19 research outputs found

    Cover Crops Increase N and P Cycling and Rice Productivity in Temperate Cropping Systems

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    Cover crops can determine positive benefits on soil fertility and rice productivity, although scant attention has been devoted to evaluating the effects of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) and the incorporation of rice straw with different N fertilization levels on soil N and P availability and crop yields in temperate cropping systems characterized by poorly developed soils. In this study, the effects of cover crops grown before rice in a temperate mono-cropping system (NW Italy) on: (i) crop yields and yield components; (ii) apparent N fertilizer recovery and optimal level of N fertilization with hairy vetch; and (iii) temporal variation of soil available N and P forms during the hairy vetch growth and rice cropping season, have been investigated. The cultivation and incorporation of hairy vetch in the rice cropping system increased grain productivity by 12%, while reducing N mineral fertilization requirements by 33%. Combined with the incorporation of crop residues, hairy vetch provided a N and P input of 178 and 18 kg ha(-1), respectively, representing a readily available source for plant uptake over the whole rice cropping season, particularly under anaerobic conditions. This results in a better temporal synchronization of soil N and P availability with crop nutrient demand, leading to a better rice grain productivity and quality performance.project "RISTEC: New crop technologies for the future of rice agrosystems" PSR 2014-2020, Lombardy Regio

    Can Organic P Inputs Alleviate P Limitation Effects on Nutrient Uptake and Biological N2‑Fixing Capacity of Hairy Vetch (Vicia villosa)?

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    Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient in many agroecosystems and, apart from affecting plant growth, can also limit biological N2 fixation (BNF) by leguminous plants. Thus, increasing P supply can have a positive effect on BNF particularly in P-deficient soils. Here, we provide new insights into the response of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), widely adopted as a legume cover crop, to P limitations, by comparing the effects of inorganic (Pi) and organic (Po) P supply on plant growth and BNF capacity. This was achieved by means of a greenhouse experiment in which rhizobia-inoculated hairy vetch was grown in a P-limited agricultural soil and changes in plant growth, nitrogen (N) and P uptake, BNF capacity, and soil phosphatases activities were evaluated as a function of Pi and Po inputs, in the form of orthophosphate or phytic acid, respectively. When compared to P-deficient conditions where BNF was primarily limited by plant growth rather than directly due to the high P costs of symbiotic N fixation, Pi addition substantially enhanced plant growth (threefold), nodule formation (16-fold), P acquisition (sixfold), and BNF efficiency (sevenfold). In contrast, even with the addition of the highest dose of Po, the increase in plant growth, nodule formation, P acquisition, and BNF capacity (1.7, 3.5, 2.4 and 2.1-fold, respectively) was much less expressed, indicating that hairy vetch could only minimally access Po sources over the growth period in order to alleviate the P limitation effect on N2 fixation in under P-deficient conditions. These findings suggest that hairy vetch will not be able to provide sufficient BNF for improving soil N inputs in low-fertility cropping systems that rely on organic inputs.Universita degli Studi di Torino within the CRUI-CARE AgreementCassa di Risparmio di Torin

    Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil–Plant–Environment Relationship in Cropping Systems: A Review

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    Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at the University of Granada (Spain), Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (D.I.S.A.F.A. by its acronym in Italian) of University of Turin (Italy), and the authors appreciate the support of this work by Colfuturo and Minciencias scholarship in Colombia, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CGL-2013-46665-R), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)This work performs a review of the relevant aspects of agronomic dynamics of phosphorus (P) in the soil–plant relationship as a community (crop ecophysiology), the effect of environmental conditions and global warming on the redistribution and translocation of P in some crop, and the use of good agricultural practices with the aim of improving the efficiency of the element. The research focuses on Northern Europe, North-Eastern Asia, Oceania, North America, and the tropical area of Latin America. This review covers general research and specific works on P found in the literature, 70% of which date from the last 10 years, as well as some older studies that have been of great relevance as references and starting points for more recent investigations. The dynamics of P in a system implies taking into account genetic aspects of the plant, component of the soil–plant–fertilizer– environment relationship, and use of technologies at the molecular level. In addition, in a climate change scenario, the availability of this element can significantly change depending on whether it is labile or non-labile.Minciencias scholarship in ColombiaSpanish Government CGL-2013-46665-REuropean CommissionColfutur


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     El cultivo de mango en el Huila ocupa un renglón importante dentro de la cadena frutícola y tiene un lugar significativo dentro de la agenda de competitividad  y productividad del departamento. No obstante, la comercialización de la fruta se ve afectada en gran parte por la alta incidencia del complejo mosca de la fruta (Anastrepha spp.). El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la dinámica de los adultos de la  mosca de la fruta a través de un mapa, teniendo en cuenta la fenología del cultivo durante el año. La investigación tuvo en cuenta la metodología MTD (Mosca-Trampa-Día) del ICA, durante la cosecha del periodo 2014/2015 en la unidad de mango del Centro de Formación Agroindustrial La Angostura, en el municipio de Campoalegre, Huila. Se instalaron 12 trampas McPhail en la unidad, con un área de dos hectáreas aproximadamente; cada siete días se contaron las capturas de los adultos. De igual forma, se registraron las medias mensuales de temperatura, precipitación y humedad relativa con la estación meteorológica Los Rosales, para determinar la asociación de las poblaciones del complejo mosca de la fruta. Las mayores poblaciones se registraron en los meses de verano (junio-julio) con la etapa fenológica de maduración del fruto. Durante la etapa vegetativa, las poblaciones de adulto estuvieron por debajo del umbral de acción (0,5 TMD), estableciendo las épocas de manejo y control de la mosca para esta regió

    Aislamiento de Trichoderma sp., en las unidades productivas agrícolas del Centro de Formación Agroindustrial La Angostura de Campoalegre (Huila)

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    Abstract: Antagonistic fungi have become major alternatives to the biological control of plant pathogens in the soil. Trichoderma is the genus of fungi that is considered one of the most widely used as an agent of fungal control; establishing symbiosis with plants, in some cases acting as antagonists of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria as Fusarium sp, Curvularia sp, Pseudomonas, among others, invertebrates and even weeds. Hyperparasitism, antibiosis and / or nutrient competition are typical biocontrol actions of these fungi. In this sense, the objective of this study was to isolate the fungus Trichoderma from the agricultural productive units of the Agro-industrial Training Center La Angostura, located in the town of Campoalegre in the department of Huila. The study was conducted between April and September, 2014. This work was developed in two phases: the first phase was carried out on the field, where soil sampling methodology and trapping using rice as substrate was used. In the second phase, which included lab work, samples were taken to make serial dilutions on base 10 for sowing set as well as seed granules were sowed in the PDA crop, Sabouraud and Rose Bengal. Through this latter method, that is using Rose Bengal Agar, it was possible to obtain the growth of velvety greenish-white colonies, the distinctive color of the fungus. This is a starting point to perform future in vitro antagonistic tests with fungal pathogens that cause diseases such as Fusarium; in order to produce an effective bio-input adapted to the agro-ecological conditions of the area.Resumen: Los hongos antagonistas se han convertido en importantes alternativas para el control biológico de fitopatógenos en el suelo. Las especies del género Trichoderma se destacan dentro de las más empleadas como agentes de control fúngico estableciendo simbiosis con las plantas, actuando en ciertos casos como antagonistas de hongos y bacterias fitopatógenas, tales como Fusarium sp., Curvularia sp., Pseudomonas, entre otros; al igual que con invertebrados e incluso con malas hierbas. Su modo de acción se expresa mediante hiperparasitismo, antibiosis y/o competencia. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue aislar el hongo del género Trichoderma, de las unidades productivas agrícolas del Centro de Formación Agroindustrial La Angostura,  ubicado en el municipio de Campoalegre en el departamento del Huila. El estudio se  desarrolló entre los meses de abril a septiembre de 2014. El trabajo comprendió dos  fases: la primera fue la de campo, donde se utilizó la metodología de muestreo de suelos y trampeo utilizando como sustrato el arroz; en la segunda fase, que contempló el  trabajo de laboratorio, se llevaron las muestras, para posteriormente realizar siembras  de diluciones seriadas en base 10 y siembra de gránulos de suelo en medio de cultivo  PDA, Sabouraud y Rosa de Bengala. Con esta última metodología, empleando agar Rosa  de Bengala, se logró obtener el crecimiento de colonias aterciopeladas de color blanco verdoso, característico del hongo. Esto constituye un punto de partida para que en un  futuro se realicen ensayos de antagonismo in vitro con patógenos fúngicos causales  de enfermedad, como Fusarium, con el propósito de producir un bioinsumo efectivo y adaptado a las condiciones agroecológicas de la zona

    Aislamiento de Trichoderma sp., en las unidades productivas agrícolas del Centro de Formación Agroindustrial La Angostura de Campoalegre (Huila)

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    Abstract: Antagonistic fungi have become major alternatives to the biological control of plant pathogens in the soil. Trichoderma is the genus of fungi that is considered one of the most widely used as an agent of fungal control; establishing symbiosis with plants, in some cases acting as antagonists of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria as Fusarium sp, Curvularia sp, Pseudomonas, among others, invertebrates and even weeds. Hyperparasitism, antibiosis and / or nutrient competition are typical biocontrol actions of these fungi. In this sense, the objective of this study was to isolate the fungus Trichoderma from the agricultural productive units of the Agro-industrial Training Center La Angostura, located in the town of Campoalegre in the department of Huila. The study was conducted between April and September, 2014. This work was developed in two phases: the first phase was carried out on the field, where soil sampling methodology and trapping using rice as substrate was used. In the second phase, which included lab work, samples were taken to make serial dilutions on base 10 for sowing set as well as seed granules were sowed in the PDA crop, Sabouraud and Rose Bengal. Through this latter method, that is using Rose Bengal Agar, it was possible to obtain the growth of velvety greenish-white colonies, the distinctive color of the fungus. This is a starting point to perform future in vitro antagonistic tests with fungal pathogens that cause diseases such as Fusarium; in order to produce an effective bio-input adapted to the agro-ecological conditions of the area.Resumen: Los hongos antagonistas se han convertido en importantes alternativas para el control biológico de fitopatógenos en el suelo. Las especies del género Trichoderma se destacan dentro de las más empleadas como agentes de control fúngico estableciendo simbiosis con las plantas, actuando en ciertos casos como antagonistas de hongos y bacterias fitopatógenas, tales como Fusarium sp., Curvularia sp., Pseudomonas, entre otros; al igual que con invertebrados e incluso con malas hierbas. Su modo de acción se expresa mediante hiperparasitismo, antibiosis y/o competencia. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue aislar el hongo del género Trichoderma, de las unidades productivas agrícolas del Centro de Formación Agroindustrial La Angostura,  ubicado en el municipio de Campoalegre en el departamento del Huila. El estudio se  desarrolló entre los meses de abril a septiembre de 2014. El trabajo comprendió dos  fases: la primera fue la de campo, donde se utilizó la metodología de muestreo de suelos y trampeo utilizando como sustrato el arroz; en la segunda fase, que contempló el  trabajo de laboratorio, se llevaron las muestras, para posteriormente realizar siembras  de diluciones seriadas en base 10 y siembra de gránulos de suelo en medio de cultivo  PDA, Sabouraud y Rosa de Bengala. Con esta última metodología, empleando agar Rosa  de Bengala, se logró obtener el crecimiento de colonias aterciopeladas de color blanco verdoso, característico del hongo. Esto constituye un punto de partida para que en un  futuro se realicen ensayos de antagonismo in vitro con patógenos fúngicos causales  de enfermedad, como Fusarium, con el propósito de producir un bioinsumo efectivo y adaptado a las condiciones agroecológicas de la zona

    Cover crops increase N and P cycling and rice productivity in temperate cropping systems

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    Cover crops can determine positive benefits on soil fertility and rice productivity, although scant attention has been devoted to evaluating the effects of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) and the incorporation of rice straw with different N fertilization levels on soil N and P availability and crop yields in temperate cropping systems characterized by poorly developed soils. In this study, the effects of cover crops grown before rice in a temperate mono-cropping system (NW Italy) on: (i) crop yields and yield components; (ii) apparent N fertilizer recovery and optimal level of N fertilization with hairy vetch; and (iii) temporal variation of soil available N and P forms during the hairy vetch growth and rice cropping season, have been investigated. The cultivation and incorporation of hairy vetch in the rice cropping system increased grain productivity by 12%, while reducing N mineral fertilization requirements by 33%. Combined with the incorporation of crop residues, hairy vetch provided a N and P input of 178 and 18 kg ha−1, respectively, representing a readily available source for plant uptake over the whole rice cropping season, particularly under anaerobic conditions. This results in a better temporal synchronization of soil N and P availability with crop nutrient demand, leading to a better rice grain productivity and quality performance

    Effects of land-use change on Nitisols properties in a tropical climate

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    Land use change, especially conversion of native forests to cultivated land, exerts an impact on the physical, chemical and hydrophysical soils properties. To quantify and better understand responses, this study was aimed at evaluating the influence of different tropical soil management systems reflected in some physic, chemical and hydro-physical properties. Nine Nitisol profiles were evaluated and grouped in three categories: (I) native forest (Benchmark 30 years); (II) soils formerly cultivated then turned to pasture (Conservation 10 years); and (III) soils under continuous cultivation (Agrogenic 50 years). The analyzed variables were organic matter, bulk density, soil particle density, porosity, field capacity, texture and structural index. Results determine that the action of traditional farming techniques in tropical environments produces excessive soil degradation. Organic matter content and the structural index showed a linear relationship with high degree of dependence (R2=0.99). Bulk density average for (I) and (II) profile were lower (P0.05) than the bulk density values for (III). In the regression analyses the bulk density increased, the field capacity decreased, and the tendency for profile (I) and (II) were of a linear type. While the profile for (III) was of a polynomial type with (R2=0.83), being able to be influenced by the higher values of bulk density, greater soil compaction, lower structural index, organic matter and porosity in correspondence with the other profiles.El cambio en el uso de la tierra, especialmente la conversión de bosques nativos en tierras cultivadas ejerce un impacto sobre las propiedades físicas, químicas e hidrofísicas de los suelos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia de diferentes sistemas de manejo de un suelo tropical reflejado en algunas de sus propiedades físicas, químicas e hidrofísicas. Se evaluaron nueve perfiles de un suelo Nitisol agrupado en tres categorías: (I) bosque nativo (Referencia 30 años); (II) suelos anteriormente cultivados y luego convertidos en pastizales (Conservados 10 años); y (III) suelos bajo cultivo continuado (Agrogénicos 50 años). Las variables analizadas fueron materia orgánica, densidad aparente, densidad real, porosidad, capacidad de campo, textura e índice estructural. Los resultados determinaron que la acción de las técnicas agrícolas tradicionales en ambientes tropicales produce una excesiva degradación de las propiedades del suelo. El contenido de materia orgánica e índice estructural muestran una relación lineal con un alto grado de dependencia (R2=0,99). La densidad aparente promedio para los perfiles (I) y (II) fue menor (P0,05) que los valores de densidad aparente del perfil (III). En los análisis de regresión a medida que aumenta la densidad aparente disminuye la capacidad de campo y la tendencia observada para (I) y (II) es lineal, mientras que para (III) es polinómica con (R2=0,83), pudiendo estar influenciado por los valores más altos de la densidad aparente, mayor compactación, menor índice estructural, materia orgánica y porosidad en correspondencia con los otros perfiles

    Response of radish seedlings (iRaphanus sativus/i L.) to different concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen in absence and presence of silicon

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    There are unknown thresholds about the effects of ammonia toxicity in the cultivation of radish and its prejudice is higher in the root than in the aerial part, been the use of silicon an alternative to mitigate this toxicity. The objective was to evaluate the response of radish crop to different concentrations of an ammonium nutrient solution in the absence and presence of silicon under greenhouse conditions. After 30 days of germination were evaluated photosynthesis, green color index, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf area, tap root diameter, dry matter accumulation of nitrogen and silicon in shoot parts and roots respectively. Ammonia toxicity in radish decreased photosynthesis, transpiration, and stomatal conductance, having greater prejudice in the dry matter accumulation of root and aerial part, this effect was mitigated with the presence of silicon in the nutrient solution

    Muestreo de suelos, técnicas de laboratorio e interpretación de análisis de suelos

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    El presente manual busca orientar las diferentes fases para la obtención del resultado de análisis de suelos, como lo son la práctica de muestreo de suelos, las diferentes metodologías que se desarrollan empleando las técnicas de laboratorio, y la interpretación de algunos parámetros del análisis de suelos, con base en investigaciones y en la experiencia de los autores, que contribuirán a las instituciones de investigación, universidades, asistentes técnicos y productores, como herramienta agronómica fundamental en la toma de decisiones, que permita mejorar la eficacia de los diversos sistemas productivos agrícolas del país y especialmente del departamento del Huila.Muestreo de suelos -- Importancia del muestreo para análisis de suelos -- Instrumentos para la obtención de muestras -- Precaución para una buena toma de la muestra -- Parámetros para el envío de la muestra de suelo al laboratorio -- Metodologías del laboratorio -- Conductividad eléctrica -- Densidad del suelo -- Densidad aparente -- Densidad real -- Porosidad en el suelo -- Capacidad de intercambio catiónico -- Capacidad de intercambio catiónico estimada -- Aluminio intercambiable -- Nitrógeno total -- Textura -- Materia orgánica -- Análisis de suelos y su interpretación -- PH -- Densidad aparente -- CIC (Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico) -- Fósforo (P) -- Materia orgánica (M.O) -- Bases intercambiables -- Elementos menores -- Relaciones iónicas -- Unidades empleadas en el análisis de suelosna87 página