4,690 research outputs found

    Strong evidence for an accelerating universe

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    A recent analysis of the Supernova Ia data claims a 'marginal' (∼3σ\sim3\sigma) evidence for a cosmic acceleration. This result has been complemented with a non-accelerating Rh=ctR_{h}=ct cosmology, which was presented as a valid alternative to the Λ\LambdaCDM model. In this paper, we use the same analysis to show that a non-marginal evidence for acceleration is actually found. We compare the standard Friedmann models to the Rh=ctR_{h}=ct cosmology by complementing SN Ia data with the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Gamma Ray Bursts and Observational Hubble datasets. We also study the power-law model which is a functional generalisation of Rh=ctR_{h}=ct. We find that the evidence for late-time acceleration is beyond refutable at a 4.56σ\sigma confidence level from SN Ia data alone, and at an even stronger confidence level (5.38σ5.38\sigma) from our joint analysis. Also, the non-accelerating Rh=ctR_{h}=ct model fails to statistically compare with the Λ\LambdaCDM having a Δ(AIC)∼30\Delta(\text{AIC})\sim30

    Exergy Life Cycle Assessment of a Waste-to-Energy Plant

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    In this paper, thermodynamic performances of a Waste-to-Energy power plant are evaluated by means of Exergy Life Cycle Assessment (ELCA). Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis is proposed as the computational structure of ELCA, allowing to account for the embodied exergy of electricity production and for the Exergy Return on (non-renewable Exergy) Investment (ExROI). Results of the analysis reveal that non-renewable resources requirement of the WtE plant is not negligible. Nonetheless, the plant is able to produce a net amount of electricity that pays back such resources requirements about a hundred times

    An Analysis of 3D Simulation of SI Combustion with an Improved Version of the Kiva 3V Code: Numerical Formulation and Experimental Validation

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    The correct simulation of combustion process allows to better face several SI engines design problems, not only for innovative mixture formation concepts (stratified or ultra-lean charge), but for traditional homogeneous mixture as well. Even though many commercial codes are able to describe the complex 3-D non reacting fluid dynamics in ICE, the simulation of high turbulent flame propagation does not seem to be a completely solved problem yet. In this work a comparison between two different turbulent combustion models (a characteristic time based one by Abraham and Reitz [2, 15, 16] and a flamelet based one by Cant and AbuOrf [4, 20]) has been performed using KIVA-3V code to assess simulation reliability. Models predictive capabilities have been tested with reference to specific data acquired at the engine test bench of Tor Vergata Mechanical Engineering Department on a Fiat Punto 1242 cc 8 valves SI engine over a wide range of operating conditions. A generally good agreement has been observed between experimental and numerical results obtained by using both the combustion models. In addition it can be noticed that, thanks to a more physical description of the local turbulent flame characteristics, Cant model seems to exhibit more predicting reliability in the whole engine operating field

    Response to. comment on optic nerve sheath diameter ultrasound evaluation in intensive care unit: possible role and clinical aspects in neurological critical patients' daily monitoring

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    Comment on "Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter Ultrasound Evaluation in Intensive Care Unit: Possible Role and Clinical Aspects in Neurological Critical Patients' Daily Monitoring"

    Características del zooplancton del área costera de la plataforma patagónica austral (Argentina)

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    El estudio del zooplancton en áreas de desove y cría de peces es de particular trascendencia en la región costera patagónica sur (50º-55º S), dado que allí se distribuye la población continental de sardina fueguina Sprattus fuegensis (Jenyns, 1842); esta especie es exclusivamente zooplanctófaga a lo largo de todo su ciclo vital y se le atribuye el papel de especie forrajera en el sector austral del mar Argentino. En el otoño y la primavera de 1996 se colectaron muestras de zooplancton en el área mediante arrastres oblicuos fondo-superficie con un muestreador Nackthai provisto de una red de 400 μm de luz de malla y flujómetro digital. El material se separó en dos grupos según el tamaño (mayor y menor de 5 mm) y se pesaron las fracciones resultantes (peso húmedo). En ambas estaciones del año, la biomasa de la fracción menor fue normalmente igual, e incluso superó en ocasiones, a la concentración de la fracción mayor. Dada su importancia para los objetivos de este trabajo, se analizó en detalle la composición y abundancia numérica de la fracción menor de 5 mm, que se mostró compuesta casi exclusivamente por copépodos calanoideos, dominados por las especies Drepanopus forcipatus Giesbrecht, 1888 y Calanus australis Brodsky, 1959. La biomasa, la abundancia de individuos y el número de especies fueron mayores en primavera. En esta estación Drepanopus forcipatus fue la especie dominante en casi toda el área, constituyendo hasta el 90 % del total de individuos. Calanus australis fue relativamente más importante en otoño, periodo en que dominó, en particular, en la zona de Bahía Grande. Estos dos copépodos pueden considerarse especies clave en la estructuración de las tramas tróficas del área.Fil: Sabatini, Marina Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Subsede Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero; ArgentinaFil: Giménez, J.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología; ArgentinaFil: Rocco, V.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche; Argentin

    renewable sources integration through the optimization of the load for residential applications

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    Abstract This work presents the implementation of two different control strategies for the control of Microgrids a Model Predictive Control (MPC) technique coupled with a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) structure and a Rule Based Control (RBC) strategy both applied to a residential MicroGrid. The validation of the models has been performed with an experimental setup laid out in the laboratory of University of Rome - Tor Vergata. Results obtained show that MicroGrids connected to the main network have enough potential to support grid balancing actions, thus allowing for a greater penetration of renewable sources into the mix, and giving economic benefits for both end users and providers. In particular, using a MPC strategy major benefits can be obtained in terms of reduction of the unbalanced energy exchange with the main grid and a more efficient use of the micro-grid components

    Natural Gas Fueling: A LES Based Injection and Combustion Modeling for Partially Stratified Engines☆

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    Abstract The Partially Stratified Charge Spark Ignition (PSC-SI) combustion strategy is envisaged as a way of reducing fuel consumption and therefore polluting emissions; the improved fuel economy is mainly due to lean, stratified combustion, and to the reduction of pumping losses at partial load conditions. The aim of this work is to explore the potential capabilities of the PSC-SI combustion strategy over a wide flammability air-to-fuel ratio range with a CFD-based computational approach. A validated LES solver has been used to represent the main occurring phenomena into an experimentally implemented Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC). For different air fuel ratios, both homogeneous and non-homogeneous combustion processes have been simulated in order to compare and emphasize the benefits of the PSC-SI and the impact of the choice of operating conditions

    Grid-connected Microgrids to Support Renewable Energy Sources Penetration

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    Abstract Distributed generation systems and microgrids are instrumental for a greater penetration of renewables to achieve a substantial reduction on carbon emissions. However, microgrids performances and reliability strongly depend on the continuous interaction between power generation, storage and load requirements, highlighting the importance in developing a proper energy management strategy and the relative control system. In this work a Model predictive Control (MPC) strategy, based on a Mixed Linear Integer Programming framework, has been applied to a residential microgrid case. Theoretical results obtained confirm that grid connected microgrids have potential capabilities in grid balancing allowing for a larger penetration of fluctuating renewable energy sources and thus producing economic benefits for both end-user and grid operators. A microgrid test bench to reproduce previous microgrid model is also presented in the paper. The experimental setup has been used to validate results obtained from simulation. Results obtained confirm the potential of this solution and its real applicability

    Kinematic and stellar population properties of the counter-rotating components in the S0 galaxy NGC 1366

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    Context. Many disk galaxies host two extended stellar components that rotate in opposite directions. The analysis of the stellar populations of the counter-rotating components provides constraints on the environmental and internal processes that drive their formation. Aims. The S0 NGC 1366 in the Fornax cluster is known to host a stellar component that is kinematically decoupled from the main body of the galaxy. Here we successfully separated the two counter-rotating stellar components to independently measure the kinematics and properties of their stellar populations. Methods. We performed a spectroscopic decomposition of the spectrum obtained along the galaxy major axis and separated the relative contribution of the two counter-rotating stellar components and of the ionized-gas component. We measured the line-strength indices of the two counter-rotating stellar components and modeled each of them with single stellar population models that account for the \u3b1/Fe overabundance. Results. We found that the counter-rotating stellar component is younger, has nearly the same metallicity, and is less \u3b1/Fe enhanced than the corotating component. Unlike most of the counter-rotating galaxies, the ionized gas detected in NGC 1366 is neither associated with the counter-rotating stellar component nor with the main galaxy body. On the contrary, it has a disordered distribution and a disturbed kinematics with multiple velocity components observed along the minor axis of the galaxy. Conclusions. The different properties of the counter-rotating stellar components and the kinematic peculiarities of the ionized gas suggest that NGC 1366 is at an intermediate stage of the acquisition process, building the counter-rotating components with some gas clouds still falling onto the galaxy. \ua9 ESO 2017
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