144 research outputs found

    Peculiaridades de la Economía islandesa en los albores del siglo XXI

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    Se repasa brevemente la historia y las finanzas islandesas de manera diacrónica. Se presenta a Islandia como bastión del estallido de la crisis financiera internacional que comienza a gestarse a principios del siglo XXI y cuyo origen se hace evidente en la fecha simbólica del año 2008. Se analizan las razones fundamentales de esta crisis, centrándonos en las particularidades de la estructura económica islandesa. Se consideran las diferencias y parecidos de esta situación en relación a algunos otros países en similares circunstancias. Se estudia el caso del banco Icesave. Se considera la repercusión que la crisis experimentada por Islandia tiene en el ámbito internacional, especialmente en los inversores extranjeros y en los conflictos jurídicos surgidos a raíz de las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno islandés para sacar al país de la bancarrota

    Brand loyalty and electronic word-of-mouth antecedents: the moderating effects of experiences.

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    [EN] Purpose - This paper aims to analyse brand loyalty and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) antecedents in restaurants: (i) utilitarian and hedonic benefits (ii) brand satisfaction and (iii) brand love. It also provides valuable knowledge through the comparison between positive and negative restaurant experiences. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was carried out of restaurant satisfied and dissatisfied consumers. Structural equation modelling (SEM) and multi-group analysis were performed to examine the cause-and-effect relationship in both groups. Findings – The results show the relevance of benefits, brand satisfaction and brand love as causes for brand loyalty and e-WOM. Also, the relationships are significantly stronger for dissatisfied consumers than for satisfied ones. Originality/value - The outcome of the research provides new insights to develop a conceptual S-O-R model of consumers’ restaurant behavior by drawing comparisons across satisfied and dissatisfied ones

    Fundamentación y metodología de la formación profesional integral: versión 1

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    Ofrece al instructor la oportunidad de evaluar y mejorar sus habilidades y estrategias para la autogestión a través de tres unidades de aprendizaje: Estrategias para el desarrollo del aprendizaje autónomo, Contextualización de la Formación Profesional Integral, Metodología para la Formación Profesional Integral.It offers the instructor the opportunity to evaluate and improve their skills and strategies for self-management through three learning units: Strategies for the development of autonomous learning, Contextualization of Integral Vocational Training, Methodology for Integral Vocational Training.Norma de competencia -- Diagrama de desarrollo -- Unidades de aprendizaje -- Tiempo máximo del módulo -- Perfil del instructor.na42 página

    Modeling and optimization of acetic acid fermentation: A polynomial-based approach

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    Vinegar production is a typical bioprocess in the scope of the agrifood industry. Its optimization requirescareful modeling which has so far been addressed by using mainly unstructured first principles models. Because of the difficulties in obtaining these models, black box models, such as those used here, are becoming more frequently used. The polynomial models developed in this work, accurately reflect theeffect of the major and typical operational variables used in industry for this process. Also, responsesurfaces were used to identify the optimum operating conditions with a view to maximizing the meanfermentation rate and productivity. The followed strategy has a huge industrial interest since yields a tool that does not only allow finding the best operational conditions depending on different criteria but also is useful for process control. As far as we know this is the first time that these variables have been correlated in this way

    Calidad del pavimento rígido sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas y mecánicas en la Av. 10 de julio, Huamachuco – La Libertad, 2017

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    La presente investigación titulada “Calidad del pavimento rígido sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas y mecánicas en la av. 10 de julio, Huamachuco – La Libertad, 2017”. Nos enfocó en encontrar las fallas prematuras en el pavimento rígido, especialmente en las ciudades de la sierra peruana, teniendo en cuenta que la sierra de nuestro país tiene un clima variado, a ello se suma las lluvias ácidas, sales. En este caso se estudió a la Av. 10 de Julio - Huamachuco - Sánchez Carrión - La Libertad; teniendo como referencia el expediente de las cuadras (2, 3, 4, 5 y 6); para lo cual se evalúa la calidad del pavimento rígido, que actualmente sufre las consecuencias de estar deteriorada en un corto plazo; para que con esta investigación se logre saber cuáles son los motivos que se debe tener en cuenta para futuras pavimentaciones o construcciones. Esta investigación se realizó, al enfatizar la importancia de conocer los factores que generan las fallas prematuras, establecer propuestas para mejorar la calidad del pavimento rígido y el servicio de tránsito y peatonal haciendo uso de la norma técnica CE- 010 del pavimento urbano. Para lo cual se realizó inspecciones detalladas, respetando los patrones establecidos, y recolectando datos según el formato de índice de condición de pavimento (PCI) para así determinar el estado actual del pavimento rígido mediante un rango de calificación (ASTM D6433-07). Se obtuvieron testigos, extraídos con diamantina de la Av. 10 de julio, según norma CE 010, a dichos testigos se les realizaron diferentes ensayos tales como: absorción, densidad, porosidad, permeabilidad, capilaridad; también análisis químico como pH, salinidad, conductividad, total solidos disueltos, sulfatos y alcalinidad, en el caso del concreto, también se estudió su resistencia a la compresión de acuerdo a la ASTM C39, el cual se determinó la calidad actual del concreto y saber en qué se debe mejorar especialmente en zonas altas de nuestro territorio. Para dicho ensayo se usó los testigos con dimensiones de 10.0 cm x 5.4 cm. Por último, se obtuvieron los resultados promedio del índice de condición de pavimento (PCI) de 41.6 y de la resistencia a la compresión muy variable dando un promedio de 176.7 kg/cm², en la que demostrando así que el pavimento rígido se encuentra en mal estado o baja calidad, para su pronta remodelación.The present investigation entitled "Rigid pavement quality on the physical, chemical and mechanical properties in the av. July 10, Huamachuco - La Libertad, 2017. " We focused on finding premature failures in the rigid pavement, especially in the cities of the Peruvian highlands, taking into account that the sierra of our country has a varied climate, to which acid rains, salts present. In this case, we studied Av. 10 de Julio - Huamachuco - Sánchez Carrión - La Libertad; having as reference the file of the blocks (2, 3, 4, 5 and 6); for which the quality of the rigid pavement is evaluated, that at the moment suffers the consequences of being deteriorated in a short term; so that with this investigation it is possible to know what are the reasons that must be taken into account for future paving or constructions. This research was carried out, emphasizing the importance of knowing the factors that generate premature failures, establishing proposals to improve the quality of rigid pavement and the pedestrian and traffic service making use of the technical standard CE-010 of urban pavement. For which detailed inspections were made, respecting the established standards, and collecting data according to the pavement condition index (PCI) format to determine the current state of the rigid pavement through a rating range (ASTM D6433-07). Witnesses were obtained, extracted with diamond from the Av. July 10, according to CE 010, to these witnesses were carried out different tests such as: absorption, density, porosity, permeability, capillarity; also chemical analysis such as pH, salinity, conductivity, total dissolved solids, sulphates and alkalinity, in the case of concrete, its compression strength was also studied according to ASTM C39, which determined the current quality of concrete and know what should be improved especially in high areas of our territory. For this test, the controls with dimensions of 10.0 cm x 5.4 cm were used. Finally, the average results of the pavement condition index (PCI) of 41.6 and the highly variable compressive strength were obtained, giving an average of 176.7 kg / cm², in which it demonstrates that the rigid pavement is in poor condition. state or low quality, for your prompt remodeling

    Gluconic acid: Properties, production methods and applications—An excellent opportunity for agro-industrial by-products and waste bio-valorization

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    Agro-industrial by-products and wastes pose serious, widespread problems with considerable economic and environmental consequences in developed countries. However, many of the by-products contain large amounts of sugars that make them potentially excellent raw materials for the biotechnological production of added value products; in particular, by-products from perishables such as fruits can be highly useful for this aim. The growing significance and demand for gluconic acid have promoted an interest in integrating both issues as a strategy for the revalorization of these resources. The pertinence of this strategy can be better understood by examining the properties of gluconic acid and its derivatives and their uses and production methods, especially biotechnological methods, to update the existing reviews on the topic. Future advances in this direction may be promoted by the development of genetically modified organisms for the generation of new technological processes and the optimization of existing ones. Particular attention is paid to acetic acid bacteria

    Revalorization of strawberry surpluses by bio-transforming its glucose content into gluconic acid

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    Modern societies produce massive surpluses of food, by-products and wastes that increase the interest for their revalorization. This work examines the use of a culture of Gluconobac-ter japonicus CECT 8443, without pH control, to convert selectively the glucose content of industrially pasteurized strawberry purée into gluconic acid for the development of newbeverages. However, depending on the initial concentration of glucose, the microorganism could transform the acid formed into other compounds; for this reason, in this work the effect of initial sugar concentration on the preservation of the acid was investigated. The results show that the gluconic acid formed in strawberry purée containing no added sugars started to disappear after glucose depletion, but the acid concentration remained constant if sugar-enriched purée was used. The use of this industrial substrate resulted in the presence of yeasts and hence in some fructose uptake; however, the fructose consumption was negligible until after 20–30 h. The use of food by-products is an excellent opportunity not only to recover valuable compounds but for the development of new chemical and biotechnological approaches for their revalorization. This strategy should improve regional economies and contribute to a sustainable management of these underexploited resources

    Preparation of a pure inoculum of acetic acid bacteria for the selective conversion of glucose in strawberry purée into gluconic acid

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    Strawberry surpluses, which may account for about 20% of the whole production, could bean example of what is happening with other fruits. This surplus is largely transformed intostrawberry purée which, although is especially suitable for various bioconversions, is mainlyused as an additional ingredient to produce other foods. With a view to using strawberrypurée to obtain a new, naturally sweet beverage containing no glucose, the conversion of glu-cose into gluconic acid, while maintaining the original fructose of the purée, was assessed.Additionally it is important to preserve the sensory and nutritional properties of the fruitso pasteurized rather than sterilized purée must be used.The use of Gluconobacter japonicus strain (CECT 8443) was studied by batch experi-ments. Different preparation stages were evaluated for ascertaining whether the inoculumrequired pre-cultivation in strawberry purée and whether using pasteurized rather thansterilized substrate would influence prevalence of the inoculated strain over unwantedmicroorganisms—yeasts, mainly.The strain converted glucose into gluconic acid preserving the original fructose contentof the substrate. The optimum inoculum preparation conditions involved microbial growthin Glucose Yeast Extract Peptone synthetic medium for 24 h first and in sterilized strawberrypurée for 24 h additional then

    An approach for estimating the maximum specific growth rate of Gluconobacter japonicus in strawberry purée without cell concentration data

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    The estimation of the maximum specific growth rate ( max) for non-readily culturable bacteria, growing on complex media containing suspended solids, is a difficult task considering the important problems in obtaining reliable measures of cell concentration. An example of this situation can be a culture of Gluconobacter japonicus growing in strawberry purée for producing gluconic acid. Based on the dependency between energy requirements of the genus Gluconobacter and substrate uptake as well as its constant relationship between gluconic acid production and total substrate uptake, the total substrate concentration profile during the exponential growth phase could be used for estimating max without cell concentration measures. In this case, the high selectivity of the strain for glucose in comparison to fructose resulted in no fructose consumption during the batch; so, just using the glucose concentrations data during the exponential phase allow us to obtain an estimation of mumax. Additionally, a rough estimation of the apparent and stoichiometric yields of cell on glucose is also possible

    Cross-cultural differences in purchasing decisions among european youth

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    [ES] El presente trabajo se ha planteado en torno a dos objetivos principales. Por un lado, investigar los antecedentes en la decisión de compra de los jóvenes consumidores europeos de cuatro países. Por otro, analizar cómo varía la influencia de estos antecedentes cuando se consideran consumidores de distinta nacionalidad y distintas categorías de productos. Para desarrollar este estudio se procedió a encuestar on line a una 'muestra de conveniencia'. Para ello, se contó con la colaboración de cinco universidades que tomaron parte en esta red: una de Francia, una de Alemania, una de Italia y dos de España. De este modo, se obtuvo una muestra final de 295 jóvenes. Los resultados exhiben que los determinantes del comportamiento de compra de los jóvenes no son únicos ni universales. Estos determinantes pueden clasificarse en tres grandes bloques: las características de los productos, las influencias externas del individuo y sus valores personales internos.[EN] This work has been proposed around two main objectives: on the one hand, to research motivations for purchasing decisions among young European consumers in four countries; and on the other, to analyze how the influence of these motivations vary when consumers of diverse nationalities and product categories are taken into account. To carry out this study, a 'convenient sample' was surveyed on line. To so, there was cooperation from five universities that took part in this network: one in France, one in Germany, one in Italy and two in Spain. In this manner, a final sample of 295 young people was obtained. The results show that determining factors in the purchasing behavior of young people are neither unique nor universal. These factors can be classified in three large blocks: product characteristics, outside influences on the individual and their internal personal values.[FR] Ce travail a deux objectifs principaux. D'une part realiser une investigation sur les antecedents dans la decision d'achat des jeunes consommateus européens de quatre pays. D'autre part anaryser la variabilité de I'influence de ces antecedents si l`on considere les consommateurs de differentes nationalites et de categories de produits differents. Pour le developpernent de cette etude une enquete on line a été realisée sur it “un echantillon de convenance” Cinq universités ont participé d ce reseau une université de France, d'Allemagne, d'Italie, et deux universites d'Espagne, Un echantillon de 295 jeunes a été obtenu. Les resultats montrent que Ies determinations du comportement d'achat des jeunes ne sont ni uniqués ni universelles. Ces determinations peuvént etre classées en trois blocs les caracteristiques des produits, les influences externes de I'individu, et leurs valeurs personnelles internes.[PT] O presente trabalho foi proposto a partir de dais objetivos principais. Por um lado, pesquisar os antecedentes na decisao de compra dos jovens consumidores europeus de quatro paises. Por outro lado, analisar como varia a ifluencia destes antecedentes quando se consideram consumidores de distintas nacionalidades e distintas categorias de produtos. Para desenvolver este estudo realizou-se uma pesquisa online e uma “amostra de conveniencia" Para tanto, contou-se com a colaboraçao de cinco universidades que participaram desta rede: Uma da França, uma da Alemanha, uma da Italia e duas da Espanha. Deste modo, obteve-se uma amostra final de 295 jovens. Os resultados demonstram que as determinantes do comportamento de compra dos jovens nao sao unicos, nem universais. Estes determinantes podem ser classificados em tres grandes blocos: As características dos produtos, as Influencias externas do individuo, e seus valores pessoais Internos.S