the area treated.; Artikulu honek berresten du posible dela Inconel 718 aleaziozko pieza asimetriko bat prentsa gabe konformatzea. Aurkeztutako ikerketa-lanak bola bidezko leunketa hidrostatikoaren erren-dimendua balioztatzeko asmoa du, aurrez inkrementalki konformatutako Inconel 718 aleazio aeronauti-koko piezetan. Lanaren helburua pieza aeronautikoen gainazal akaberaren optimizazioa da. Konforma-zio inkrementalaren eta bola-leunketaren konbinazioa balioztatzeak berrikuntza-maila handia aurkezten du eta aitzindaria da bere aplikazioan. Pieza konformatuaren gainazalaren kalitatea aztertu ondoren bola bidezko leunketa hidrostatikoa aplikatu da. Egindako emaitzek baieztatu dute proposatutako estrategia-ren bideragarritasuna, zimurtasuna %33 eta % 70 artean murriztea, tratatutako eremuaren arabera

    CO2 cryogenic milling of Inconel 718: cutting forces and tool wear Author links open overlay panel

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    Machining Inconel 718 alloy is a challenge due to its low machinability. This thermal resis-tant alloy combines high strength even at high temperatures with strain hardening tendency that causes high forces and extreme cutting temperatures during the machining. These issues force industries to achieve suitable machining processes to deal with this kind of alloys and the high worldwide competitiveness. Nevertheless, environmental considera-tions must to be taken into account due to growing environmental concerns. In the work here presented, cryogenic cooling with external MQL lubrication (CryoMQL) working along with CO2 as internal coolant is proposed for milling Inconel 718 with the aim of not only improving from a technical point of view but also environmental. This technique was com-pared with other lubricooling techniques. The results show that internal CryoMQL improves tool life by 57% in comparison with emulsion coolant, achieving 120% if it is compared with MQL in stand-alone mode. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.Special thanks are addressed to Basque Country universitygroup 1377-19 and Ministry of Science, project DPI2016-74845R. Authors are also grateful to Vice chancellor of innovation, social compromise and cultural action from UPV/EHU (Bizialabprogram from Basque Government)