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    En este trabajo se presenta un acercamiento a la definición de la época de incendios forestales en un contexto multivariado como contribución a la planificación del manejo de los mismos. El método se basa en seleccionar las variables que expresen el comportamiento histórico de los incendios cada mes durante un periodo de años determinado. Entre estas variables se encuentran la densidad de incendios y la densidad de afectaciones, la media y la mediana del área quemada por incendio, el número de grandes incendios y la máxima área quemada por un incendio. Usando sistemas estadísticos pueden agruparse los meses con técnicas de análisis de cluster y la época de incendio puede ser definida. El método se aplicó en las provincias Santiago de Cuba y Pinar del Río, ubicadas en las regiones oriental y occidental de Cuba respectivamente. Se utilizaron estadísticas de incendios del periodo 1997 - 2002. DEFINITION OF THE FIRE SEASON IN A MULTIVARIATE CONTEXT Abstract In this work an approach to the definition of the fire season in a multivariate context is presented. It is a contribution to the forest fire management. The method is based on selecting the variables that express the fire history every month during a certain period of years. Among these variables there are the density of fires and the density of affectations, the mean and median of the area burned by fire, the number of big fires and the maximum area burned by a fire. To group the months is used the cluster analysis technical and it allows to define the fire season. The method was applied in the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Pinar del Río, located in the regions oriental and western of Cuba respectively. Fire statistics from the period 1997/2002 were used


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    Los incendios forestales son hoy día un problema global. No obstante, en todos los casos, surgen y se desarrollan mostrando determinadas regularidades impuestas en lo fundamental por las condiciones meteorológicas, el combustible, las causas de su origen y la topografía. Comprender estas regularidades ayuda a entender el fenómeno para planificar su manejo. En este trabajo se hace un análisis comparativo del comportamiento histórico de los incendios forestales ocurridos de 1998 al 2001 en el Distrito Forestal de Monte Alegre, Estado de Paraná, sur de Brasil y en las Empresas Forestales de la Provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Se ha considerado la distribución temporal - años, meses, horas, días de la semana - y espacial - grupos de especies, clases de bosque - de los incendios. También se analizaron las causas y algunos indicadores que muestran la eficiencia del servicio de protección. Se han obtenido resultados similares en ambos lugares, excepto para la época de incendios. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS AMONG THE FOREST FIRES IN MONTE ALEGRE, BRASIL Y PINAR DEL RÍO, CUBA Abstract Nowadays the forest fires are a global problem. Nevertheless, in all cases, they arise and they are developed showing certain regularities imposed in the fundamental thing by the meteorological conditions, the fuel, the causes of their origin and the topography. To understand these regularities help to get the phenomenon to planning their management. In this work a comparative analysis of the fire history is made since 1998 to 2001 in the Forest District of Monte Alegre, State of Paraná, south of Brazil and in the Forest Companies of the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba. It has been considered the temporary distribution - years, months, hours, days of week - and space - groups of species, forest classes - of the fires. Also there have been analysed the causes and some indicators that show the efficiency of the protection service. Similar results have been obtained in both places, except for the fire season

    Uso del desempeño de los índices de peligro de incendio como herramienta para el pronóstico de ocurrencias

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    One of the tools used for the evaluation of fire danger are the danger indices, allowing the reduction of the large losses caused by them. The Pinar del Río province is the first in Cuba in terms of the occurrence of fires. This research aims to demonstrate the use and importance of the performance of the Nesterov indices, FMA (Monte Alegre Formula), FMA+ (Modified Monte Alegre Formula) and (FPR) Pinar del Río Formula for the Pinar del Río province as a tool help in the decision-making process. The meteorological database and the fires that occurred in the province were used and the performance of the danger indices was determined through the Skill score and the percentage of success. The FPR index presented the lowest value of Skill score, however, it showed the highest value of success percentage and the best behavior of the distribution of degrees of danger, which globally demonstrates that it is the one with the best performance compared to the rest. of the evaluated indices. It was shown that the use of this index contributes to better planning and reduction of the costs of combating forest fires in the province of Pinar del Río.Una de las herramientas utilizadas para la evaluación del peligro de incendio son los índices de peligro, permitiendo la reducción de las cuantiosas pérdidas ocasionadas por los mismos. La provincia Pinar del Río es en Cuba la primera en cuanto a ocurrencia de incendios. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar el uso e importancia del desempeño de los índices Nesterov, FMA (Fórmula de Monte Alegre), FMA+ (Fórmula de Monte Alegre Modificada) y (FPR) Fórmula de Pinar del Río para la provincia Pinar del Río como herramienta de ayuda en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Se utilizó la base de datos meteorológicos y de los incendios ocurridos en la provincia y se determinó el desempeño de los índices de peligro mediante el Skill score y el porcentaje de éxito. El índice FPR presentó el menor valor de Skill score no obstante mostro el valor más alto de porcentaje de éxito y el mejor comportamiento de la distribución de los grados de peligro lo cual demuestra de forma global que es el de mejor desempeño en comparación con el resto de los índices evaluados. Se demostró que la utilización de este índice contribuye a una mejor planificación y reducción de los costos de combate de los incendios forestales en la provincia de Pinar del Río


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    Comprender la relación existente entre variables meteorológicas e incendios forestales es importante con vistas a una gestión de las actividades propias del manejo integral del fuego dentro de límites económicamente viables, socialmente aceptables y ecológicamente apropiados. Esta investigación fue desarrollada con el objetivo de argumentar las relaciones existentes entre variables meteorológicas tales como temperatura del aire, humedad relativa, precipitación y velocidad del viento y los incendios forestales en la provincia Pinar del Río, Cuba. La base de datos meteorológicos utilizados fue facilitada por el Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Pinar del Río y los datos de incendios forestales fueron obtenidos en el Cuerpo de Guardabosques de Pinar del Río a través de los correspondientes registros de ocurrencias de incendios. Toda la información utilizada se refiere al período del 01/01/2010 al 31/12/2014, totalizando cinco años de observaciones. Para los análisis estadísticos se utilizó el programa informático IBM SPSS Statistic versión 22. Los resultados muestran que la distribución anual de las variables meteorológicas tiene relación directa o inversa con la distribución de las ocurrencias de incendios y las áreas quemadas en la provincia Pinar del Río durante el período 2010-2014. Independientemente de lo anterior, las correlaciones entre variables meteorológicas e incendios forestales fueron bajas o muy bajas. No obstante, es posible demostrar que el mes de abril es el más propicio para la ocurrencia de los incendios forestales.Palabras clave:   Manejo del fuego; prevención de incendios forestales; factores meteorológicos; propagación del fuego; combustible forestal disponible


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    La dinámica de un incendio forestal está condicionada tanto por los factores permanentes como por los variables, siendo estos los que determinan a corto plazo la ocurrencia o no de los incendios. Una de las herramientas utilizadas para la evaluación del peligro de incendio son los índices de peligro. La provincia Pinar del Río es en Cuba la primera en ocurrencia de incendio y la segunda en áreas quemas en los últimos 8 años. El objetivo de esta investigación fue diseñar un índice de peligro de incendios forestales para la provincia Pinar del Río. Mediante el análisis de las correlaciones entre las variables meteorológicas y la ocurrencia de incendio se determinaron las variables que más se relacionan con la ocurrencia de incendios. Posteriormente, mediante regresión logística en su método stepwise de Wald, se determinaron todos los posibles modelos que pudieran explicar la ocurrencia de incendios. El mejor punto de corte fue definido según el Índice de Youden. El mejor modelo se seleccionó considerando la bondad de ajuste de Hosmer‐Lemeshow, la capacidad predictiva, el estadístico de -2LL, el coeficiente de Nagelkerke, y la curva COR. Los resultados indicaron que la humedad relativa y la velocidad del viento fueron las variables que mejor explicaron la ocurrencia de incendios. Utilizando estos resultados se diseñó el modelo que mejor explica la relación entre las variables analizadas, obteniéndose así el índice Fórmula de Pinar del Río (FPR) para la provincia Pinar del Río. 

    Adaptation and performance of Nesterov, FMA and FMA+ fire indices in Macurije Forest Company, Cuba

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     ResumoEsta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com os objetivos de ajustar e comparar o desempenho dos índices de Nesterov, Fórmula de Monte Alegre (FMA) e Fórmula de Monte Alegre Alterada (FMA+)na Empresa Florestal Macurije, província Pinar del Río, Cuba. Os dados meteorológicos e de ocorrência de incêndios, referentes ao período 01/01/2006 a 31/12/2011, foram fornecidos pelo Centro Meteorológico, pelo Instituto de Hydroeconomia e pelo Corpo de Guarda-Bosques da Província. Dois cenários foram considerados: um utilizando a precipitação registrada na Estação Meteorológica de Isabel Rubio e outro considerando, além dela, 11 pluviômetros distribuídos na área do estudo. Foram considerados como não indicativos de probabilidade de ocorrência de incêndios as classes de perigo Nulo e Pequeno e como indicativo da probabilidade de ocorrências as classes de perigo Médio, Alto e Muito Alto. A partir dessa definição, foram calculados os valores de skill score e porcentagem de sucesso dos índices nos dois cenários, utilizando-se as escalas atuais e ajustadas das classes do perigo. Os resultados indicaram um melhor desempenho para os três índices com as escalas ajustadas, sendo mais eficiente o índice FMA+. Para este, os valores de skill score e porcentagem de sucesso foram 0,0737 e 57,10%, respectivamente.AbstractAdaptation and performance of Nesterov, FMA and FMA+ fire indices in Macurije Forest Company, Cuba. This research aimed to adapt Nesterov, Monte Alegre Formula (FMA) fire danger indices, and Modified Monte Alegre Formula (FMA+) to the Macurije Forest Company conditions as well as to compare their performances. The meteorological and forest fire occurrences databases were provided by the Meteorological Center, Hydro-economy Institute, and Forest Guard Corps of the Pinar del Rio province. All data referred to the period from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2011. Two different scenarios were considered: one considering the rainfall measured at the Isabel Rubio Meteorological Station and other with the inclusion of 11 pluviometers distributed throughout the focused area. The performance of indices was evaluated by skill score methodology. Null and Low fire danger classes were considered as indicative of no fire occurrence and Medium, High and Very High classes as indicative of fire occurrence. Based on this definition the skill score and the success percentages of the indices had been calculated in the two proposed scenarios. The current and the adjusted scales of the danger indices were used. The results pointed to better performance for the three indices with the adjusted scale. The FMA+ index was the most efficient to forecast the fire danger in the focused region. The skill score and the success percentage of this index were 0.0737 and 57.10%, respectively.Keywords: Fire danger index; forest fire; fire prevention.  AbstractThis research aimed to adapt Nesterov, Monte Alegre Formula (FMA) fire danger indices, and Modified Monte Alegre Formula (FMA+) to the Macurije Forest Company conditions as well as to compare their performances. The meteorological and forest fire occurrences databases were provided by the Meteorological Center, Hydro-economy Institute, and Forest Guard Corps of the Pinar del Rio province. All data referred to the period from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2011. Two different scenarios were considered: one considering the rainfall measured at the Isabel Rubio Meteorological Station and other with the inclusion of 11 pluviometers distributed throughout the focused area. The performance of indices was evaluated by skill score methodology. Null and Low fire danger classes were considered as indicative of no fire occurrence and Medium, High and Very High classes as indicative of fire occurrence. Based on this definition the skill score and the success percentages of the indices had been calculated in the two proposed scenarios. The current and the adjusted scales of the danger indices were used. The results pointed to better performance for the three indices with the adjusted scale. The FMA+ index was the most efficient to forecast the fire danger in the focused region. The skill score and the success percentage of this index were 0.0737 and 57.10%, respectively.Keywords: Fire danger index; forest fire; fire prevention

    Comparison between the forest fires statistics in Monte Alegre, Brazil, and Pinar del Río, Cuba

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     É importante se determinar onde, quando e porque ocorrem os incêndios florestais, com vistas a estruturar os serviços de prevenção e combate dentro de limites economicamente viáveis. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de comparar o comportamento histórico dos incêndios florestais ocorridos no período de 2002 a 2011 no Distrito Florestal de Monte Alegre, estado do Paraná, Brasil, e nas empresas florestais da Província de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Foram consideradas as distribuições temporal e espacial dos incêndios, tendo sido analisada também a eficiência do serviço de proteção. Os registros de ocorrência de incêndios foram fornecidos pela Klabin S/A e pelo Corpo de Guardabosques de Pinar del Río. Os resultados mostraram um maior número de ocorrências e uma menor área queimada em Monte Alegre. Os incêndios se concentraram nos meses de agosto a outubro (77,97% do total) em Monte Alegre e de março a maio (86,80%) em Pinar del Río. A cobertura vegetal mais afetada nas duas regiões foi “Pinus spp.” e a principal causa foi “incendiário” (71,66% do total) em Monte Alegre e “raios” (39,26%) em Pinar del Río. Conclui-se que há uma similaridade no perfil dos incêndios para os dois lugares, com exceção da época de incêndios.Palavras-chave: Estatísticas de incêndios; época de incêndios; prevenção de incêndios. AbstractComparison between the forest fires statistics in Monte Alegre, Brazil, and Pinar del Río, Cuba. It is important to determine where, when and why forest fires occur in order to structure the prevention and suppression within economically viable limits. This research was developed in order to compare the historical behavior of forest fires in the period 2002 to 2011 in the Forest District of Monte Alegre, Paraná State, Brazil, and forestry companies in the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Spatial and temporal distributions of fire occurrence were considered and the efficiency of fire control service was analyzed. Records of fire occurrence were provided by Klabin S/A and the Forest Department of Pinar del Río. The results revealed a higher number of occurrences and a lower burned area in Monte Alegre. The fires were concentrated from the month of August to October (77.97% of total) in Monte Alegre and March-May (86.80%) in Pinar del Río. The most affected vegetation in both regions was "Pinus spp" and the main cause of the occurrence was "incendiary" (71.66% of total) in Monte Alegre and "lightning" (39.26%) in Pinar del Río. There was a similarity in the fire profile for the two regions, except in the fire season.Keywords: Fire statistics; fire history; fire season; fire prevention.AbstractIt is important to determine where, when and why forest fires occur in order to structure the prevention and suppression within economically viable limits. This research was developed in order to compare the historical behavior of forest fires in the period 2002 to 2011 in the Forest District of Monte Alegre, Paraná State, Brazil, and forestry companies in the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Spatial and temporal distributions of fire occurrence were considered and the efficiency of fire control service was analyzed. Records of fire occurrence were provided by Klabin S/A and the Forest Department of Pinar del Río. The results revealed a higher number of occurrences and a lower burned area in Monte Alegre. The fires were concentrated from the month of August to October (77.97% of total) in Monte Alegre and March-May (86.80%) in Pinar del Río. The most affected vegetation in both regions was "Pinus spp" and the main cause of the occurrence was "incendiary" (71.66% of total) in Monte Alegre and "lightning" (39.26%) in Pinar del Río. There was a similarity in the fire profile for the two regions, except in the fire season.Keywords: Fire statistics; fire history; fire season; fire prevention

    Causalidad de los incendios forestales en Pinar del Río, Cuba (1975-2018)

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    Understanding the evolution of the causes of fires allows for objective prevention work. This research aimed to analyzing the causality of forest fires in Pinar del Río, Cuba (1975-2018). The analyzes were carried out considering sub-periods, months of the year and affected vegetation. In the period, 2,896 fires occurred and 51 217.75 hectares were burned. The fires originated by anthropogenic causes, mainly negligence, showed an increasing trend over time, contrary to what happened in the case of lightnings. This evolution determined that the fire season changed from March to June in the 1975-1985 sub-period to occur from March to May in the 2008-2018 sub-period. However, the time when more fires occur for each individual cause did not change during the 44 years analyzed. These results will make it possible to improve the forest fire prevention work.Comprender la evolución de las causas de los incendios permite realizar un trabajo objetivo de prevención. Esta investigación analiza la causalidad de los incendios forestales en Pinar del Río, Cuba (1975-2018). Los análisis se realizaron considerando sub-periodos, meses del año y vegetación afectada. En el periodo ocurrieron 2896 incendios y se quemaron 51 217.75 hectáreas. Los incendios originados por causas antropogénicas, principalmente las negligencias, mostraron una tendencia al aumento en el tiempo, contrario a lo ocurrido para el caso de los rayos. Esta evolución determinó que la época de incendios cambiara de marzo a junio en el sub-periodo 1975-1985, y pasara a presentarse de marzo a mayo en el sub-periodo 2008-2018. No obstante, la época donde más incendios ocurren por cada causa de forma individual no cambió durante los 44 años analizados. Estos resultados permitirán perfeccionar el trabajo de prevención de incendios forestales