39 research outputs found

    Prostaglandin E2 receptors in asthma and in chronic rhinosinusitis/nasal polyps with and without aspirin hypersensitivity

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and asthma frequently coexist and are always present in patients with aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD). Although the pathogenic mechanisms of this condition are still unknown, AERD may be due, at least in part, to an imbalance in eicosanoid metabolism (increased production of cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) and reduced biosynthesis of prostaglandin (PG) E2), possibly increasing and perpetuating the process of inflammation. PGE2 results from the metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA) by cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, and seems to play a central role in homeostasis maintenance and inflammatory response modulation in airways. Therefore, the abnormal regulation of PGE2 could contribute to the exacerbated processes observed in AERD. PGE2 exerts its actions through four G-protein-coupled receptors designated E-prostanoid (EP) receptors EP1, EP2, EP3, and EP4. Altered PGE2 production as well as differential EP receptor expression has been reported in both upper and lower airways of patients with AERD. Since the heterogeneity of these receptors is the key for the multiple biological effects of PGE2 this review focuses on the studies available to elucidate the importance of these receptors in inflammatory airway diseases

    Adenosine Signaling in Mast Cells and Allergic Diseases.

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    Adenosine is a nucleoside involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. Its effects are mediated through its binding to G protein-coupled receptors: A1, A2a, A2b and A3. The receptors differ in the type of G protein they recruit, in the effect on adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity and the downstream signaling pathway triggered. Adenosine can produce both an enhancement and an inhibition of mast cell degranulation, indicating that adenosine effects on these receptors is controversial and remains to be clarified. Depending on the study model, A1, A2b, and A3 receptors have shown anti- or pro-inflammatory activity. However, most studies reported an anti-inflammatory activity of A2a receptor. The precise knowledge of the adenosine mechanism of action may allow to develop more efficient therapies for allergic diseases by using selective agonist and antagonist against specific receptor subtypes

    Effect of lipopolysaccharide on glucocorticoid receptor function in control nasal mucosa fibroblasts and in fibroblasts from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and asthma

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the upper airways frequently associated with asthma. Bacterial infection is a feature of CRSwNP that can aggravate the disease and the response to glucocorticoid treatment.We examined whether the bacterial product lipopolysaccharide (LPS) reduces glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function in control nasal mucosa (NM) fibroblasts and in nasal polyp (NP) fibroblasts from patients with CRSwNP and asthma.NP (n = 12) and NM fibroblasts (n = 10) were in vitro pre-incubated with LPS (24 hours) prior to the addition of dexamethasone. Cytokine/chemokine secretion was measured by ELISA and Cytometric Bead Array. GR?, GR?, mitogen-activated protein-kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) and glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) expression was measured by RT-PCR and immunoblotting, GR? nuclear translocation by immunocytochemistry, and GR? localization by immunoblotting. The role of MKP-1 and GILZ on dexamethasone-mediated cytokine inhibition was analyzed by small interfering RNA silencing.Pre-incubation of nasal fibroblasts with LPS enhanced the secretion of IL-6, CXCL8, RANTES, and GM-CSF induced by FBS. FBS-induced CXCL8 secretion was higher in NP than in NM fibroblasts. LPS effects on IL-6 and CXCL8 were mediated via activation of p38?/? MAPK and IKK/NF-?B pathways. Additionally, LPS pre-incubation: 1) reduced dexamethasone's capacity to inhibit FBS-induced IL-6, CXCL8 and RANTES, 2) reduced dexamethasone-induced GR? nuclear translocation (only in NM fibroblasts), 3) did not alter GR?/GR? expression, 4) decreased GILZ expression, and 5) did not affect dexamethasone's capacity to induce MKP-1 and GILZ expression. MKP-1 knockdown reduced dexamethasone's capacity to suppress FBS-induced CXCL8 release.The bacterial product LPS negatively affects GR function in control NM and NP fibroblasts by interfering with the capacity of the activated receptor to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory mediators. This study contributes to the understanding of how bacterial infection of the upper airways may limit the efficacy of glucocorticoid treatment

    Signal transduction pathways (MAPKS, NF-kB, and C/EBP) regulating COX-2 expression in nasal fibroblasts from asthma patients with aspirin intolerance

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    Background Recent studies have revealed that cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression is down-regulated in aspirin-induced asthma (AIA). Various signal pathways (MAPKs, NF-ÎșB and C/EBP) are involved in COX-2 regulation. Objective To investigate the regulation of COX-2 expression through MAP-kinase pathway activation and nuclear factor translocation in aspirin-induced asthma (AIA). Methods Fibroblasts were isolated from specimens of nasal mucosa (NM, N = 5) and nasal polyps (NP, N = 5). After IL-1ÎČ (1 ng/ml) incubation, COX-2 and phosphorylated forms of ERK, JNK and p38 MAPK were measured by Western blot. MAPK's role in IL-1ÎČ-induced COX-2 expression was assessed by treating cells with ERK (PD98059), JNK (SP600125) and p38 MAPK (SB203580) inhibitors (0.1-10 ”M) prior to IL-1ÎČ exposure. NF-ÎșB and C/EBP nuclear translocation was measured by Western blot and TransAMÂź after IL-1ÎČ (10 ng/ml) exposure. Results No differences were observed in the MAPK phosphorylation time-course between NM and NP-AIA fibroblasts. The p38 MAPK inhibitor at 10 ”M significantly reduced IL-1ÎČ-induced COX-2 expression in NM fibroblasts (85%). In NP-AIA fibroblasts the COX-2 inhibition (65%) at 1 and 10 ”M was not statistically significant compared to non-treated cells. ERK and JNK inhibitors had no significant effect in either the NM or NP-AIA cultures. The effect of IL-1ÎČ on NF-ÎșB and C/EBP subunits' nuclear translocation was similar between NM and NP-AIA fibroblasts. Conclusions These results suggest that p38 MAPK is the only MAPK involved in IL-1ÎČ-induced COX-2 expression. NM and NP-AIA fibroblasts have similar MAPK phosphorylation dynamics and nuclear factor translocation (NF-ÎșB and C/EBP). COX-2 downregulation observed in AIA patients appears not to be caused by differences in MAPK dynamics or transcription factor translocation

    Lung Myofibroblasts Are Characterized by DownRegulated Cyclooxygenase-2 and Its Main Metabolite, Prostaglandin E2

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    Background: Prostaglandin E2 (PGE(2)), the main metabolite of cyclooxygenase (COX), is a well-known anti-fibrotic agent. Moreover, myofibroblasts expressing alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), fibroblast expansion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) are critical to the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Our aim was to investigate the expression of COX-2 and PGE(2) in human lung myofibroblasts and establish whether fibroblast-myofibroblast transition (FMT) and EMT are associated with COX-2 and PGE(2) down-regulation. Methods: Fibroblasts obtained from IPF patients (n = 6) and patients undergoing spontaneous pneumothorax (control, n = 6) and alveolar epithelial cell line A549 were incubated with TGF-beta 1 and FMT and EMT markers were evaluated. COX-2 and alpha-SMA expression, PGE(2) secretion and cell proliferation were measured after IL-1 beta and PGE(2) incubation. Results: Myofibroblasts from both control and IPF fibroblast cultures stimulated with IL-1 beta showed no COX-2 expression. IPF fibroblasts showed increased myofibroblast population and reduced COX-2 expression in response to IL-1 beta. TGF-beta 1 increased the number of myofibroblasts in a time-dependent manner. In contrast, TGF-beta 1 induced slight COX-2 expression at 4 h (without increase in myofibroblasts) and 24 h, but not at 72 h. Both IPF and control cultures incubated with TGF-beta 1 for 72 h showed diminished COX-2 induction, PGE(2) secretion and alpha-SMA expression after IL-1 beta addition. The latter decreased proliferation in fibroblasts but not in myofibroblasts. A549 cells incubated with TGF-beta 1 for 72 h showed down-regulated COX-2 expression and low basal PGE(2) secretion in response to IL-1 beta. Immuno-histochemical analysis of IPF lung tissue showed no COX-2 immuno-reactivity in myofibroblast foci. Conclusions: Myofibroblasts are associated with COX-2 down-regulation and reduced PGE(2) production, which could be crucial in IPF development and progression

    Immune-Mediated Mechanisms in Cofactor-Dependent Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis: Effect of Cofactors in Basophils and Mast Cells

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    Cofactors may explain why in some cases food ingestion leads to anaphylaxis while in others elicits a milder reaction or tolerance. With cofactors, reactions become more severe and/or have a lower allergen threshold. Cofactors are present in up to 58% of food anaphylaxis (FAn). Exercise, NSAIDs, and alcohol are the most frequently described, although the underlying mechanisms are poorly known. Several hypotheses have suggested the influence of these cofactors on basophils and mast cells (MCs). Exercise has been suggested to enhance MC activation by increasing plasma osmolarity, redistributing blood flow, and activating adenosine and eicosanoid metabolism. NSAIDs' cofactor effect has been related with cyclooxygenase inhibition and therefore, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production. Indeed, overexpression of adenosine receptor 3 (A3) gene has been described in NSAID-dependent FAn; A3 activation potentiates FcϔRI-induced MC degranulation. Finally, alcohol has been related with an increase of histamine levels by inhibition of diamino oxidase (DAO) and also with and increase of extracellular adenosine by inhibition of its uptake. However, most of these mechanisms have limited evidence, and further studies are urgently needed. In conclusion, the study of the immune-related mechanisms involved in food allergic reactions enhanced by cofactors is of the utmost interest. This knowledge will help to design both tailored treatments and prophylactic strategies that, nowadays, are non-existent

    Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 on Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Lung Tumor Malignancy in a Mouse Model of Sleep Apnea

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    An adverse role for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in cancer epidemiology and outcomes has recently emerged from clinical and animal studies. In animals, intermittent hypoxia (IH) mimicking OSA promotes tumor malignancy both directly and via host immune alterations. We hypothesized that IH could potentiate cancer aggressiveness through activation of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) pathway and the concomitant increases in prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). The contribution of the COX-2 in IH-induced enhanced tumor malignancy was assessed using celecoxib as a COX-2 specific inhibitor in a murine model of OSA bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC1) tumors. Exposures to IH accelerated tumor progression with a tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) shift towards a pro-tumoral M2 phenotype. Treatment with celecoxib prevented IH-induced adverse tumor outcomes by inhibiting IH-induced M2 polarization of TAMs. Furthermore, TAMs isolated from IH-exposed mice treated with celecoxib reduced the proliferation of LLC1 naĂŻve cells, while the opposite occurred with placebo-treated IH-exposed mice. Finally, in vitro IH exposures of murine macrophages and LLC1 cells showed that both cell types increased PGE2 release in response to IH. These results suggest a crucial role for the COX-2 signaling pathway in the IH-exacerbated malignant processes, and designate macrophages and lung adenocarcinoma cells, as potential sources of PGE2

    Superior effect of MP-AzeFlu than azelastine or fluticasone propionate alone on reducing inflammatory markers

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    Background: MP-AzeFlu, intranasal formulation of azelastine hydrochloride (AZE) and fluticasone propionate (FP), is superior to AZE or FP alone for treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR). However, the precise anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of MP-AzeFlu has not been characterized. Objective: To investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of MP-AzeFlu compared with AZE or FP alone in an established in vitro model of eosinophilic inflammation. Methods: Nasal mucosal epithelial cells and peripheral blood eosinophils were obtained from human volunteers. Epithelial cells were stimulated with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) in the presence of MP-AzeFlu, AZE, or FP (1:102 to 1:105 dilution). Concentrations of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) were measured by ELISA. Eosinophils were incubated in 10% human epithelial cell-conditioned medium (HECM) and survival assessed by trypan blue dye exclusion. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM percentage secretion/survival compared with FBS/HECM (respectively). Results: FP and MP-AzeFlu (all dilutions) and AZE (1:102) significantly reduced IL-6 secretion and eosinophil survival compared with positive controls. At 1:102 dilution, IL-6 secretion was significantly lower with MP-AzeFlu (38.3 ± 4.2%, compared with FBS = 100%) than with AZE (76.1 ± 4.9%) or FP (53.0 ± 4.9%). At 1:102 dilution, eosinophil survival was significantly lower with MP-AzeFlu at day 3 (17.5 ± 3.0%) and day 4 (2.4 ± 1.4%, compared with HECM = 100%) than with AZE (day 3: 75.2 ± 7.2%; day 4: 44.0 ± 9.7%) or FP (day 3: 38.5 ± 3.5%; day 4: 14.6 ± 4.0%). Conclusion: Greater reductions in cytokine secretion and eosinophil survival observed with MP-AzeFlu in vitro may underlie MP-AzeFlu's superior clinical efficacy vs. AZE or FP alone observed in AR patients

    Reconstituted human upper airway epithelium as 3-d in vitro model for nasal polyposis.

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    BACKGROUND: Primary human airway epithelial cells cultured in an air-liquid interface (ALI) develop a well-differentiated epithelium. However, neither characterization of mucociliar differentiation overtime nor the inflammatory function of reconstituted nasal polyp (NP) epithelia have been described. OBJECTIVES: 1st) To develop and characterize the mucociliar differentiation overtime of human epithelial cells of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in ALI culture system; 2nd) To corroborate that 3D in vitro model of NP reconstituted epithelium maintains, compared to control nasal mucosa (NM), an inflammatory function. METHODS: Epithelial cells were obtained from 9 NP and 7 control NM, and differentiated in ALI culture for 28 days. Mucociliary differentiation was characterized at different times (0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days) using ultrastructure analysis by electron microscopy; ΔNp63 (basal stem/progenitor cell), ÎČ-tubulin IV (cilia), and MUC5AC (goblet cell) expression by immunocytochemistry; and mucous (MUC5AC, MUC5B) and serous (Lactoferrin) secretion by ELISA. Inflammatory function of ALI cultures (at days 0, 14, and 28) through cytokine (IL-8, IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, and IL-12p70) and chemokine (RANTES, MIG, MCP-1, IP-10, eotaxin-1, and GM-CSF) production was analysed by CBA (Cytometric Bead Array). RESULTS: In both NP and control NM ALI cultures, pseudostratified epithelium with ciliated, mucus-secreting, and basal cells were observed by electron microscopy at days 14 and 28. Displaying epithelial cell re-differentation, ÎČ-tubulin IV and MUC5AC positive cells increased, while ΔNp63 positive cells decreased overtime. No significant differences were found overtime in MUC5AC, MUC5B, and lactoferrin secretions between both ALI cultures. IL-8 and GM-CSF were significantly increased in NP compared to control NM regenerated epithelia. CONCLUSION: Reconstituted epithelia from human NP epithelial cells cultured in ALI system provides a 3D in vitro model that could be useful both for studying the role of epithelium in CRSwNP while developing new therapeutic strategies, including cell therapy, for CRSwN

    Desplegament de recursos en línea per a l’avaluació i l’autoaprenentage dels alumnes, i foment de l’especialització i competùncies transversals en el màster MERIT

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    El projecte es desenvolupa en el marc de la titulaciĂł oficial de mĂ ster MERIT del Departament de Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions. El mĂ ster, orientat a la recerca i integrat dins del programa Erasmus Mundus, presenta trets esfecĂ­fics donat l’origen variat dels estudiants i que s’imparteix integrament en anglĂšs. El projecte s’articula en 4 eixos: Eix 1: CreaciĂł d’un DipĂČsit de Recursos Docents (DRD) en xarxa (on-line) amb eines d’autoestudi, autodiagnosi i avaluaciĂł remota destinades als estudiants de les assignatures CONCENTRATION del MĂ ster. Els objectes d’aprenentatge integren teoria, demostradors interactius i exercicis d’avaluaciĂł. Eix 2: CreaciĂł d’un sistema de suport al professorat basat en la participaciĂł d’estudiants avantatjats de segon curs del MĂ ster, que ajudin a fer un seguiment mĂ©s personalitzat dels alumnes amb necessitats especĂ­fiques.Eix 3: ImparticiĂł de l’assignatura transversal en anglĂšs “Critical Thinking & Scientific Writing” (3 ECTS), integrada en el MERIT Eix 4: CreaciĂł d’un ComitĂ© Extern (CE) format per membres destacats d’empreses del sector de les TIC que assessorarĂ  la ComissiĂł de Postgrau (CP) del Departament en la concreciĂł d’itineraris d’especialitzaciĂł dins del mĂ ster MERITPeer Reviewe