6 research outputs found

    Diagnostyka ultrasonograficzna spontanicznych przetok tętniczo-żylnych w rejonie głowy i szyi

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    An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection between the arterial and venous systems. In the literature, there are well-described ultrasound findings of iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula as a potential complication from percutaneous transarterial or transvenous procedures. The most important sign is direct visualization of the fistula in the place of the access site. It is necessary to look for secondary signs of arterialization of the veins, which can suggest a diagnosis of an arteriovenous fistula. However, the accuracy and diagnostic quality of duplex scanning in the diagnostics of a congenital or spontaneous arteriovenous fistula of the head and neck area in adults have been poorly described in the literature. In this study, we discuss the opportunities of duplex scanning, based on two different cases of an arteriovenous fistula revealed by ultrasound and then confirmed by computer tomographic angiography.Przetoka tętniczo-żylna jest niefizjologicznym połączeniem wytworzonym pomiędzy układem tętniczym a żylnym. W piśmiennictwie znaleźć można dobrze opisane przypadki jatrogennych przetok tętniczo-żylnych będących powikłaniem przezskórnych zabiegów wewnątrznaczyniowych. Najważniejszym objawem jest bezpośrednie uwidocznienie przetoki w miejscu dostępu. Należy szukać wtórnych objawów arterializacji żył, mogących sugerować istnienie przetoki tętniczo-żylnej. Dokładność i jakość obrazowania przetoki w badaniu ultrasonograficznym metodą duplex-scan w diagnostyce wrodzonych i spontanicznych przetok tętniczo-żylnych głowy i szyi u dorosłych nie zostały dostatecznie opisane w literaturze. W niniejszej pracy omawiamy możliwości badania duplex-scan w tejże diagnostyce na podstawie dwóch różnych przypadków przetoki tętniczo-żylnej, ujawnionej w badaniu ultrasonograficznym, a następnie potwierdzonej w angiografii tomografii komputerowej. Artykuł w wersji polskojęzycznej jest dostępny na stronie http://jultrason.pl/index.php/wydawnictwa/volume-17-no-7

    Ultrasound diagnostics of a spontaneous arteriovenous fistula of the head and neck

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    An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal connection between the arterial and venous systems. In the literature, there are well-described ultrasound findings of iatrogenic arteriovenous fis­tula as a potential complication from percutaneous transarterial or transvenous procedures. The most important sign is direct visualization of the fistula in the place of the access site. It is necessary to look for secondary signs of arterialization of the veins, which can suggest a diagnosis of an arteriovenous fistula. However, the accuracy and diagnostic quality of duplex scanning in the diagnostics of a congenital or spontaneous arteriovenous fistula of the head and neck area in adults have been poorly described in the literature. In this study, we discuss the opportunities of duplex scanning, based on two different cases of an arteriovenous fistula revealed by ultrasound and then confirmed by computer tomographic angiography

    Sources of EEG activity most relevant to performance of brain-computer interface based on motor imagery

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    The paper examines sources of brain activity, contributing to EEG patterns which correspond to motor imagery during training to control brain-computer interface. To identify individual source contribution into electroencephalogram recorded during the training Independent Component Analysis was used. Then those independent components for which the BCI system classification accuracy was at maximum were treated as relevant to performing the motor imagery tasks, since they demonstrated well exposed event related de-synchronization and event related synchronization of the sensorimotor μ-rhythm during imagining of contra- and ipsilateral hand movements. To reveal neurophysiological nature of these components we have solved the inverse EEG problem to locate the sources of brain activity causing these components to appear in EEG. The sources were located in hand representation areas of the primary sensorimotor cortex. Their positions practically coincide with the regions of brain activity during the motor imagination obtained in fMRI study. Individual geometry of brain and its covers provided by anatomical MR images was taken into account when localizing the sources.Web of Science221372