1 research outputs found

    Public Management in the Environmental Pollution of the Public Transport of Mototaxis in the Transport Management of the District Municipalities of Huamanga and Huanta in the year 2019

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    La presente investigaci贸n de Gesti贸n P煤blica en la Contaminaci贸n Ambiental del Transporte P煤blico de Mototaxis en las Gerencias de Transporte de las Municipalidades Distritales de Huamanga y Huanta en el a帽o 2019, permiti贸 ampliar la informaci贸n emp铆rica acerca de las dos variables: Incumplimiento de las normas ambientales. Del mismo modo, se realiz贸 un estudio de caso sobre la contaminaci贸n vehicular del parque automotor con veh铆culos menores, se justific贸, en los siguientes aspectos: Conveniencia, Relevancia social, Implicaciones pr谩cticas, Valor te贸rico. En cuanto a los objetivos, se acudi贸 al conocimiento cient铆fico como las encuestas, entrevistas, observaci贸n, an谩lisis documental, los mimos que gener贸 la mejora continua en la entidad, para lo cual se utiliz贸 el m茅todo deductivo, los resultados de la presente investigaci贸n permiti贸 mejorar la gesti贸n institucional a trav茅s de la formulaci贸n del cumplimiento normativo ambiental, la metodolog铆a fue estructurada de forma rigurosa a procedimientos establecidos, donde por medio del uso de instrumentos, se recolect贸 datos, se valid贸 y determin贸 su fiabilidad. Con esto, ser谩 un aporte para posteriores investigaciones y as铆 profundizar en conocimiento que tengan relaci贸n con el Incumplimiento Normativo Ambiental de la Gerencia de Transporte y su Incidencia en la Contaminaci贸n Vehicular.The present investigation of Public Management in Environmental Pollution of Public Transport of Mototaxis in the Transport Managements of the District Municipalities of Huamanga and Huanta in 2019, allowed to expand the empirical information about the two variables: Non-compliance with environmental regulations. In the same way, a case study was carried out on the vehicular pollution of the vehicle fleet with smaller vehicles, it was justified, in the following aspects: Convenience, Social relevance, Practical implications, Theoretical value. Regarding the objectives, scientific knowledge such as surveys, interviews, observation, documentary analysis, the pampering that generated continuous improvement in the entity was used, for which the deductive method was used, the results of this research allowed to improve Institutional management through the formulation of environmental regulatory compliance, the methodology was structured rigorously to established procedures, where through the use of instruments, data was collected, validated and its reliability determined. With this, it will be a contribution for further investigations and thus deepen knowledge that are related to the Non-Compliance with the Environmental Regulations of the Transportation Management and its Incidence in Vehicle Pollution