673 research outputs found

    The Relevance of Information Sources on Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Producers

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 02/16/11.strategic communication, competitiveness, extension, economics of information, technology diffusion, technology supply, communication methods, knowledge management, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, D22, D80, D82, D83, Q12, Q16,

    Information theory explanation of the fluctuation theorem, maximum entropy production and self-organized criticality in non-equilibrium stationary states

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    Jaynes' information theory formalism of statistical mechanics is applied to the stationary states of open, non-equilibrium systems. The key result is the construction of the probability distribution for the underlying microscopic phase space trajectories. Three consequences of this result are then derived : the fluctuation theorem, the principle of maximum entropy production, and the emergence of self-organized criticality for flux-driven systems in the slowly-driven limit. The accumulating empirical evidence for these results lends support to Jaynes' formalism as a common predictive framework for equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.Comment: 21 pages, 0 figures, minor modifications, version to appear in J. Phys. A. (2003

    Fe-oxide grain coatings support bacterial Fe-reducing metabolisms in 1.7ñˆ’2.0 km-deep subsurface quartz arenite sandstone reservoirs of the Illinois Basin (USA)

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    The Cambrian-age Mt. Simon Sandstone, deeply buried within the Illinois Basin of the midcontinent of North America, contains quartz sand grains ubiquitously encrusted with iron-oxide cements and dissolved ferrous iron in pore-water. Although microbial iron reduction has previously been documented in the deep terrestrial subsurface, the potential for diagenetic mineral cementation to drive microbial activity has not been well studied. In this study, two subsurface formation water samples were collected at 1.72 and 2.02 km, respectively, from the Mt. Simon Sandstone in Decatur, Illinois. Low-diversity microbial communities were detected from both horizons and were dominated by Halanaerobiales of Phylum Firmicutes. Iron-reducing enrichment cultures fed with ferric citrate were successfully established using the formation water. Phylogenetic classification identified the enriched species to be related to Vulcanibacillus from the 1.72 km depth sample, while Orenia dominated the communities at 2.02 km of burial depth. Species-specific quantitative analyses of the enriched organisms in the microbial communities suggest that they are indigenous to the Mt. Simon Sandstone. Optimal iron reduction by the 1.72 km enrichment culture occurred at a temperature of 40oC (range 20 to 60oC) and a salinity of 25 parts per thousand (range 25-75 ppt). This culture also mediated fermentation and nitrate reduction. In contrast, the 2.02 km enrichment culture exclusively utilized hydrogen and pyruvate as the electron donors for iron reduction, tolerated a wider range of salinities (25-200 ppt), and exhibited only minimal nitrate- and sulfate-reduction. In addition, the 2.02 km depth community actively reduces the more crystalline ferric iron minerals goethite and hematite. The results suggest evolutionary adaptation of the autochthonous microbial communities to the Mt. Simon Sandstone and carries potentially important implications for future utilization of this reservoir for CO2 injection

    Ultrasound-Triggered Release of 5-Fluorouracil from Soy Lecithin Echogenic Liposomes

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    Colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of death. The use of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been the major chemotherapeutic treatment for colorectal cancer patients. However, the efficacy of 5-FU is limited by drug resistance, and bone marrow toxicity through high-level expression of thymidylate synthase, justifying the need for improvement of the therapeutic index. In this study, the effects of ultrasound on echogenic 5-FU encapsulated crude soy liposomes were investigated for their potential to address these challenges. Liposomes were prepared by thin-film hydration using crude soy lecithin and cholesterol. Argon gas was entrapped in the liposomes for sonosensitivity (that is, responsiveness to ultrasound). The nanoparticles were characterized for particle size and morphology. The physicochemical properties were also evaluated using differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared and X-ray diffraction. The release profile of 5-FU was assessed with and without 20 kHz low-frequency ultrasound waves at various amplitudes and exposure times. The result reveal that 5-FU-loaded liposomes were spherical with an encapsulation efficiency of approximately 60%. Approximately 65% of 5-FU was released at the highest amplitude and exposure time was investigated. The results are encouraging for the stimulated and controlled release of 5-FU for the management of colorectal cancer

    Co-encapsulation of rifampicin and isoniazid in crude soybean lecithin liposomes

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    Despite the well-known anti-mycobacterial actions of isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF), the clinical success of tuberculosis (TB) therapy requires prolonged administration of multiple drugs in high doses, which often result in frequent adverse effects and low patient adherence. Although liposomes are promising candidates for controlled delivery of anti-TB drug, the high cost of synthetic and highly purified natural lipids currently used in liposomal technology might preclude the universal application of therapeutic liposomes. This work aimed at evaluating the potential of a cost-effective lipid material, crude soybean lecithin (CL), to co-encapsulate RIF and INH for liposomal dual delivery. RIF was encapsulated in CL-liposomes with/without cholesterol using film hydration method, after which INH was incorporated using a freeze–thawing technique. Dynamic light scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and dialysis were used for liposome characterization. Liposomes containing CL alone (CLL) exhibited 90%encapsulation efficiency for RIF and 59%for INH. The mean size and surface charge of CLL were 1114nm and –63mV, respectively. In addition, CLL showed a controlled release profile for the co-encapsulated drugs. CLL would be promising vehicles for macrophage-targeting drug delivery. The present findings demonstrate the feasibility of using CL for preparation of combination products for liposomal delivery

    Encapsulation and physicochemical evaluation of efavirenz in liposomes

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    Antiretroviral therapy remains the most efective means of managing the human immune defciency virus/acquired immune defciency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Application of therapeutics has been hampered by factors including poor bioavailability of most anti-retroviral compounds (ARV), side efects and an alarming emergence of drug resistant strains of the virus. Recent developments and use of drug delivery systems (DDS) has shown potential for improving the pharmacological profle of ARV. Amongst these complex DDS, liposomes have been explored for delivery of ARV. In this study, we have aimed at exploring efcient encapsulation of efavirenz (EFV), a potent ARV using diferent mass ratios of crude soybean lecithin and cholesterol. The EFV-loaded liposomes (EFL) were prepared using thin flm hydration and evaluated for particle size, zeta potential (ZP), encapsulation efciency (EE%), morphology and drug release studies. Diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray difraction (XRD), energy dispersity spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used for comprehensive physicochemical characterization of EFL. EFL exhibited high encapsulation (99%) in 1:1 crude lecithin to cholesterol mass ratio. The average particle size and Zeta Potential of EFL were found to be 411.10±7.40 nm and −53.5.3±0.06 mV, respectively. EFL showed a relatively controlled EFV release behaviour that was similar to the dissolution profle of un-encapsulated EFV. This suggests that EFL represents a promising vehicle for efective EFV delivery while providing the advantages of a nano-scaled delivery syste

    Calibration sphere for low-frequency parametric sonars

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (2007): 1482-1490, doi:10.1121/1.2434244.The problem of calibrating parametric sonar systems at low difference frequencies used in backscattering applications is addressed. A particular parametric sonar is considered: the Simrad TOPAS PS18 Parametric Sub-bottom Profiler. This generates difference-frequency signals in the band 0.5–6 kHz. A standard target is specified according to optimization conditions based on maximizing the target strength consistent with the target strength being independent of orientation and the target being physically manageable. The second condition is expressed as the target having an immersion weight less than 200 N. The result is a 280-mm-diam sphere of aluminum. Its target strength varies from −43.4 dB at 0.5 kHz to −20.2 dB at 6 kHz. Maximum excursions in target strength over the frequency band due to uncertainty in material properties of the sphere are of order ±0.1 dB. Maximum excursions in target strength due to variations in mass density and sound speed of the immersion medium are larger, but can be eliminated by attention to the hydrographic conditions. The results are also applicable to the standard-target calibration of conventional sonars operating at low-kilohertz frequencies

    Prenatal Programming of Metabolic Syndrome in the Common Marmoset Is Associated With Increased Expression of 11ÎČ-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1

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    OBJECTIVE: Recent studies in humans and animal models of obesity have shown increased adipose tissue activity of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1), which amplifies local tissue glucocorticoid concentrations. The reasons for this 11beta-HSD1 dysregulation are unknown. Here, we tested whether 11beta-HSD1 expression, like the metabolic syndrome, is "programmed" by prenatal environmental events in a nonhuman primate model, the common marmoset monkey. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We used a "fetal programming" paradigm where brief antenatal exposure to glucocorticoids leads to the metabolic syndrome in the offspring. Pregnant marmosets were given the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone orally for 1 week in either early or late gestation, or they were given vehicle. Tissue 11beta-HSD1 and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA expression were examined in the offspring at 4 and 24 months of age. RESULTS: Prenatal dexamethasone administration, selectively during late gestation, resulted in early and persistent elevations in 11beta-HSD1 mRNA expression and activity in the liver, pancreas, and subcutaneous-but not visceral-fat. The increase in 11beta-HSD1 occurred before animals developed obesity or overt features of the metabolic syndrome. In contrast to rodents, in utero dexamethasone exposure did not alter glucocorticoid receptor expression in metabolic tissues in marmosets. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that long-term upregulation of 11beta-HSD1 in metabolically active tissues may follow prenatal "stress" hormone exposure and indicates a novel mechanism for fetal origins of adult obesity and the metabolic syndrome

    Evaluation of Swine-Specific PCR Assays Used for Fecal Source Tracking and Analysis of Molecular Diversity of Swine-Specific “Bacteroidales” Populations

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    In this study, we evaluated the specificity, distribution, and sensitivity of Prevotella strain-based (PF163 and PigBac1) and methanogen-based (P23-2) PCR assays proposed to detect swine fecal pollution in environmental waters. The assays were tested against 222 fecal DNA extracts derived from target and nontarget animal hosts and against 34 groundwater and 15 surface water samples from five different sites. We also investigated the phylogenetic diversity of 1,340 “Bacteroidales” 16S rRNA gene sequences derived from swine feces, swine waste lagoons, swine manure pits, and waters adjacent to swine operations. Most swine fecal samples were positive for the host-specific Prevotella-based PCR assays (80 to 87%), while fewer were positive with the methanogen-targeted PCR assay (53%). Similarly, the Prevotella markers were detected more frequently than the methanogen-targeted assay markers in waters historically impacted with swine fecal contamination. However, the PF163 PCR assay cross-reacted with 23% of nontarget fecal DNA extracts, although Bayesian statistics suggested that it yielded the highest probability of detecting pig fecal contamination in a given water sample. Phylogenetic analyses revealed previously unknown swine-associated clades comprised of clones from geographically diverse swine sources and from water samples adjacent to swine operations that are not targeted by the Prevotella assays. While deeper sequencing coverage might be necessary to better understand the molecular diversity of fecal Bacteroidales species, results of sequence analyses supported the presence of swine fecal pollution in the studied watersheds. Overall, due to nontarget cross amplification and poor geographic stability of currently available host-specific PCR assays, development of additional assays is necessary to accurately detect sources of swine fecal pollution
