3,609 research outputs found

    System dynamics modelling in systems biology and applications in pharmacology

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    El modelado matemático de sistemas biológicos complejos es uno de los temas clave en la Biología de Sistemas y varios métodos computacionales basados ​​en la simulación computarizada han sido aplicados hasta ahora para determinar el comportamiento de los sistemas no lineales. La Dinamica de Sistemas es una metodología de modelado intuitivo basada en el razonamiento cualitativo por el cual un modelo conceptual se puede describir como un conjunto de relaciones de causa y efecto entre las variables de un sistema. A partir de esta estructura, es posible obtener un conjunto de ecuaciones dinámicas que describan cuantitativamente el comportamiento del sistema. Centrándose en los sistemas farmacológicos, el modelado compartimental a menudo se utiliza para resolver un amplio espectro de problemas relacionados con la distribución de materiales en los sistemas vivos en la investigación, el diagnóstico y la terapia en todo el cuerpo, los órganos y los niveles celulares. En este artículo presentamos la metodología de modelado de Dinámica del Sistema y su aplicación al modelado de un modelo compartimental farmacocinético-farmacodinámico del efecto de profundidad anestésica en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas, derivando un modelo de simulación en el entorno de simulación orientada a objetos OpenModelica. La Dinamica de Sistemas se puede ver como una herramienta educativa poderosa y fácil de usar y en la enseñanza de Biología de Sistemas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Development and experimental evaluation of the control system of a hybrid fuel cell vehicle

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    This work presents the development and experimental evaluation of a Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle, focusing on the control system. The main objective of this paper is to present a real vehicle which has been designed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the use of hydrogen as an energy source for automotive applications. The paper describes the components that are integrated in the vehicle and presents several experimental results obtained during normal operation. A control system is designed and tested in order to perform all the operations related to the coordinated operation of the fuel cell, the intermediate electrical storage and the power train. Its main task is to compute the power that must be demanded to the fuel cell in real time. This computation is done in order to satisfy the power demand of the electric motor taking into account the state of charge of the batteries and the operating regime of the fuel cell. This is accomplished by manipulating the electronic converter which regulate the current that the fuel cell supplies to the batteries.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2007-66718-C04-0

    Min-Max Predictive Control of a Pilot Plant using a QP Approach

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    47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 9-11 Dec. 2008The practical implementation of min-max MPC (MMMPC) controllers is limited by the computational burden required to compute the control law. This problem can be circumvented by using approximate solutions or upper bounds of the worst possible case of the performance index. In a previous work, the authors presented a computationally efficient MMMPC control strategy in which a close approximation of the solution of the min-max problem is computed using a quadratic programming problem. In this paper, this approach is validated through its application to a pilot plant in which the temperature of a reactor is controlled. The behavior of the system and the controller are illustrated by means of experimental results

    Searching for compact radio sources associated to UCHII regions

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    Ultra-Compact (UC)HII regions represent a very early stage of massive star formation whose structure and evolution are not yet fully understood. Interferometric observations in recent years show that some UCHII regions have associated compact sources of uncertain nature. Based on this, we carried out VLA 1.3 cm observations in the A configuration of selected UCHII regions in order to report additional cases of compact sources embedded in UCHII regions. From the observations, we find 13 compact sources associated to 9 UCHII regions. Although we cannot establish an unambiguous nature for the newly detected sources, we assess some of their observational properties. According to the results, we can distinguish between two types of compact sources. One type corresponds to sources that probably are deeply embedded in the dense ionized gas of the UCHII region. These sources are being photo-evaporated by the exciting star of the region and will last for 104105^4-10^5 yr. They may play a crucial role in the evolution of the UCHII region as the photo-evaporated material could replenish the expanding plasma and might provide a solution to the so-called lifetime problem for these regions. The second type of compact sources is not associated with the densest ionized gas of the region. A few of these sources appear resolved and may be photo-evaporating objects such as those of the first type but with significantly lower mass depletion rates. The rest of sources of this second type appear unresolved and their properties are varied. We speculate on the similarity between the sources of the second type and those of the Orion population of radio sources.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Universal temporal features of rankings in competitive sports and games

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    Many complex phenomena, from the selection of traits in biological systems to hierarchy formation in social and economic entities, show signs of competition and heterogeneous performance in the temporal evolution of their components, which may eventually lead to stratified structures such as the wealth distribution worldwide. However, it is still unclear whether the road to hierarchical complexity is determined by the particularities of each phenomena, or if there are universal mechanisms of stratification common to many systems. Human sports and games, with their (varied but simplified) rules of competition and measures of performance, serve as an ideal test bed to look for universal features of hierarchy formation. With this goal in mind, we analyse here the behaviour of players and team rankings over time for several sports and games. Even though, for a given time, the distribution of performance ranks varies across activities, we find statistical regularities in the dynamics of ranks. Specifically the rank diversity, a measure of the number of elements occupying a given rank over a length of time, has the same functional form in sports and games as in languages, another system where competition is determined by the use or disuse of grammatical structures. Our results support the notion that hierarchical phenomena may be driven by the same underlying mechanisms of rank formation, regardless of the nature of their components. Moreover, such regularities can in principle be used to predict lifetimes of rank occupancy, thus increasing our ability to forecast stratification in the presence of competition

    Web Page Retrieval by Combining Evidence

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    The participation of the REINA Research Group in WebCLEF 2005 focused in the monolingual mixed task. Queries or topics are of two types: named and home pages. For both, we first perform a search by thematic contents; for the same query, we do a search in several elements of information from every page (title, some meta tags, anchor text) and then we combine the results. For queries about home pages, we try to detect using a method based in some keywords and their patterns of use. After, a re-rank of the results of the thematic contents retrieval is performed, based on Page-Rank and Centrality coeficients

    Aplicación de la teoría de robots manipuladores a la biomecánica del brazo humano1

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    ResumenEste artículo presenta la aplicación de un conjunto de técnicas propias de la teoría de los robots manipuladores al estudio del movimiento del brazo humano. Para ello el brazo humano se modela como un robot manipulador redundante. En particular se aplica el concepto de índices de desempeño para predecir posturas óptimas del brazo durante la realización de tareas. En el estudio se incluyen tanto posiciones estáticas, como secuencias de posiciones para la formulación de trayectorias óptimas de movimiento

    La intensidad de la externalización hotelera y sus beneficios y riesgos percibidos

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    Este trabajo se centra en identificar el papel de la estrategia de externalización en los hoteles. Para ello, se analiza los niveles de externalización actual y deseada. El artículo intenta determinar qué ventajas así como los riesgos que perciben los directivos de esta estrategia. Por otra parte se analiza la relación entre el tamaño, categoría y tipo de hotel con la externalización. Los resultados indican que el nivel de externalización es bastante usado. Por otra parte, los beneficios que perciben los directivos son más tácticos que estratégicos. Existe una relación entre la externalización y el tamaño del hotel