202 research outputs found

    History, Status, and Taxonomic Identity of Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in Northwest Greenland

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    Historical references indicate that caribou (Rangifer tarandus L.) numbers drastically declined throughout the Thule District during the early part of this century, and that the primary causes were: (1) the influx of polar explorers and their distribution of firearms to the Thule Eskimos which initiated extensive hunting pressure on caribou; and (2) a series of relatively mild, wet winters resulting in snow conditions which restricted access to forage and caused several catastrophic die-offs. No live caribou were seen during six hours of aerial surveys over Inglefield Land, Thule District, Northwest Greenland, during July 1978. No fresh caribou sign was found during five days of searching in the Rensselaer Bay area of Inglefield Land. Unless some individuals were not detected or subsequent emigration from Ellesmere Island has occurred, the Inglefield Land caribou population has been extirpated. The Thule District caribou population apparently originated from barren-ground caribou (R. t. groenlandicus Gmlin) which emigrated from Southwest Greenland, rather than from Peary caribou (R. t. pearyi Allen) from Ellesmere Island.Key words: caribou, Rangifer, Greenland, Thule District, Inglefield Land, High ArcticMots clés: caribou, Rangifer, Groenland, district de Thule, terre d'Inglefield, nord de l'Arctiqu

    Measurements, Chick Meals and Breeding Distribution of Dovekies (Alle alle) in Northwest Greenland

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    This paper reports the results of an investigation of Dovekies (Alle alle L.) breeding near Cape Atholl and Siorapaluk in the Thule District, Northwest Greenland during July and August 1978. Mean values for body measurements of breeding birds were: total length = 218.2 mm (n = 265), wing length = 122.9 mm (n - 266), tail length - 40.8 mm (n = 266) and body weight = 150.5 g (n = 209). Most measurements between the sexes were not significantly different, but mean body weight of males (153.8 g) was significantly greater than that of females (147.2 g). Body weight was highly correlated with wing length and total length in males, but not in females. Food delivered to nestlings consisted primarily of copepods (Calanus hyperboreas and C. glacialis) and amphipods (Parathemisto libellula and Apherusa glacialis). Size of chick meals delivered by male and female parents did not differ significantly and average meal weight was 3.48 g (sd = 1.24, n = 204) with mean weight of meals increasing through the chick-rearing period. General information is presented on measurements of subadults, timing of breeding, feeding areas, population size and colony attendance, and predation and disturbance. The distribution of Dovekie colonies in the Thule District is reviewed and compared with earlier information.Key words: Dovekie, morphometrics, chick diet, seabirds, NW GreenlandMots clés: Dovekie, morphométrie, régime des oisillons, oiseaux marins, nord-ouest du Groenlan

    Factors Influencing Nest Attendance and Time-activity Budgets of Peregrine Falcons in Interior Alaska

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    An essential prerequisite to examining the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on avian nesting activities is understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the birds' allocation of time to breeding behaviors. We examined factors influencing nest attendance and time-activity budgets of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus anatum) breeding along the Tanana River in Alaska in 1995, 1996, and 1997. First, as is typical of most bird species with nidicolous young and biparental care, females attended the nest more than males and, as the nesting cycle progressed, female attendance decreased to levels similar to those of males. Second, nest area attendance followed a circadian rhythm; parents attended the nest area less during early morning and late evening, which are prime hunting periods, than during late morning. Finally, although females typically performed most of the incubating, the division of labor between males and females during incubation differed among pairs. Higher attendance in the nest area by females during incubation appeared to be associated with more young fledged among successful pairs.Une condition indispensable pour examiner les retombées de la perturbation anthropique sur la nidification aviaire est reproducteurs. On a étudié les facteurs qui ont influencé la présence au nid et les budgets temps-activités des faucons pèlerins (Falco peregrinus anatum) nichant le long de la rivière Tanana en Alaska en 1995, 1996 et 1997. Tout d'abord, comme on doit s'y attendre de la plupart des espèces aviaires dont les petits sont nidicoles et où les soins sont biparentaux, les femelles étaient présentes au nid plus que les mâles et, à mesure que le cycle de nidification avançait, la présence des femelles diminuait à des niveaux semblables à ceux de la présence des mâles. Deuxièmement, la présence aux environs du nid suivait un rythme circadien, les parents passant moins de temps près du nid au début de la matinée et en fin de soirée - temps forts de la chasse - qu'en fin de et femelles durant l'incubation différait selon les paires. Durant l'incubation, la présence plus affirmée des femelles dans la zone du nid semblait être associée à un nombre supérieur de petits qui prenaient leur envol chez les paires qui avaient réussi à se reproduire

    Defense responses of Hevea brasiliensis to elicitors from root rot fungi

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    L'élicitation de quelques réactions de défense du système racinaire de l'Hévéa (#Hevea brasiliensis) aux attaques du #Rigidoporus lignosus$ a été réalisée en injectant des extraits des parois fongiques dans les racines de jeunes plantes âgées de 1 mois. Une étude de la cinétique a révélé, au microscope optique, une induction de la lignification 3, 8, 15 et 45 jours après l'injection d'éliciteurs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que certaines réactions de défense des racines des plantes ligneuses peuvent être stimulées par des éliciteurs fongiques dans le but de renforcer les barrières structurales des tissus hôtes. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Use of Fatty Acid Analysis to Determine Dispersal of Caspian Terns in the Columbia River Basin, U.S.A.

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    Lethal control, which has been used to reduce local abundances of animals in conflict with humans or with endangered species, may not achieve management goals if animal movement is not considered. In populations with emigration and immigration, lethal control may induce compensatory immigration, if the source of attraction remains unchanged. Within the Columbia River Basin (Washington, U.S.A.), avian predators forage at dams because dams tend to reduce rates of emigration of juvenile salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.), artificially concentrating these prey. We used differences in fatty acid profiles between Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia) at coastal and inland breeding colonies and terns culled by a lethal control program at a mid-Columbia River dam to infer dispersal patterns. We modeled the rate of loss of fatty acid biomarkers, which are fatty acids that can be traced to a single prey species or groups of species, to infer whether and when terns foraging at dams had emigrated from the coast. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed that coastal terns had high levels of C20 and C22 monounsaturated fatty acids, whereas fatty acids of inland breeders were high in C18:3n3, C20:4n6, and C22:5n3. Models of the rate of loss of fatty acid showed that approximately 60% of the terns collected at Rock Island Dam were unlikely to have bred successfully at local (inland) sites, suggesting that terns foraging at dams come from an extensive area. Fatty acid biomarkers may provide accurate information about patterns of dispersal in animal populations and may be extremely valuable in cases where populations differ demonstrably in prey base
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