10 research outputs found

    UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morphology at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala

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    This study quantified erosional and depositional processes for secondary lahars in Las Lajas drainage at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, during the rainy season from May to October 2021. Abundant pyroclastic material from ongoing eruptive activity is remobilized seasonally during heavy precipitation, which can impact infrastructure and populations living near Fuego. Our region of focus was in an agricultural zone 6 to 10 km from the summit, surveyed with an unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) quadcopter at monthly intervals. Imagery was processed into overlapping time-lapse structure from motion digital elevation models (DEMs). DEMs were differenced to find volumetric changes as a function of the channel flow path distance (quantified in 500 m sections) to track channel morphology changes over time. The largest measured volume changes were a 490 m3/day loss in the upper section (~6 km from summit) and a 440 m3/day gain in the lower sections (~10 km from summit). We discussed how the natural channel’s constriction and widening of Las Lajas in more distal sections control the behavior and stability of the stream evolution. Above the constriction, the channel is primarily downcutting and meandering within an old flood plain, which had been filled in by pyroclastic materials deposited by the June 2018 paroxysm

    Dataset for Infrasound Early Warning Detections for Lahars

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    Infrasound may be used to detect the approach of hazardous volcanic mudflows, known as lahars, tens of minutes before they arrive at a downstream monitoring station. We have analyzed signals from more than 20 secondary lahars caused by precipitation events at Fuego Volcano during Guatemala’s rainy season in May through October of 2022. We are able to quantify the capabilities of infrasound monitoring through comparison with seismic data, time lapse video footage, and high-resolution video of an event occurring on 17 August 2022. We determine that infrasound sensors, deployed adjacent to the lahar path and in small-aperture (10s of meters) array configurations, are particularly sensitive to remote detection of lahars, including relatively small-sized events, at distances greater than 5 km. At Fuego Volcano early detection can provide timely forecasts of up to 30 minutes before lahars arrive at a monitoring site. Lahars are one of the primary hazards at volcanoes and can occur both during eruption and spontaneously without an eruption. We propose that continuous infrasound monitoring can serve as a valuable tool to minimize impacts to property and people living near volcanoes

    UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morphology at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala

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    This study quantified erosional and depositional processes for secondary lahars in Las Lajas drainage at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, during the rainy season from May to October 2021. Abundant pyroclastic material from ongoing eruptive activity is remobilized seasonally during heavy precipitation, which can impact infrastructure and populations living near Fuego. Our region of focus was in an agricultural zone 6 to 10 km from the summit, surveyed with an unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) quadcopter at monthly intervals. Imagery was processed into overlapping time-lapse structure from motion digital elevation models (DEMs). DEMs were differenced to find volumetric changes as a function of the channel flow path distance (quantified in 500 m sections) to track channel morphology changes over time. The largest measured volume changes were a 490 m3/day loss in the upper section (~6 km from summit) and a 440 m3/day gain in the lower sections (~10 km from summit). We discussed how the natural channel’s constriction and widening of Las Lajas in more distal sections control the behavior and stability of the stream evolution. Above the constriction, the channel is primarily downcutting and meandering within an old flood plain, which had been filled in by pyroclastic materials deposited by the June 2018 paroxysm

    Long-term stability of conduit dynamics at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, 2008–2015

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    Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala exhibited high systemic stability between 2008 and 2015 based on characteristic seismic events captured by temporary seismic monitoring networks and consistent rates of SO2 degassing determined from remote sensing. Repeating very-long-period (VLP, 60–10 s) seismic events at Fuego persisted for at least 8 years during the ongoing eruptive episode which began in 2002. Fuego manifests VLP seismicity in many different varieties. We observe continued examples of VLP event styles described in previous studies, although the boundaries between events which were categorized based on vent of emission and waveform shape are less well defined during 2012, 2014, and 2015. We suggest that all these events are part of a continuum of VLP activity with magnitudes, waveform shape, and vent of emission governed by small changes in the magma supply rate. The VLP events indicate pressurization within the shallow conduit prior to different types of explosions. We use these signals to inform an updated model of shallow conduit dynamics controlling explosive events from the years spanning at least 2008–2015. The long lifespans of these signals imply a remarkable level of stability in the conduit geometry through various styles of eruptive activity

    Tracking secondary lahar flow paths and characterizing pulses and surges using infrasound array networks at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala

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    Lahars are one of the greatest hazards at many volcanoes, including Volcán de Fuego (Guatemala). On 1 December 2018 at 8:00pm local Guatemala time (2:00:00 UTC), an hour-long lahar event was detected at Volcán de Fuego by two permanent seismo-acoustic stations along the Las Lajas channel on the southeast side. To establish the timing, duration, and speed of the lahar, infrasound array records were examined to identify both the source direction(s) and the correlated energy fluctuations at the two stations. Co-located seismic and acoustic signals were also examined, which indicated at least 5 distinct energy pulses within the lahar record.  We infer that varying sediment load and/or changes in flow velocity is shown by clear fluctuations in the acoustic and seismic power recorded at one of the stations. This particular event studied with infrasound provides insight into how lahars occur around Volcán de Fuego.</jats:p

    Tracking Secondary Lahar Flow Paths and Characterizing Pulses and Surges Using Infrasound Array Networks at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala

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    Lahars are one of the greatest hazards at many volcanoes, including Volcán de Fuego (Guatemala). On 1 December 2018 at 8:00 pm local Guatemala time (~2:06:00 UTC), an hour-long lahar event was detected at Volcán de Fuego by two permanent seismo-acoustic stations along the Las Lajas drainage on the southeast side. To establish the timing, duration, and speed of the lahar, infrasound array records were examined to identify both the source direction(s) and the correlated energy fluctuations at the two stations. Co-located seismic and acoustic signals were also examined, which indicated at least five distinct energy pulses within the lahar record. We infer that varying sediment load and/or changes in flow speed is shown by clear fluctuations in the acoustic and seismic power recorded at one of the stations. This particular event studied with infrasound provides insight into how lahars occur around Volcán de Fuego

    Dataset for Tracking Secondary Lahar Flow Paths and Characterizing Pulses and Surges Using Infrasound Array Networks at Volcán Fuego, Guatemala

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    Lahars are one of the greatest hazards at many volcanoes, including Volcán de Fuego (Guatemala). On 1 December 2018 at 8:00pm local Guatemala time (2:00:00 UTC), an hour-long lahar event was detected at Volcán de Fuego by two permanent seismo-acoustic stations along the Las Lajas channel on the southeast side. To establish the timing, duration, and speed of the lahar, infrasound array records were examined to identify both the source direction(s) and the correlated energy fluctuations at the two stations. Co-located seismic and acoustic signals were also examined, which indicated at least 5 distinct energy pulses within the lahar record. We infer that varying sediment load and/or changes in flow velocity is shown by clear fluctuations in the acoustic and seismic power recorded at one of the stations. This particular event studied with infrasound provides insight into how lahars occur around Volcán de Fuego