6,720 research outputs found

    Local molecular field theory for the treatment of electrostatics

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    We examine in detail the theoretical underpinnings of previous successful applications of local molecular field (LMF) theory to charged systems. LMF theory generally accounts for the averaged effects of long-ranged components of the intermolecular interactions by using an effective or restructured external field. The derivation starts from the exact Yvon-Born-Green hierarchy and shows that the approximation can be very accurate when the interactions averaged over are slowly varying at characteristic nearest-neighbor distances. Application of LMF theory to Coulomb interactions alone allows for great simplifications of the governing equations. LMF theory then reduces to a single equation for a restructured electrostatic potential that satisfies Poisson's equation defined with a smoothed charge density. Because of this charge smoothing by a Gaussian of width sigma, this equation may be solved more simply than the detailed simulation geometry might suggest. Proper choice of the smoothing length sigma plays a major role in ensuring the accuracy of this approximation. We examine the results of a basic confinement of water between corrugated wall and justify the simple LMF equation used in a previous publication. We further generalize these results to confinements that include fixed charges in order to demonstrate the broader impact of charge smoothing by sigma. The slowly-varying part of the restructured electrostatic potential will be more symmetric than the local details of confinements.Comment: To be published in J Phys-Cond Matt; small misprint corrected in Eq. (12) in V

    Toward NS5 Branes on the Resolved Cone over Y^{p,q}

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    Motivated by recent developments in the understanding of the connection between five branes on resolved geometries and the corresponding generalizations of complex deformations in the context of the warped resolved deformed conifold, we consider the construction of five branes solutions on the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} spaces. We establish the existence of supersymmetric five branes solutions wrapped on two-cycles of the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} in the probe limit. We then use calibration techniques to begin the construction of fully back-reacted five branes; we present an Ansatz and the corresponding equations of motion. Our results establish a detailed framework to study back-reacted five branes wrapped on the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} and as a first step we find explicit solutions and construct an asymptotic expansion with the expected properties.Comment: 23+17pp, no figures; v2: references added, various clarification

    Network growth model with intrinsic vertex fitness

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    © 2013 American Physical SocietyWe study a class of network growth models with attachment rules governed by intrinsic node fitness. Both the individual node degree distribution and the degree correlation properties of the network are obtained as functions of the network growth rules. We also find analytical solutions to the inverse, design, problems of matching the growth rules to the required (e.g., power-law) node degree distribution and more generally to the required degree correlation function. We find that the design problems do not always have solutions. Among the specific conditions on the existence of solutions to the design problems is the requirement that the node degree distribution has to be broader than a certain threshold and the fact that factorizability of the correlation functions requires singular distributions of the node fitnesses. More generally, the restrictions on the input distributions and correlations that ensure solvability of the design problems are expressed in terms of the analytical properties of their generating functions

    Interactions of a String Inspired Graviton Field

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    We continue to explore the possibility that the graviton in two dimensions is related to a quadratic differential that appears in the anomalous contribution of the gravitational effective action for chiral fermions. A higher dimensional analogue of this field might exist as well. We improve the defining action for this diffeomorphism tensor field and establish a principle for how it interacts with other fields and with point particles in any dimension. All interactions are related to the action of the diffeomorphism group. We discuss possible interpretations of this field.Comment: 12 pages, more readable, references adde

    Irreversible Deposition of Line Segment Mixtures on a Square Lattice: Monte Carlo Study

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    We have studied kinetics of random sequential adsorption of mixtures on a square lattice using Monte Carlo method. Mixtures of linear short segments and long segments were deposited with the probability pp and 1−p1-p, respectively. For fixed lengths of each segment in the mixture, the jamming limits decrease when pp increases. The jamming limits of mixtures always are greater than those of the pure short- or long-segment deposition. For fixed pp and fixed length of the short segments, the jamming limits have a maximum when the length of the long segment increases. We conjectured a kinetic equation for the jamming coverage based on the data fitting.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 5 postscript figure

    Information content of ozone retrieval algorithms

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    The algorithms are characterized that were used for production processing by the major suppliers of ozone data to show quantitatively: how the retrieved profile is related to the actual profile (This characterizes the altitude range and vertical resolution of the data); the nature of systematic errors in the retrieved profiles, including their vertical structure and relation to uncertain instrumental parameters; how trends in the real ozone are reflected in trends in the retrieved ozone profile; and how trends in other quantities (both instrumental and atmospheric) might appear as trends in the ozone profile. No serious deficiencies were found in the algorithms used in generating the major available ozone data sets. As the measurements are all indirect in someway, and the retrieved profiles have different characteristics, data from different instruments are not directly comparable

    Network properties of written human language

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    We investigate the nature of written human language within the framework of complex network theory. In particular, we analyse the topology of Orwell's \textit{1984} focusing on the local properties of the network, such as the properties of the nearest neighbors and the clustering coefficient. We find a composite power law behavior for both the average nearest neighbor's degree and average clustering coefficient as a function of the vertex degree. This implies the existence of different functional classes of vertices. Furthermore we find that the second order vertex correlations are an essential component of the network architecture. To model our empirical results we extend a previously introduced model for language due to Dorogovtsev and Mendes. We propose an accelerated growing network model that contains three growth mechanisms: linear preferential attachment, local preferential attachment and the random growth of a pre-determined small finite subset of initial vertices. We find that with these elementary stochastic rules we are able to produce a network showing syntactic-like structures
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