92 research outputs found

    Enhancing Federated Cloud Management with an Integrated Service Monitoring Approach

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    Cloud Computing enables the construction and the provisioning of virtualized service-based applications in a simple and cost effective outsourcing to dynamic service environments. Cloud Federations envisage a distributed, heterogeneous environment consisting of various cloud infrastructures by aggregating different IaaS provider capabilities coming from both the commercial and the academic area. In this paper, we introduce a federated cloud management solution that operates the federation through utilizing cloud-brokers for various IaaS providers. In order to enable an enhanced provider selection and inter-cloud service executions, an integrated monitoring approach is proposed which is capable of measuring the availability and reliability of the provisioned services in different providers. To this end, a minimal metric monitoring service has been designed and used together with a service monitoring solution to measure cloud performance. The transparent and cost effective operation on commercial clouds and the capability to simultaneously monitor both private and public clouds were the major design goals of this integrated cloud monitoring approach. Finally, the evaluation of our proposed solution is presented on different private IaaS systems participating in federations. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Riding out of the storm: How to deal with the complexity of grid and cloud management

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    Over the last decade, Grid computing paved the way for a new level of large scale distributed systems. This infrastructure made it possible to securely and reliably take advantage of widely separated computational resources that are part of several different organizations. Resources can be incorporated to the Grid, building a theoretical virtual supercomputer. In time, cloud computing emerged as a new type of large scale distributed system, inheriting and expanding the expertise and knowledge that have been obtained so far. Some of the main characteristics of Grids naturally evolved into clouds, others were modified and adapted and others were simply discarded or postponed. Regardless of these technical specifics, both Grids and clouds together can be considered as one of the most important advances in large scale distributed computing of the past ten years; however, this step in distributed computing has came along with a completely new level of complexity. Grid and cloud management mechanisms play a key role, and correct analysis and understanding of the system behavior are needed. Large scale distributed systems must be able to self-manage, incorporating autonomic features capable of controlling and optimizing all resources and services. Traditional distributed computing management mechanisms analyze each resource separately and adjust specific parameters of each one of them. When trying to adapt the same procedures to Grid and cloud computing, the vast complexity of these systems can make this task extremely complicated. But large scale distributed systems complexity could only be a matter of perspective. It could be possible to understand the Grid or cloud behavior as a single entity, instead of a set of resources. This abstraction could provide a different understanding of the system, describing large scale behavior and global events that probably would not be detected analyzing each resource separately. In this work we define a theoretical framework that combines both ideas, multiple resources and single entity, to develop large scale distributed systems management techniques aimed at system performance optimization, increased dependability and Quality of Service (QoS). The resulting synergy could be the key 350 J. Montes et al. to address the most important difficulties of Grid and cloud management

    Cloud computing and RESERVOIR project

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    The support for complex services delivery is becoming a key point in current internet technology. Current trends in internet applications are characterized by on demand delivery of ever growing amounts of content. The future internet of services will have to deliver content intensive applications to users with quality of service and security guarantees. This paper describes the RESERVOIR project and the challenge of a reliable and effective delivery of services as utilities in a commercial scenario. It starts by analyzing the needs of a future infrastructure provider and introducing the key concept of a service oriented architecture that combines virtualisation-aware grid with grid-aware virtualisation, while being driven by business service management. This article will then focus on the benefits and the innovations derived from the RESERVOIR approach. Eventually, a high level view of RESERVOIR general architecture is illustrated

    An Epididymis-Specific Secretory Protein HongrES1 Critically Regulates Sperm Capacitation and Male Fertility

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    Mammalian sperm capacitation is an essential prerequisite to fertilizion. Although progress had been made in understanding the physiology and biochemistry of capacitation, little is known about the potential roles of epididymal proteins during this process. Here we report that HongrES1, a new member of the SERPIN (serine proteinase inhibitor) family exclusively expressed in the rat cauda epididymis and up-regulated by androgen, is secreted into the lumen and covers the sperm head. Co-culture of caudal sperms with HongrES1 antibody in vitro resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of capacitated spermatozoa. Furthermore, the percentage of capacitated spermatozoa clearly increased in rats when HongrES1 was down-regulated by RNAi in vivo. Remarkably, knockdown of HongrES1 in vivo led to reduced fertility accompanied with deformed appearance of fetuses and pups. These results identify HongrES1 as a novel and critical molecule in the regulation of sperm capacitation and male fertility

    Migracja jonu wapniowego w jeziornych zlewniach rolniczo-leśnych

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    The research on circulating of calcium in the agricultural-forest drainage areas were carried out on the Olsztyn lake district in 2004-2006 years. Three lakes were marked out for examinations about diversified anthropogenic interacting with their drainage areas. Ardung lake is situated in the centre-western part of the Mazurian lake district, its surface amounts to 26.2 ha and the average depth is 1.8 m. The drainage area of examined lake bas the surface of 1539 ha and forest communities are covering it in the form of pine forests about the high level of the naturalness. Drainage area of Bukwałd lake is situated 20 km to the north of Olsztyn. Lake covers 36.2 ha of the surface and its average depth is 5.0 m. The total drainage area of lake is taking the surface of 1156 ha, in which the arable land constitutes the 60 % with the little surface area of the land filld by wasteland (9 %) and forests (31 %) and with low-density housing. Lake Sunia is situated about 30 km to the north of Olsztyn. The surface area of lake amounts to 111.6 ha and its average depth is 3.9 m. The total surface of the drainage area amounts to 450 ha, out of which 97 % is going to the intensively agriculturally used lands, while the Test part constitute wastelands and forests. Comparing the individual research years one should state that in 2005 the lowest values of flows were recorded in the rising tides and ebb tides from Lakes Sunia and Bukwałd, however the highest were observed in the year 2004; a situation developed differently in the drainage area of Ardung lake, in which, in the sequence of the entire research period, comparatively levelled values of flows were recorded in all rising tides and the ebb tide of lake. Comparing flows off from the examined drainage areas one should state that the waters running off from the exploited agricultural drainage areas of Bukwałd lake were characterized by the highest Ca2+ contents (114.3-126.3 mg . dm-3), however the lowest were found in waters running off from the boggy area of the same lake (25.0 mg . dm-3). Higher contents of calcium in the waters running off from the agricultural areas is connected with more intensive washing this element out of arable cultivated soils periodically deprived of the plant cover. Considerable de-equalisations occurring in the drainage areas of lakes can also contribute to the faster outflow of biogenes increasing this way their content in the waters flowing into the reservoir.Badania nad krążeniem wapnia w zlewniach rolniczo-leśnych prowadzono na Pojezierzu Olsztyńskim w latach 2004-2006. Do badań wytypowano trzy jeziora o zróżnicowanym oddziaływaniu antropogennym na ich zlewnie. Jezioro Ardung położone jest w środkowo-zachodniej części Pojezierza Mazurskiego, jego powierzchnia wynosi 26,2 ha, a średnia głębokość 1,8 m. Zlewnia badanego jeziora ma powierzchnię 1539 ha i porastają ją zbiorowiska leśne w postaci borów sosnowych o wysokim stopniu naturalności. Zlewnia jeziora Bukwałd położona jest 20 km na północ od Olsztyna. Jezioro zajmuje 36,2 ha powierzchni, a jego średnia głębokość wynosi 5,0 m. Całkowita zlewnia jeziora zajmuje powierzchnię 1156 ha, w której grunty orne stanowią 60 % z niewielką powierzchnią terenu zajętą przez nieużytki (9 %) oraz lasy (31 %) i rozproszoną zabudową. Jezioro Sunia położone jest ok. 30 km na północ od Olsztyna. Powierzchnia jeziora wynosi 111,6 ha, a jego średnia głębokość 3,9 m. Całkowita powierzchnia zlewni wynosi 450 ha, z czego 97 % przypada na grunty intensywnie użytkowane rolniczo, a pozostałą część stanowią nieużytki oraz zadrzewienia. Porównując poszczególne lata badawcze, należy stwierdzić, że w roku 2005 odnotowano najmniejsze wartości przepływów w dopływach i odpływach z jezior Sunia i Bukwałd, natomiast największe zaobserwowano w roku 2004, odmiennie kształtowała się sytuacja w zlewni jeziora Ardung, w którym w ciągu całego okresu badawczego odnotowano względnie wyrównane wartości przepływów we wszystkich dopływach i odpływie z jeziora. Porównując spływy z badanych zlewni, należy stwierdzić, że największą zawartością Ca2+ odznaczały się wody odpływające ze zlewni użytkowanych rolnie jeziora Bukwałd (114,3-126,3 mg . dm-3), natomiast najniższe stwierdzono w wodach odpływających z obszaru podmokłego tego samego jeziora (25,0 mg. dm-3). Większe zawartości wapnia w wodach odpływających z obszarów rolniczych jest związane z intensywniejszym wymywaniem tego składnika z gleb uprawianych omie okresowo pozbawionych okrywy roślinnej. Znaczne deniwelacje występujące w zlewniach jezior mogą się także przyczyniać do szybszego odpływu biogenów, zwiększając tym samym swoją zawartość w wodach dopływających do zbiornika

    Wplyw systemu melioracyjnego na wielkosc i sezonowosc odplywu azotanow z gleb uprawnych

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    The paper contains the results of eight-year-long studies on the runoff of nitrates from heavy soils used as croplands. The runoffs of nitrates from a drainage catchment and a catchment drained with ditches were compared. The drainage system was found to carry away twice as much water, with a five-fold higher concentration of nitrates and 20-fold higher load of nitrates, than the system of ditches. High runoff of nitrates (22 kg ha-1 annually) from the soils drained by drains was distributed quite evenly throughout the year, with maximum peaks in March and June. Nitrate runoff through the system of ditches was low (1.15 kg ha-1 annually), reaching maximum peaks in March and April (62% of the load), but disappearing in the summer.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki 8-letnich badań odpływu azotanów z gleb ciężkich użytkowanych ornie. Porównywano odpływ azotanów ze zlewni drenarskiej i zlewni odwadnianej rowami. Stwierdzono, że system drenarski odprowadza 2-krotnie więcej wody o 5-krotnie wyższym stężeniu azotanów i 20-krotnie wyższym ich ładunku niż system rowów. Z gleb odwadnianych drenami wysoki odpływ azotanów (22 kg rocznie z 1 ha) rozkładał się równomiernie w ciągu roku, z maksimum w marcu i czerwcu. Odpływ azotanów systemem rowów był niewielki (1,15 kg rocznie z 1 ha), z maksimum w marcu i kwietniu (62% ładunku) i zanikiem odpływu latem

    Wpływ użytkowania zlewni na akumulację ołowiu i cynku w osadach dennych na przykładzie jezior Ardung i Bukwałd

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    The study concerns with the effect of catchment area use on lead and zinc accumulation in the bottom deposits of lakes. It was carried out in two water bodies in the Olsztyn Lakeland. The catchment areas of the investigated lakes are used for various purposes, ranging from forests to agricultural production. Lake Ardung (N 53o45, E 20o 55) is situated in the eastern part of the Masurian Lakeland, approximately 25 km east of Olsztyn. The lake has an area of 26.2 ha and a maximum depth of 3.6 m. The lake’s catchment area of 1539 ha is covered by farmland in 2 %, grassland in 2 %, fallow land overgrown with shrubs in 11.4 % and forests in 84.6 %. Lake Bukwald (N 53o58, E 20o 16) is located in the vicinity of the village of Bukwald, municipality of Dywity, around 20 km north of Olsztyn. The lake’s catchment area of 1156.8 ha comprises arable land in 60 %, forests and afforested areas in 31 % and wasteland in the remaining part. The studied water bodies were characterized by low concentrations of the analyzed elements. The average lead and zinc levels reached 28.3 mg/kg d.m. and 32.3 mg/kg d.m., respectively in Lake Ardung, and 33.3 mg/kg d.m. and 91.9 mg/kg d.m., respectively in Lake Bukwald. The total zinc and lead accumulation in the bottom deposits of the investigated water bodies, in terms of the surface area of the lakes and their catchments, was significantly higher in Lake Bukwald than in Lake Ardung.Do badań mających na celu określenie wpływu użytkowania zlewni jezior na akumulację ołowiu i cynku w ich osadach dennych wytypowano dwa zbiorniki położone na obszarze Pojezierza Olsztyńskiego. Zlewnie badanych jezior obejmują obszary o zróżnicowanym zagospodarowaniu - od obszarów leśnych po użytki rolne. Jezioro Ardung (N 53o45 , E 20o 55 ) położone jest we wschodniej części Pojezierza Mazurskiego ok. 25 km na wschód od Olsztyna. Powierzchnia jeziora wynosi 26,2 ha, natomiast jego maksymalna głębokość 3,6 m. Na obszarze zlewni jeziora o powierzchni 1539 ha grunty orne stanowią 2 %, łąki i pastwiska 2 %, odłogi w znacznym stopniu zakrzewione 11,4 % i 84,6 % lasy. Jezioro Bukwałd (N 53o58 , E 20o 16 ) położone jest w okolicach wsi Bukwałd w gminie Dywity około 20 km na północ od Olsztyna. Całkowita zlewni jeziora Bukwałd wynosi 1156,8 ha, z czego 60 % stanowią grunty orne, 31 % to lasy i tereny zalesione, pozostałą część stanową nieużytki. Badane osady charakteryzowały się niskim stężeniem badanych pierwiastków i w jeziorze Ardung średnie stężenie Pb wynosiło 28,3 mg Pb/kg s.m., natomiast Zn - 32,3 mg Zn/kg s.m., zaś w jeziorze Bukwałd było to 33,3 mg Pb/kg s.m. oraz 91,1 mg Zn/kg s.m. Także całkowita akumulacja cynku i ołowiu w osadach badanych zbiorników zarówno w odniesieniu do powierzchni lustra wody, jak i zlewni była zdecydowanie większa w osadach jeziora Bukwałd niż śródleśnego jeziora Ardung

    The effect of rainfall amount on organic and mineral matter elution from arable soils

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    The concentration and the load of organic and mineral matter in water (lowing out from rural areas during a wet and a very dry years has been researched. Some drained and not drained areas were chosen. It was stated that the concentration of the matter in water depends on grain-size distribution (higher values in light soils), dewatering intensity (higher values in drainage water than in ditch water) as well as rainfall quantity (higher values over the dry year). The amount of eluted matter was dependent, first of all, on the grain-size distribution of soil (higher values were observed in light soil) and the water outflow which is highly correlated to rainfall quantity and a kind of drainage system. During the wet year 13 kg C, 245 kg Ca, 27 kg Mg, 25 kg Na, 18 N-NO₃, 13 kg K, 1.1 kg N-NH₄ and 0.4 kg P were eluted from light soil and 3.7 kg C, 82 kg Ca, 12 kg Mg, 9 kg Na, 3 kg K, 3.4 kg N-NO₃, 0.5 kg N-NH₄ and 0.15 kg P were eluted from heavy soil. The elution from light soil during the very dry year was as follows: 4.1 kg C, 68 kg Ca, 7 kg Mg, 11 kg K, 10 kg Na, 7 kg N-NO₃, 0.5 kg N-NH₄ and 0.3 kg P from heavy one: 1.6 kg C, 17 kg Ca, 2 kg Mg, 2 kg Na, 0.7 kg K, 0.4 N-NO₃, 0.07 kg N-NH₄ and 0.03 kg P

    Neurologic foot disorders and fibularis muscles

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