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    Mexico stands on the first position in the world about the consumption of bottled water per c谩pita. The consumption has been increased due to the bad quality of the water given by the supply network and the unequal and intermittentaccess to it. The contamination of the bottled water by bacteria has been reported all around the world, but it has not been investigated the presence of other microorganisms, like pathogenic free-living amoebae, which can be present in the environment, furthermore they can cause infections to humans. The objective of this investigation was to determine the presence of free-living amoebae in bottled water. Water of 47 twenty-liter carboys sold in the metropolitan area ofMexico City was analyzed. Two samples from each carboy were taken, one immediately after opening it and the other when it had reached the half of its volume. The amoebae were determined by cultivation in nonnutritive agar and wereidentified by morphology. Thirty-one carboys were positive for the presence of amoeba, of these, twenty-one were from local water purifiers and ten were from big water purifiers. Fifteen species were found, most of them have not been reported as pathogenic. Only Acanthamoeba has been reported as an opportunistic pathogen. The presence of this amoeba represents a health risk for the people with a weakened immune system. Because of this, not only the bacteriological and physicochemical quality but also amoeba quality must be considered.M茅xico ocupa el primer lugar a nivel mundial en consumo de agua embotellada per c谩pita. Esto se debe a la desconfianza que existe en la poblaci贸n acerca de la calidad del agua de grifo y el acceso es igual e intermitente a los sistemas de agua potable. La contaminaci贸n del agua embotellada por bacterias se ha reportado alrededor del mundo, pero no se ha investigado la presencia de otros microorganismos, como las amibas de vida libre pat贸genas, que pueden estar en el ambiente, pero tambi茅n pueden causar infecciones en el humano. El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue determinar la presencia de las amibas de vida libre pat贸genas en agua embotellada. Se analiz贸 el agua de 47 garrafones de 20 litrosque se venden en el 脕rea Metropolitana de la Ciudad de M茅xico. Se analizaron 2 muestras de cada garraf贸n, una al abrirlo y otra a la mitad del volumen. Las amibas se determinaron por cultivo en el medio agar no nutritivo y se identificaron por morfolog铆a. Treinta y un garrafones fueron positivos para la presencia de las amibas, de estos 21 fueron de purificadoras locales y 10 de purificadoras grandes. Se encontraron 15 especies de amibas, la mayor铆a de ellas no son pat贸genas, solamente del del g茅nero Acanthamoeba han reportado como pat贸genas oportunistas, lo que representa un riesgo para la salud de las personas con defensas bajas. Por lo que adem谩s de la calidad bacteriol贸gica y fisicoqu铆mica, tambi茅n sedeber铆a de tomar en cuenta la calidad amebol贸gica del agua embotellada