8,253 research outputs found

    Testing of a spacecraft model in a combined environment simulator

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    A scale model of a satellite was tested in a large vacuum facility under electron bombardment and vacuum ultraviolet radiation to investigate the charging of dielectric materials on curved surfaces. The model was tested both stationary and rotating relative to the electron sources as well as grounded through one megohm and floating relative to the chamber. Surface potential measurements are presented and compared with the predictions of computer modelling of the stationary tests. Discharge activity observed during the stationary tests is discussed and signals from sensing devices located inside and outside of the model are presented

    NASCAP modelling of environmental-charging-induced discharges in satellites

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    The charging and discharging characteristics of a typical geosynchronous satellite experiencing time-varying geomagnetic substorms, in sunlight, were studied utilizing the NASA Charging Analyzer Program (NASCAP). An electric field criteria of 150,000 volts/cm to initiate discharges and transfer of 67 percent of the stored charge was used based on ground test results. The substorm characteristics were arbitrarily chosen to evaluate effects of electron temperature and particle density (which is equivalent to current density). It was found that while there is a minimum electron temperature for discharges to occur, the rate of discharges is dependent on particle density and duration times of the encounter. Hence, it is important to define the temporal variations in the substorm environments

    Large space system: Charged particle environment interaction technology

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    Large, high voltage space power systems are proposed for future space missions. These systems must operate in the charged-particle environment of space and interactions between this environment and the high voltage surfaces are possible. Ground simulation testing indicated that dielectric surfaces that usually surround biased conductors can influence these interactions. For positive voltages greater than 100 volts, it has been found that the dielectrics contribute to the current collection area. For negative voltages greater than-500 volts, the data indicates that the dielectrics contribute to discharges. A large, high-voltage power system operating in geosynchronous orbit was analyzed. Results of this analysis indicate that very strong electric fields exist in these power systems

    Quantum turbulence at finite temperature: the two-fluids cascade

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    To model isotropic homogeneous quantum turbulence in superfluid helium, we have performed Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of two fluids (the normal fluid and the superfluid) coupled by mutual friction. We have found evidence of strong locking of superfluid and normal fluid along the turbulent cascade, from the large scale structures where only one fluid is forced down to the vorticity structures at small scales. We have determined the residual slip velocity between the two fluids, and, for each fluid, the relative balance of inertial, viscous and friction forces along the scales. Our calculations show that the classical relation between energy injection and dissipation scale is not valid in quantum turbulence, but we have been able to derive a temperature--dependent superfluid analogous relation. Finally, we discuss our DNS results in terms of the current understanding of quantum turbulence, including the value of the effective kinematic viscosity

    Vortex spectrum in superfluid turbulence: interpretation of a recent experiment

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    We discuss a recent experiment in which the spectrum of the vortex line density fluctuations has been measured in superfluid turbulence. The observed frequency dependence of the spectrum, f5/3f^{-5/3}, disagrees with classical vorticity spectra if, following the literature, the vortex line density is interpreted as a measure of the vorticity or enstrophy. We argue that the disagrement is solved if the vortex line density field is decomposed into a polarised field (which carries most of the energy) and an isotropic field (which is responsible for the spectrum).Comment: Submitted for publication http://crtbt.grenoble.cnrs.fr/helio/GROUP/infa.html http://www.mas.ncl.ac.uk/~ncfb

    Effects of magnetic field and disorder on electronic properties of Carbon Nanotubes

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    Electronic properties of metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotubes are investigated in presence of magnetic field perpendicular to the CN-axis, and disorder introduced through energy site randomness. The magnetic field field is shown to induce a metal-insulator transition (MIT) in absence of disorder, and surprisingly disorder does not affect significantly the MIT. These results may find confirmation through tunneling experimentsComment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Phys. Rev. B (in press

    NASCAP simulation of PIX 2 experiments

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    The latest version of the NASCAP/LEO digital computer code used to simulate the PIX 2 experiment is discussed. NASCAP is a finite-element code and previous versions were restricted to a single fixed mesh size. As a consequence the resolution was dictated by the largest physical dimension to be modeled. The latest version of NASCAP/LEO can subdivide selected regions. This permitted the modeling of the overall Delta launch vehicle in the primary computational grid at a coarse resolution, with subdivided regions at finer resolution being used to pick up the details of the experiment module configuration. Langmuir probe data from the flight were used to estimate the space plasma density and temperature and the Delta ground potential relative to the space plasma. This information is needed for input to NASCAP. Because of the uncertainty or variability in the values of these parameters, it was necessary to explore a range around the nominal value in order to determine the variation in current collection. The flight data from PIX 2 were also compared with the results of the NASCAP simulation

    Competition between magnetic field dependent band structure and coherent backscattering in multiwall carbon nanotubes

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    Magnetotransport measurements in large diameter multiwall carbon nanotubes (20-40 nm) demonstrate the competition of a magnetic-field dependent bandstructure and Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations. By means of an efficient capacitive coupling to a backgate electrode, the magnetoconductance oscillations are explored as a function of Fermi level shift. Changing the magnetic field orientation with respect to the tube axis and by ensemble averaging, allows to identify the contributions of different Aharonov-Bohm phases. The results are in qualitative agreement with numerical calculations of the band structure and the conductance.Comment: 4 figures, 5 page

    Utilization of preimplantation genetic testing in the USA

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and live birth rates (LBR) in the USA from 2014 to 2017 and to understand how PGT is being used at a clinic and state level. METHODS: This study accessed SART data for 2014 to 2017 to determine LBR and the CDC for years 2016 and 2017 to identify PGT usage. Primary cycles included only the first embryo transfer within 1 year of an oocyte retrieval; subsequent cycles included transfers occurring after the first transfer or beyond 1 year of oocyte retrieval. RESULTS: In the SART data, the number of primary PGT cycles showed a significant monotonic annual increase from 18,805 in 2014 to 54,442 in 2017 (P = 0.042) and subsequent PGT cycles in these years increased from 2946 to 14,361 (P = 0.01). There was a significant difference in primary PGT cycle use by age, where younger women had a greater percentage of PGT treatment cycles than older women. In both PGT and non-PGT cycles, the LBR per oocyte retrieval decreased significantly from 2014 to 2017 (P<0001) and younger women had a significantly higher LBR per oocyte retrieval compared to older women (P < 0.001). The CDC data revealed that in 2016, just 53 (11.4%) clinics used PGT for more than 50% of their cycles, which increased to 99 (21.4%) clinics in 2017 (P< 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: A growing number of US clinics are offering PGT to their patients. These findings support re-evaluation of the application for PGT