2,964 research outputs found

    Teacher knowledge and the teaching of statistics using a graphing calculator

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    Teaching statistics is often based on an approach focused on teaching theoretical aspects, disconnected from practical relevance and from interpretation of results, and where the use of technology lies behind its potential. In this context, it is important to analyze how the teachers’ knowledge is characterized and to identify aspects of this knowledge that mark the professional practice. The conclusions reached emphasize the impact of content knowledge and its influence on knowledge of content and teaching. Knowledge of curriculum is also relevant, as well as the way how it seems to prevent the development of other types of knowledge

    the contribution of father Luís Fróis

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013 UID/HIS/04666/2019 Copyright Year 2020The sixteenth century brought new worlds to the old world that was Europe, which now also struggled with internal political and religious changes. The Society of Jesus was one of the tools that Catholic Europe used to combat the advance of Protestantism and to deal with the new geographical and cultural realities, and in 16th-century Japan, this religious congregation resorted to intelligence and creativity to advance Catholic evangelisation in a new space. Intelligence to understand the complexity of Japanese society, creativity to overcome this obstacle through unconventional methods; intelligence to adapt to change, creativity to create a very own form of adaptation - accommodatio; intelligence to learn new cultures, creativity to face them without clashing with the directives of the Catholic Church; intelligence in the use of feelings and emotion, creativity in the balance between duty and action. Father Luís Fróis is one of the best examples of these abilities, revealed both in his vast literary work and in his life of almost 35 years in Japan, using intelligence and creativity to advance with evangelisation and ensure the survival of a small number of European missionaries in a space with many obstacles. We highlight the Historia de Japam, the Tratado, and the various letters in a corpus of documents – Cartas de Évora-, epistolography which we will analyse in greater detail here.publishe

    Some factors impacting the teachers’ assessment practices

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    The assessment and the role it should be assumed by the summative and formative component are often a reason for discussion. It is therefore important to understand how the teacher assessment practices are characterized and what influences them. That is, identify aspects taken into account when planning assessment; the (dis)continuities between assessment and learning; the divergences/consonances between assessment planned and implemented. The conclusions reached point to a strong influence of peers, to the assessment criteria of the school and to the students’ characteristics, in a scenario where the test is the dominant element in assessment

    Contribution of the Analysis of the Mathematical Concordance to Understand the Teachers' KTMT

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Technology is recognized by its potential to promote mathematical learning. However, achieving this potential requires the teachers to have the knowledge to integrate it properly into their practices. Several authors have intended to characterize the teachers' knowledge and developed several models, but this approach has often been criticized by its static approach, not attending neither valuing the teachers' practice. In this study we adopt the KTMT - Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics with Technology model, assuming the teachers' practice as the main scenario of analysis. We focus on the options guiding the teachers' decisions when confronted with a situation of lack of mathematical concordance while teaching functions. The situations of lack of mathematical concordance (i.e., situations where the mathematics addressed by the students is different from the one intended by the teacher) are assumed as rich and encapsulating the potential to reveal significant aspects of the teachers' KTMT. The main goal of the study is to understand what domains of the teachers' KTMT are highlighted in these circumstances. A qualitative methodology is adopted and one episode of one 10th grade teacher's practice is analyzed, based on the KTMT model. The conclusions reached show the relevance of different knowledge domains, but emphasize the Mathematics and Technology Knowledge (MTK). They also raise questions about the impact of the specific technology being used on the teachers' KTMT.publishersversionpublishe

    Analyzing teachers’ knowledge based on their approach to the information provided by technology

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    Funding Information: Funding: This study was supported by national funds through FCT–Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project 2022.03892.PTDC. Declaration of interest: The author declares no competing interest. Data availability: Data generated or analyzed during this study are available from the author on request. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by authors; licensee EJSME by Bastas.Teachers’ knowledge plays a central role in technology integration. In this study we analyze situations, where there is some divergence between the mathematical results and the information offered by the graphing calculator (lack of mathematical fidelity), putting the focus in the teachers and in their approaches. The goal of this study is to analyze, in the light of knowledge for teaching mathematics with technology (KTMT) model, the teachers’ professional knowledge, assuming the situations of lack of mathematical fidelity as having the potential to reveal some characteristics of their knowledge. Specifically, considering the teaching of functions at 10th grade (age 16), we intend to analyze: (1) What knowledge do the teachers have of technology and of its mathematical fidelity? (2) What can the teachers’ options related to situations of lack of mathematical fidelity tell us about their knowledge in other KTMT domains? The study adopts a qualitative and interpretative approach based on the case studies of two teachers. Data were collected by interviews and class observation, being the analysis guided by the KTMT model. The main result points to the relevance of the mathematics and technology knowledge. However, there is evidence of some difficulties to integrate the information provided by the technology with the mathematics, and also of some interference of the teaching and learning and technology knowledge, and specifically of the knowledge related to the students. This suggests that the analysis of the teachers’ actions in relation to situations of lack of mathematical fidelity, can be useful to characterize their KTMT.publishersversionpublishe

    Retinoblastoma:análise de 10 anos em Centro de Referência de Santa Catarina

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Pediatria

    Novel platforms for vascularization in skin wound healing

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia de Tecidos, Medicina Regenerativa e Células EstaminaisIn cutaneous wounds, neovascularization is critical for tissue repair, influencing the healing cascade from the early onset to the remodeling phase. When vascularization is affected by alterationsin angiogenic signaling, the healing process is impaired and the quality of the neotissue formed is affected. Several strategies have been explored to promote neovascularization in cutaneous wounds; however, their clinical translation is still to be achieved. Therefore, this thesis aimed to explore innovative strategies to promote in vitro vascularization of tissue engineered (TE) constructs for wound healing. To this end, we took advantage of gellan gum-based spongy-like hydrogels to explore i) the modulation of a fibroblast-driven angiogenic microenvironment fostering endothelial cell (ECs) potential, and ii) the ability of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) from adipose tissue to generate a self-regulatory angiogenic microenvironment in the absence of extrinsic growth factors. To minimize batch-to-batch variability associated to the processing of dried polymeric networks/spongy-like hydrogels, we designed two freezing devices and mapped the effect of the thermal parameters on the properties of the obtained structures. We were then able to fabricate highly reproducible materials with fine-tuned microarchitecture according to our specific needs. A bilayered structure was used as a template to explore the distinct functions of the dermal fibroblast’s subpopulations, providing evidence that pre-selection of papillary and reticular fibroblasts is relevant for promoting the in vitro prevascularization of skin TE constructs. We further explored the delivery of genes encoding angiogenic factors to fibroblasts, generating a microenvironment prone to vascularization while the spongy-like hydrogel offered structural support for new matrix deposition. Finally, we exploited specific integrins found in ECs present in SVF by designing integrin-specific spongy-like hydrogels to retain those cells, to ultimately triggering vasculogenesis. This in vitro vasculogenesis platform benefited neovascularization upon implantation by fostering inosculation with the host vasculature, but negatively impacted the healing of cutaneous wounds. Overall, the works herein reported provide valuable contributions in the field of vascularization of TE constructs, proposing complementary and alternative approaches to the use of ECs, taking a step towards the development of better therapies for cutaneous wounds.Em feridas cutâneas, a neovascularização é crítica para a reparação do tecido, influenciando a cicatrização do início à fase de remodelação. Quando a vascularização é afetada por alterações na sinalização angiogénica, o processo de cicatrização é prejudicado, afetando a qualidade do neotecido formado. Várias estratégias têm sido exploradas para promover a neovascularização em feridas cutâneas; no entanto, vários fatores dificultam a sua translação para a clínica. Esta tese, teve como objetivo explorar estratégias inovadoras de vascularização in vitro de estruturas de engenharia de tecidos (ET) para cicatrização de feridas. Para tal, tirámos partido dos hidrogéis esponjosos à base de goma gelana para explorar i) a modulação do microambiente angiogénico mediado por fibroblastos para promover o potencial das células endoteliais (CEs), e ii) a capacidade da fração vascular estromal (FVE) do tecido adiposo em gerar um microambiente autorregulador angiogénico sem fatores de crescimento extrínsecos. Para minimizar a variabilidade associada ao processo de preparação de redes poliméricas secas/hidrogéis esponjosos, desenvolvemos dois dispositivos de congelamento e mapeamos o efeito dos parâmetros térmicos nas propriedades das estruturas obtidas. Isto permitiu fabricar materiais com características altamente reprodutíveis com microarquitetura ajustada de acordo com nossas necessidades específicas. Uma estrutura baseada em bicamada foi utilizada como modelo para explorar as funções típicas de cada subpopulação de fibroblastos da derme, demonstrando que a pré-seleção dos fibroblastos papilares e reticules promove a pré-vascularização in vitro de estruturas de ET de pele. Explorámos ainda a entrega de genes codificadores de fatores de crescimento angiogénicos aos fibroblastos para gerar um microambiente propenso à vascularização, enquanto o hidrogel esponjoso ofereceu suporte estrutural para a deposição de nova matriz. Finalmente, explorámos integrinas específicas encontradas nas CEs presentes na FVE e desenhámos hidrogéis esponjosos integrina específicos capazes de reter essas células e desencadear a vasculogénese in vitro. Esta plataforma de vasculogénese in vitro beneficiou a neovascularização in vivo após a implantação, promovendo a inosculação com a vasculatura hospedeira, mas teve um impacto negativo na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Em suma, os trabalhos relatados fornecem contribuições valiosas no campo da vascularização de estruturas de ET, propondo abordagens complementares e alternativas ao uso de CEs e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de terapias para feridas cutâneas.Fundo Social Europeu através do Programa Operacional do Capital Humano under the scope of the PD/169/2013, for giving me the financial support to develop this thesis (NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000037

    Water competence development in young children : common methodological approaches and their effects on aquatic skill acquisition and on gross motor development

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    Objetivo: Esta tese inclui três estudos relacionados com o ensino da natação, procurando cumprir com os seguintes objetivos: (i) descrever a organização e metodologia de ensino da natação desenvolvida em Portugal, em contexto educativo (primeiro ciclo do ensino básico); (ii) analisar as diferenças na competência aquática adquirida entre dois programas de ensino da natação, em contextos de profundidade distintos (água rasa e profunda); (iii) analisar as mudanças longitudinais no desenvolvimento motor global de crianças, após cinco, dez e 30 meses de prática de natação e de futebol. Métodos: Para o primeiro estudo, a amostra incluiu 89 coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas de natação e 100 professores de natação. Em ambos os grupos amostrais foram aplicados questionários para apurar a organização e metodologia de ensino da natação. Para o segundo estudo, a amostra foi constituída por 21 crianças (4,70 ± 0,51 anos), de ambos os géneros e sem qualquer experiência em programas de ensino da natação. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos experimentais, que foram sujeitos a um programa similar de ensino da natação, durante seis meses, mas variável na profundidade do espaço aquático (piscina de água rasa; piscina de água profunda). Para o terceiro estudo, a amostra foi composta por 33 crianças (4,8 ± 0,5 anos). A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: grupo de controlo; grupo praticante de futebol; grupo praticante de natação. Foi utilizado o Test Gross Motor Development - 2nd Edition para avaliar o desenvolvimento motor global em três momentos distintos: após cinco, dez e trinta meses de prática desportiva. Resultados: Os resultados do primeiro estudo sugerem que a natação no primeiro ciclo do ensino básico regese, sobretudo, pelas orientações do Ministério da Educação. Os principais objetivos das aulas estão relacionados com a adaptação ao meio aquático, privilegiando-se as habilidades aquáticas básicas (81,4%), num ensino pouco suportado em material pedagógico. No segundo estudo, os resultados sugerem que o ensino em piscina rasa permite adquirir um nível superior de competência aquática, em particular em cinco habilidades aquáticas básicas. No terceiro estudo, os dados apontam, em ambos os grupos (futebol e natação), para uma melhoria significativa do quociente motor bruto e dos scores padrão, na locomoção e controlo de objetos entre T5 e T10. Os praticantes de futebol atingem um quociente máximo de desenvolvimento motor após 10 meses de prática. Os praticantes de natação apresentaram um desenvolvimento motor (entre T10 e T30) gradual, particularmente em habilidades de controlo de objetos. Conclusões: Os dados descritos no primeiro estudo permitiram-nos identificar algumas insuficiências no enquadramento da natação no primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, provavelmente por condicionantes da eficiência do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, ao nível da aquisição de habilidades aquáticas mais complexas. Para além disso, os resultados sugerem que as sessões de natação em baixa profundidade parecem facilitar o desenvolvimento da competência aquática em crianças, após seis meses de prática. Foi também concluído que a prática desportiva (natação e futebol) durante a infância pode contribuir para um maior desenvolvimento motor.Objective: This thesis includes three studies related to the teaching of swimming, with the following objectives: (i) to describe the organization and methodology of swimming teaching in Portugal, in the context of school education (elementary school); (ii) to analyze and compare the efficiency between the two program types of swimming teaching (practice in shallow water and practice in deep water); (iii) to analyze the longitudinal changes in the gross motor development of children, after five, ten and 30 months practicing swimming and soccer in parallel. Methods: For the first study, the sample included 89 pedagogical coordinators of swimming schools and 100 swimming teachers. We have done a survey with both groups to assess the level of organization and methodology of swimming teaching. For the second study, the sample was composed by 21 children (4.70 ± 0.51years), of both genders and with no experience with swimming learning programs. The sample was organized in two experimental groups, which have followed a similar swimming learning program during six months, but using different water depths (one using shallow water, the other using deep water). For the third study, the sample was composed by 33 children (4.8 ± 0.5 years). The sample was organized in three groups: control group, soccer group, swimming group. We have used the Test Gross Motor Development – 2nd Edition to evaluate the gross motor development in three different moments: after five, ten and 30 months of practice of both sports. Results: the results of the first study indicate that the swimming practice in the elementary school is conducted following the orientations from the Portuguese Ministry of Education. At this level, the swimming practice is focused on the aquatic readiness, giving more attention to basic aquatic skills (81.4%), where the teaching model rarely includes pedagogical material. In the second study, the results indicate that we can achieve a better performance (higher level of aquatic competence) in shallow water than in deep water, especially with acquiring the five basic aquatic skills. In the third study, the results indicate that, in both groups (soccer and swimming), there’s a significant improvement of the gross motor coefficient and the standard scores in the locomotion and control of objects, between T5 and T10. The soccer practitioners have reached the higher motor development coefficient, after 10 months of practice. The swimming practitioners have a gradual motor development (between T10 and T30), especially with regards to object control skills. Conclusions: with the data of the first study, we could find some deficiencies in the integration of swimming practice in the elementary school’s program and probably those are limitations of the efficiency of the teaching method adopted, in respect to the acquisition of more complex aquatic skills. By the results of the second study, the development of aquatic skills, by children after six months of practice, seems to be easier in shallow water that in deep water. The data collected with the last study indicate that sports (both swimming and soccer) during childhood can contribute for a higher gross motor development of children

    A Elegia III de Camões

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