15,270 research outputs found

    Magnetic field variations associated with umbral flashes and penumbral waves

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    Umbral flashes (UF) and running penumbral waves (RPWs) in sunspot chromospheres leave a dramatic imprint in the intensity profile of the Ca II 854.2 nm line. Recent studies have focussed on also explaining the observed polarization profiles, that show even more dramatic variations during the passage of these shock fronts. While most of these variations can be explained with an almost constant magnetic field as a function of time, several studies have reported changes in the inferred magnetic field strength during UF phases. In this study we investigate the origin of these periodic variations of the magnetic field strength by analyzing a time-series of high temporal cadence observations acquired in the Ca II line with the CRISP instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. In particular, we analyze how the inferred geometrical height scale changes between quiescent and UF phases, and whether those changes are enough to explain the observed changes in BB. We have performed non-LTE data inversions with the NICOLE code of a time-series of very high spatio-temporal resolution observations in the Ca II and Fe I 630.15\630.25 nm lines. Our results indicate that the Ca II line in sunspots is greatly sensitive to magnetic fields at logτ500=5\log\tau_{500}=-5 during UFs and quiescence. However, this optical depth value does not correspond to the same geometrical height during the two phases. Our results indicate that during UFs and RPWs the logτ=5\log\tau=-5 is located at a higher geometrical height than during quiescence. Additionally, the inferred magnetic field values are higher in UFs (~270 G) and in RPWs (~100 G). Our results suggest that opacity changes caused by UFs and RPWs cannot explain the observed temporal variations in the magnetic field, as the line seems to form at higher geometrical heights where the field is expected to be lower.Comment: Accepted in A&

    The chromosphere above a δ\delta-sunspot in the presence of fan-shaped jets

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    δ\delta-sunspots are known to be favourable locations for fast and energetic events like flares and CMEs. The photosphere of this type of sunspots has been thoroughly investigated in the past three decades. The atmospheric conditions in the chromosphere are not so well known, however. his study is focused on the chromosphere of a δ\delta-sunspot that harbours a series of fan-shaped jets in its penumbra . The aim of this study is to establish the magnetic field topology and the temperature distribution in the presence of jets in the photosphere and the chromosphere. We use data from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We invert the spectropolarimetric FeI 6302~\AA\ and CaII ~8542~\AA\ data from the SST using the the non-LTE inversion code NICOLE to estimate the magnetic field configuration, temperature and velocity structure in the chromosphere. A loop-like magnetic structure is observed to emerge in the penumbra of the sunspot. The jets are launched from the loop-like structure. Magnetic reconnection between this emerging field and the pre-existing vertical field is suggested by hot plasma patches on the interface between the two fields. The height at which the reconnection takes place is located between logτ500=2\log \tau_{500} = -2 and logτ500=3\log \tau_{500} = -3. The magnetic field vector and the atmospheric temperature maps show a stationary configuration during the whole observation.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures. Recommended for publication in A&

    Calidad de la información sobre cambio climático en la prensa española

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    Multiculturalismo, interculturalismo y autonomía

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    Este artículo examina dos enfoques teóri- cos sobre la autonomía: el multiculturalis- mo liberal y el interculturalismo latinoa- mericano. El argumento principal es que el enfoque intercultural es idóneo para fun- damentar la autonomía que el multicultu- ralismo porque tiene un mayor alcance metodológico y sus horizontes normativos son más amplios. En primer lugar, se exa- minan las críticas del interculturalismo al multiculturalismo liberal de Kymlicka. Se- guidamente, se estudian sus concepciones de la autonomía

    Efectividad de las intervenciones enfermeras y tratamiento no farmacológico en personas con demencia: Revisión narrativa

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción. El número de personas con demencia es cada vez mayor y esto tiene un importante impacto en el entorno familiar y socioeconómico. Actualmente no existe un tratamiento farmacológico curativo, por lo que se hace necesario un abordaje multidisciplinar que englobe intervenciones no farmacológicas. Objetivos. Valorar la efectividad de las terapias no farmacológicas e intervenciones aplicadas por personal de enfermería en el manejo de pacientes con demencia y sus cuidadores. Metodología. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, CUIDEN, Scielo y la plataforma ELSEVIER en 2018. El límite temporal fue de 5 años. Se buscaron las palabras clave en título y abstract. Resultados. Se identificaron inicialmente 416 artículos, de los cuales se incluyeron en la revisión 17. Discusión. Las intervenciones realizadas por enfermería en pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer, se pueden dividir en función del grupo diana al que van dirigidas. Las TNF dirigidas al paciente, ayudan a estabilizar o mejorar los déficits cognitivos y funcionales. Las intervenciones dirigidas a los cuidadores tienen la finalidad de apoyo y asesoramiento para promover el bienestar. Conclusiones. Las TNF pueden y deben usarse por profesionales de enfermería por su competencia profesional e implicación en el cuidado de pacientes con patología crónica, en especial pacientes con demencias. A partir de esta revisión se puede concluir que estas terapias han demostrado ser efectivas y necesarias en la atención a pacientes con demencia.Introduction. The number of people with dementia is increasing and this has an important impact on the family and socioeconomic environment. Nowadays, there is no curative pharmacological treatment, so a multidisciplinary approach involving non-pharmacological interventions is necessary. Objectives. To assess the effectiveness of non-pharmacological therapies and interventions applied by nursing staff in the management of patients with dementia and their caregivers. Methodology. A bibliographic search was carried out in the databases PubMed, CUIDEN, Scielo and the ELSEVIER platform in 2018. The time limit was 5 years. The keywords were searched in title and abstract. Results. Initially 416 articles were identified, of which were included in the review 17. Discussion. The interventions carried out by nursing in patients with Alzheimer's dementia can be divided according to the target group to which they are directed. NPTs directed to the patient help to stabilize or improve cognitive and functional deficits. Interventions aimed at caregivers are intended for support and counseling to promote well-being. Conclusions. The NPT can and should be used by nursing professionals because of their professional competence and involvement in the care of patients with chronic pathology, especially patients with dementias. From this review it can be concluded that these therapies have proven to be effective and necessary in the care of patients with dementia