34 research outputs found

    Ordered growth of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) on an iron phthalocyanine (FePc) monolayer

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    The growth and characterisation of a non-planar phthalocyanine (Vanadyl Phthalocyanine, VOPc) on a complete monolayer (ML) of a planar phthalocyanine (Iron (II) Phthalocyanine, FePc) on an Au (111) surface, has been investigated using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The surface mesh of the initial FePc monolayer has been determined and shown to correspond to an incommensurate overlayer, not commensurate as previously reported. Ordered islands of VOPc, with (1x1) epitaxy, grow on the FePc layer at submonolayer coverages. The individual VOPc molecules occupy sites directly atop the underlying FePc molecules, indicating that significant intermolecular bonding must occur. It is proposed that this interaction implies that the V=O points down into the surface, allowing a Fe-O bond to form. The detailed appearance of the STM images of the VOPc molecules is consistent with previous studies in other VOPc growth studies in which this molecular orientation has been proposed

    Structural templating in a nonplanar phthalocyanine using single crystal copper iodide

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    Solution-grown copper iodide crystals are used as substrates for the templated growth of the nonplanar vanadyl phthalocyanine using organic molecular beam deposition. Structural characterization reveals a single molecular orientation produced by the (111) Miller plane of the copper iodide crystals. These fundamental measurements show the importance of morphology and structure in templating interactions for organic electronics applications

    Copper light-catching electrodes for organic photovoltaics

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    Optically thin copper films with a random array of sub-optical wavelength apertures couple strongly with light in the wavelength range 600-800 nm due to excitation of surface plasmonic resonances. Herein we show that this trapped light can be used to excite electronic transitions in a nearby strongly absorbing organic semiconductor before the plasmonic excitations dissipate their energy as heat into the metal. This energy transfer process is demonstrated using model small molecule and polymer photovoltaic devices (based on chloro-aluminium phthalocyanine : C60 and PCE-10 : PC70BM heterojunctions respectively) in conjunction with a nano-hole copper electrode formed by thermal annealing an optically thin Cu film supported on polyethylene terephthalate. The efficiency of this process is shown to be highest for wavelengths in the range 650-750 nm, which is part of the solar spectrum that is weakly absorbed by today’s high performance organic photovoltaic devices, and so these findings demonstrate that this type of electrode could prove useful as a low cost light catching element in high performance organic photovoltaics

    Selecting phthalocyanine polymorphs using local chemical termination variations in copper iodide

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    Copper(I) iodide (CuI) thin films are employed as a structural templating layer for the growth of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) thin films. Structural polymorphs are observed in X-ray diffraction patterns when microcrystalline CuI films exhibiting copper and iodine terminated grains are used. Each polymorph is nucleated from a single termination, and distinctive crystallite morphologies are observed for each

    Direct quantitative identification of the "surface trans-effect"

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    The strong parallels between coordination chemistry and adsorption on metal surfaces, with molecules and ligands forming local bonds to individual atoms within a metal surface, have been established over many years of study. The recently proposed "surface trans-effect" (STE) appears to be a further manifestation of this analogous behaviour, but so far the true nature of the modified molecule-metal surface bonding has been unclear. The STE could play an important role in determining the reactivities of surface-supported metal-organic complexes, influencing the design of systems for future applications. However, the current understanding of this effect is incomplete and lacks reliable structural parameters with which to benchmark theoretical calculations. Using X-ray standing waves, we demonstrate that ligation of ammonia and water to iron phthalocyanine (FePc) on Ag(111) increases the adsorption height of the central Fe atom; dispersion corrected density functional theory calculations accurately model this structural effect. The calculated charge redistribution in the FePc/H2O electronic structure induced by adsorption shows an accumulation of charge along the σ-bonding direction between the surface, the Fe atom and the water molecule, similar to the redistribution caused by ammonia. This apparent σ-donor nature of the observed STE on Ag(111) is shown to involve bonding to the delocalised metal surface electrons rather than local bonding to one or more surface atoms, thus indicating that this is a true surface trans-effect

    Alkali doping leads to charge-transfer salt formation in a two-dimensional metal–organic framework

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    Efficient charge transfer across metal–organic interfaces is a key physical process in modern organic electronics devices, and characterization of the energy level alignment at the interface is crucial to enable a rational device design. We show that the insertion of alkali atoms can significantly change the structure and electronic properties of a metal–organic interface. Coadsorption of tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) and potassium on a Ag(111) surface leads to the formation of a two-dimensional charge transfer salt, with properties quite different from those of the two-dimensional Ag adatom TCNQ metal–organic framework formed in the absence of K doping. We establish a highly accurate structural model by combination of quantitative X-ray standing wave measurements, scanning tunnelling microscopy, and density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. Full agreement between the experimental data and the computational prediction of the structure is only achieved by inclusion of a charge-transfer-scaled dispersion correction in the DFT, which correctly accounts for the effects of strong charge transfer on the atomic polarizability of potassium. The commensurate surface layer formed by TCNQ and K is dominated by strong charge transfer and ionic bonding and is accompanied by a structural and electronic decoupling from the underlying metal substrate. The consequence is a significant change in energy level alignment and work function compared to TCNQ on Ag(111). Possible implications of charge-transfer salt formation at metal–organic interfaces for organic thin-film devices are discussed

    Direct experimental evidence for substrate adatom incorporation into a molecular overlayer

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    While the phenomenon of metal substrate adatom incorporation into molecular overlayers is generally believed to occur in several systems, the experimental evidence for this relies on the interpretation of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) images, which can be ambiguous and provides no quantitative structural information. We show that surface X- ray diffraction (SXRD) uniquely provides unambiguous identification of these metal adatoms. We present the results of a detailed structural study of the Au(111)-F4TCNQ system, combining surface characterisation by STM, low energy electron diffraction and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with quantitative experimental structural information from normal incidence X-ray standing waves (NIXSW) and SXRD, together with dispersion corrected density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Excellent agreement is found between the NIXSW data and the DFT calculations regarding the height and conformation of the adsorbed molecule, which has a twisted geometry rather than the previously supposed inverted bowl shape. SXRD measurements provide unequivocal evidence for the presence and location of Au adatoms, while the DFT calculations show this reconstruction to be strongly energetically favoured.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Adsorption structure of iron phthalocyanine and titanyl phthalocyanine on Cu(1 1 1)

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    The adsorption structure of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) and titanyl phthalocyanine (TiOPc) was studied by a combination of near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and normal incidence X-ray standing waves (NIXSW) technique. The FePc results demonstrate that the molecule adsorbs with the Fe metal centre at an adsorption height of 2.44 ± 0.09 Å, its macrocycle plane mostly parallel with the underlying surface and a single adsorption configuration. However, a small distortion of the isoindole groups, with respect to one another, is required to rationalise the results. The TiOPc results similarly indicate that the macrocycle plane is mostly parallel with the underlying surface up to thick multilayer films, yet, in the monolayer regime, the molecule must adsorb in multiple configurations. These configurations are nominally assigned to a mixture of adsorption configurations with some Ti=O bonds pointing towards the surface, and some pointing away. We determine that, in both configurations, the Ti metal centre sits at a similar adsorption height above the surface of 3.00 ± 0.20 Å

    Using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for graphene growth on Cu(111) under ultra-high vacuum

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    Ultra-high vacuum deposition of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons azupyrene and pyrene onto a Cu(111) surface held at a temperature of 1000 K is herein shown to result in the formation of graphene. The presence of graphene was proven using scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and low energy electron diffraction. The precursors, azupyrene and pyrene, are comparatively large aromatic molecules in contrast to more commonly employed precursors like methane or ethylene. While the formation of the hexagonal graphene lattice could naively be expected when pyrene is used as a precursor, the situation is more complex for azupyrene. In this case, the non-alternant topology of azupyrene with only 5- and 7-membered rings must be altered to form the observed hexagonal graphene lattice. Such a rearrangement, converting a non-alternant topology into an alternant one, is in line with previous reports describing similar topological alterations, including the isomerization of molecular azupyrene to pyrene. The thermal synthesis route to graphene, presented here, is achievable at comparatively low temperatures and under ultra-high vacuum conditions, which may enable further investigations of the growth process in a strictly controlled and clean environment that is not accessible with traditional precursors

    Probing the role of surface termination in the adsorption of azupyrene on copper

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    The role of the inorganic substrate termination, within the organic–inorganic interface, has been well studied for systems that contain strong localised bonding. However, how varying the substrate termination affects coordination to delocalised electronic states, like that found in aromatic molecules, is an open question. Azupyrene, a non-alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, is known to bind strongly to metal surfaces through its delocalised π orbitals, thus yielding an ideal probe into delocalised surface-adsorbate interactions. Normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) measurements and density functional theory calculations are reported for the adsorption of azupyrene on the (111), (110) and (100) surface facets of copper to investigate the dependence of the adsorption structure on the substrate termination. Structural models based on hybrid density functional theory calculations with non-local many-body dispersion yield excellent agreement with the experimental NIXSW results. No statistically significant difference in the azupyrene adsorption height was observed between the (111) and (100) surfaces. On the Cu(110) surface, the molecule was found to adsorb 0.06 ± 0.04 Å closer to the substrate than on the other surface facets. The most energetically favoured adsorption site on each surface, as determined by DFT, is subtly different, but in each case involved a configuration where the aromatic rings were centred above a hollow site, consistent with previous reports for the adsorption of small aromatic molecules on metal surfaces