11 research outputs found

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices of nurses and doctors about the vertical transmission of hepatitis B

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    OBJECTIVE: to identify knowledge, attitudes and practices of physicians and nurses of the Family Health Strategy and a maternity hospital unit about vertical transmission of hepatitis B. METHOD: a cross-sectional study with a self-administered questionnaire applied to professionals. The data were analyzed according to professional category and site of action, whose differences were tested by χ2 and significance <5%. RESULTS: professionals recognize viral hepatitis as a disease of compulsory notification; however, not everyone knows its mechanisms of transmission. A large portion of professionals requested serological tests, specifying the marker, especially physicians. The majority of family health nurses did not indicate hepatitis B vaccine for pregnant women, although they knew the immunization schedule. The majority of physicians on the maternity unit had proper knowledge about prevention of vertical transmission. CONCLUSION: the differences in the knowledge, attitudes and practices about vertical transmission of hepatitis B revealed that the population is at risk, since not all the professionals involved know or properly perform control strategies for vertical transmission of hepatitis B. Nurses dominated vaccination aspects and physicians dominated aspects related to the management of cases with positive serology

    Framing the difficulties resulting from implementing a Participatory Management Model in a public hospital

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    Objective: This study aims to address difficulties reported by the nursing team during the process of changing the management model in a public hospital in Brazil. Methods: This qualitative study used thematic content analysis as proposed by Bardin, and data were analyzed using the theoretical framework of Bolman and Deal. Results: The vertical implementation of Participatory Management contradicted its underlying philosophy and thereby negatively influenced employee acceptance of the change. The decentralized structure of the Participatory Management Model was implemented but shared decision-making was only partially utilized. Despite facilitation of the communication process within the unit, more significant difficulties arose from lack of communication inter-unit. Values and principals need to be shared by teams, however, that will happens only if managers restructure accountabilities changing job descriptions of all team members. Conclusion: Innovative management models that depart from the premise of decentralized decision-making and increased communication encourage accountability, increased motivation and satisfaction, and contribute to improving the quality of care. The contribution of the study is that it describes the complexity of implementing an innovative management model, examines dissent and intentionally acknowledges the difficulties faced by employees in the organization.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2008/03775-5

    Individualized teaching programming for a virtual learning environment: development of content concerning nursing records

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe the planning of contents on nursing records for use in a virtual learning environment, based on Individualized Teaching Programming, a didactic resource that uses basic principles of behavioral analysis. METHOD: Final objectives were specified, after defining the intermediary components to achieve each final objective, as well as the preliminary requirements for each intermediary component. At the end of this process, teaching activities were planned and organized in steps the students need to develop. RESULTS: By breaking up the contents into behaviors, seven action categories emerged: impartiality, organization, honesty, objectiveness, coherence, readability and discernment. CONCLUSION: the use of Individualized Teaching Programming as a didactic resource to plan contents on nursing records is feasible to identify the units and modules for the development of a course in a virtual learning environment for nursing professionals