14 research outputs found

    The SARAF-LINAC Project for SARAF-PHASE 2

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    THPF005International audienceSNRC and CEA collaborate to the upgrade of theSARAF accelerator to 5 mA CW 40 MeV deuteron andproton beams (Phase 2). This paper presents the referencedesign of the SARAF-LINAC Project including a fourvane176 MHz RFQ, a MEBT and a superconducting linacmade of four five-meter cryomodules housing 26superconducting HWR cavities and 20 superconductingsolenoids. The first two identical cryomodules house lowbeta(β\betaopt = 0.091), 280 mm long (flange to flange), 176MHz HWR cavities, the two identical last cryomoduleshouse high-beta (β\betaopt = 0.181), 410 mm long, 176 MHz,HWR cavities. The beam is focused with superconductingsolenoids located between cavities housing steering coils.A BPM is placed upstream each solenoid

    Superconducting Accelerating Cavity Pressure Sensitivity Analysis and Stiffening

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    The Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF) design is based on a 40 MeV 5 mA light ions superconducting RF linac. Phase-I of SARAF delivers up to 2 mA CW proton beams in an energy range of 1.5 - 4.0 MeV. The maximum beam power that we have reached is 5.7 kW. Today, the main limiting factor to reach higher ion energy and beam power is related to the HWR sensitivity to the liquid helium coolant pressure fluctuations. The HWR sensitivity to helium pressure is about 60 Hz/mbar. The cavities had been designed, a decade ago, to be soft in order to enable tuning of their novel shape. However, the cavities turned out to be too soft. In this work we found that increasing the rigidity of the cavities in the vicinity of the external drift tubes may reduce the cavity sensitivity by a factor of three. A preliminary design to increase the cavity rigidity is presented

    A high acceleration gradient deuteron linac for the EURISOL driver

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    In this study we propose for the EURISOL driver injector a proton / deuteron linac, up to 60 MeV, based on the SARAF linac

    Hands-on and beam loss criterion at SARAF SC linac

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    Beam loss criterion for beam dynamics simulation is derived from the dose rate level which will allow hands-on maintenance. In this short paper we define a new beam loss criterion for SARAF SC (Super Conducting) linac based on the hands-on maintenance criterion used successfully for maintenance of high energy high intensity proton linacs. According to the high intensity proton linacs facilities working experience, we suggest a realistic dose limit for the SARAF which will allow hands-on maintenance. At this approach the annual dose limit for design (define as 1/10 of the annual dose limit for worker, 2000 mrem), will be taken into account at the maintenance program of the linac. We also repeated the residual activity calculation along the SC linac with novel experimental cross sections. Based on this analysis we suggest that the beam loss criterion will vary along the SC linac to keep the dose rate below 10 mrem/h. In this new definition the beam loss criterion is around 200 nA/m in the MEBT and decreases to 1 nA/m at 40 MeV

    Design and multiphysics analysis of a 176 MHz continuous-wave radio-frequency quadrupole

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    We have developed a new design for a 176 MHz cw radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) for the SARAF upgrade project. At this frequency, the proposed design is a conventional four-vane structure. The main design goals are to provide the highest possible shunt impedance while limiting the required rf power to about 120 kW for reliable cw operation, and the length to about 4 meters. If built as designed, the proposed RFQ will be the first four-vane cw RFQ built as a single cavity (no resonant coupling required) that does not require π-mode stabilizing loops or dipole rods. For this, we rely on very detailed 3D simulations of all aspects of the structure and the level of machining precision achieved on the recently developed ATLAS upgrade RFQ. A full 3D model of the structure including vane modulation was developed. The design was optimized using electromagnetic and multiphysics simulations. Following the choice of the vane type and geometry, the vane undercuts were optimized to produce a flat field along the structure. The final design has good mode separation and should not need dipole rods if built as designed, but their effect was studied in the case of manufacturing errors. The tuners were also designed and optimized to tune the main mode without affecting the field flatness. Following the electromagnetic (EM) design optimization, a multiphysics engineering analysis of the structure was performed. The multiphysics analysis is a coupled electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical analysis. The cooling channels, including their paths and sizes, were optimized based on the limiting temperature and deformation requirements. The frequency sensitivity to the RFQ body and vane cooling water temperatures was carefully studied in order to use it for frequency fine-tuning. Finally, an inductive rf power coupler design based on the ATLAS RFQ coupler was developed and simulated. The EM design optimization was performed using cst Microwave Studio and the results were verified using both hfss and ansys. The engineering analysis was performed using hfss and ansys and most of the results were verified using the newly developed cst Multiphysics package

    Study and Development of CW Room Temperature Re-Buncher for SARAF Accelerator

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    SPWR040International audienceThe SARAF 176 MHz accelerator is designed to provide CW proton/ deuteron beams up to 5 mA and 40 MeV. PhaseI of SARAF (up to 4-5 MeV) has been installed, commissioned, and is available for experimental work. Phase II ofSARAF is currently in the design stage. It will contain larger MEBT with three rebunchers and four cryomodules, eachhousing HWRs and solenoids. Phase II 4.5mlongMEBT line is designed to transport and match the 1.3MeV/u beamfrom the RFQ to the SC LINAC. The MEBT contains three 176 MHz rebunchers providing a field integral of 106 kVand reserves room for a future single bunch selector. Different rebuncher configurations have been studied in orderto minimize the RF losses and maximize the shunt impedance. Different apertures have been tested with a beamdynamics requirement of 40 mm diameter. The simulations were done using parameter sweeps in CST MicrowaveStudio. CEA leads the design for SARAF phase II linac including the MEBT rebunchers and has studied a mixed solidcopper, Cu plated stainless steel, 3-gap cavity. SNRCis developing a 4-gap OFHCcopper rebuncher as a risk reduction.Both designs are presented and discussed in this paper

    Beam dynamics studies on the EURISOL driver accelerator

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    A 1 GeV, 5 mA cw superconducting proton/H- linac, with the capability of supplying cw primary beam to up to four targets simultaneously by means of a new beam splitting scheme, is under study in the framework of the EURISOL DS project which aims to produce an engineering-oriented design of a next generation European Radioactive beam facility. The EURISOL driver accelerator would be able to accelerate also a 100 μA, 3He beam up to 2.2 GeV, and a 5 mA deuteron beam up to 264 MeV. The linac characteristics and the status of the beam dynamics studies will be presented

    Study and development of CW room temperature rebuncher for SARAF accelerator

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    International audienceThe SARAF 176 MHz accelerator is designed to provide CW proton/deuteron beams up to 5 mA current and 40 MeV accelerated ion energy. Phase I of SARAF (up to 4–5 MeV) has been installed, commissioned, and is available for experimental work. Phase II of SARAF is currently in the design and first prototyping stage and will contain longer MEBT with three rebunchers and four cryomodules, each consisting of SC HWRs and solenoids. Phase II MEBT line is designed to follow a 1.3 MeV/u RFQ, is 4.5 m long, and contains three 176 MHz rebunchers providing a field integral of 105 kV. Different rebuncher configurations have been studied in order to minimize the RF losses and maximize the shunt impedance. Different apertures have also been tested with the 40 mm diameter required by beam dynamics. The simulations were done using CST Microwave Studio. CEA leads the design for SARAF phase II linac including the MEBT rebunchers and has studied a mixed solid copper and Cu plated stainless steel, 3-gap cavity. SNRC is developing a 4-gap OFHC copper rebuncher as a risk reduction. Both designs are presented and discussed in the paper