15 research outputs found
Some considerations regarding the treatment of digestive non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Orice organ sau țesut este predispus la dezvoltarea Limfoamelor non-Hodgkin (LNH), tractul digestiv fiind cea mai frecventă localizare pentru limfomul extraganglionar. Din cauza simptomelor nespecifice, diagnosticul și aplicarea unui tratament ce ar permite un control bun al tumorii, poate fi întârziat. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea datelor din privind unele considerații în tratamentul LNH digestive. Material și metode. Au fost studiate aspectele clinice, diagnostice și de tratament la 37 de pacienți cu LNH digestive din cadrul Institutului Oncologic din Moldova. Toți pacienții au fost supuși examenului clinic și o evaluare obiectivă prin investigații paraclinice de laborator, imagistice și endoscopice. Tratamentul de care au beneficiat pacienții a fost chimioterapic, chirurgical, sau combinat și complex. Rezultate. S-a constatat că, majoritatea (38%) pacienților cu LNH digestive aveau vârste cuprinse între 51 și 60 de ani. Localizarea întâlnită cel mai frecvent a fost zona gastrică și chiar dacă leziunea esofagiană este identificată excepțional de rar, în această perioadă a fost întâlnit un caz. Conform studiilor, cei mai mulți pacienți au fost diagnosticați în stadiul IV, demonstrând o adresabilitate tardivă și un prognostic nefavorabil în perspectivă. Chimioterapia a fost cel mai utilizat tip de tratament, urmat de combinarea sa cu intervenția chirurgicală. Cinci cazuri (14%) au fost supuse unui tratament complex, radioterapia fiind folosită ca mijloc de consolidare a efectului, cu un control bun al tumorii sau cu scop paliativ. Concluzii. Intervențiile terapeutice pot varia, în funcție de numeroși factori: localizare, stadiu, dimensiunea tumorii, subtipul de limfom, anumite simptome, vârsta și statusul de performanță. Tratamentele combinate și complexe îmbunătățesc ratele de supraviețuire, cresc eficacitatea terapiei și reduc frecvența recăderilor.Background. Any organ or tissue is predisposed to the development of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL), the digestive tract being the most common location for extranodal lymphoma. Because of the non-specific symptoms, the diagnosis and the application of a treatment that would allow a good control of the tumor, may be delayed. Objective of the study. Presentation of data from regarding some considerations in the treatment of digestive NHL. Material and methods. The clinical, diagnostic and treatment aspects were studied in 37 patients with digestive NHL from the Moldovan Oncological Institute. All patients underwent a clinical examination and an objective assessment through paraclinical laboratory, imaging and endoscopic investigations. The treatment that the patients benefited from was chemotherapeutic, surgical, or combined and complex. Results. It was found that the majority (38%) of patients with digestive NHL were aged between 51 and 60 years. The most frequently encountered location was the gastric area, and even if the esophageal lesion is identified exceptionally rarely, one case was encountered during this period. According to the stages, most patients were diagnosed in stage IV, demonstrating a late addressability and an unfavorable prognosis in the future. Chemotherapy was the most used type of treatment, followed by its combination with surgery. Five cases (14%) were subjected to a complex treatment, radiotherapy being used as a means of consolidating the effect, with good tumor control or for palliative purposes. Conclusion. Therapeutic interventions may vary, depending on numerous factors: location, stage, tumor size, lymphoma subtype, certain symptoms, and age and performance status. Combined and complex treatments improve survival rates, increase the effectiveness of therapy, and reduce the frequency of relapses
Radiocarbon investigation of the pedunculate oak of Botosana, Romania
Author Posting. © Studia Chemia, 2018. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia is an Open Access Journal (read, download, copy, distribute, print for research use, search, or link to the full texts of articles). The definitive version was published in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 63(4), (2018): 7-13, doi: 10.24193/subbchem.2018.4.01.The article discloses the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating results of the pedunculate oak of Botoşana. Four wood samples were extracted from its trunk. Five segments extracted from these samples were analyzed by AMS radiocarbon. Their radiocarbon dates were found to be between 161 ± 21 BP and 260 ± 20 BP. These values correspond to calibrated ages of 235 – 365 years. The dating results extrapolated to the geometric center of the trunk indicate an age of 645 ± 50 years for the oak of Botoşana.The research was funded by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation CNCS-UEFISCDI under grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0776, Nr. 90/2017
Splenectomy in a combined treatment of non-Hodgkin's limfoma with a primary damage of spleen
Catedra Hematologie şi Oncologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”
IMSP Institutul Oncologic, laboratorul gastropulmonologieIn our study we included 21 patients with non-Hodgkin limphoma with a primary damage
of the spleen. In 13 cases after splenectomy patients were treated after schemes
polychemiotherapeuc CVLP, COH or CHOP. Other 8 polychemiotherapeuc patients did not
require treatment after splenectomy. In 18 cases there were registered a total remission or a
clinical and hematological stabilization. There was not registered the improvement of patients in
3 cases. One of them died after a tumor progression process damaging both spleen and liver,
marrow bone and paraaortal lymph.
În studiul nostru am inclus 21 de bolnavi cu limfom Non-Hodgkin cu afectarea primară a
splinei. În 13 ca zuri după splenectomie bolnavii au urmat tratamentul polichimioterapic după
schemele CVLP, COP sau CHOP. Alţi 8 bolnavi nu au necesitat tratamentul polichimioterapic
după splenectomie. În 18 cazuri (85,7%) a fost înregistrată remisiune totală sau stabilizare
Nu s-a înregistrat ameliorarea stării bolnavilor în 3 cazuri, unul dintre ei a decedat în
urma progresării procesului tumoral cu afectarea în afara splinei a ficatului, măduvei osoase şi a
ganglionilor paraaortali
This paper aims to present the congestion problem within the power transmission systems and cross-border transmission networks. The worldwide congestion management applied methods are the following ones: limited access to transmission network, priority list (first come, first served), pro-rata rationing, explicit auctions, implicit auctions, market splitting, redispatching and cross-border co-ordinated redispatching. The case study is represented by a real, large scale power system, operated by Timisoara Transmission Subsidiary of C.N.T.E.E. Transelectrica