Study and Development of CW Room Temperature Re-Buncher for SARAF Accelerator


SPWR040International audienceThe SARAF 176 MHz accelerator is designed to provide CW proton/ deuteron beams up to 5 mA and 40 MeV. PhaseI of SARAF (up to 4-5 MeV) has been installed, commissioned, and is available for experimental work. Phase II ofSARAF is currently in the design stage. It will contain larger MEBT with three rebunchers and four cryomodules, eachhousing HWRs and solenoids. Phase II 4.5mlongMEBT line is designed to transport and match the 1.3MeV/u beamfrom the RFQ to the SC LINAC. The MEBT contains three 176 MHz rebunchers providing a field integral of 106 kVand reserves room for a future single bunch selector. Different rebuncher configurations have been studied in orderto minimize the RF losses and maximize the shunt impedance. Different apertures have been tested with a beamdynamics requirement of 40 mm diameter. The simulations were done using parameter sweeps in CST MicrowaveStudio. CEA leads the design for SARAF phase II linac including the MEBT rebunchers and has studied a mixed solidcopper, Cu plated stainless steel, 3-gap cavity. SNRCis developing a 4-gap OFHCcopper rebuncher as a risk reduction.Both designs are presented and discussed in this paper

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