268 research outputs found
Oh! Mère-grand, comme vous avez de grandes dents!?...
L'association santé et sécurité au travail du secteur des Affaires sociales a tenté de déterminer l'existence, l'envergure, les causes et les solutions du problème de la violence dont peuvent être victimes les employés de centres d'accueil d'hébergement de la part des résidants dont ils ont soin. Il semble, d'après les informations recueillies, que le problème existe quoique le danger physique soit mineur. Cependant l'impact sur le moral des travailleurs peut être à considérer. Les causes, et par le fait même, les solutions impliquent la qualité des conditions de séjour des bénéficiaires et des conditions de production offertes aux travailleurs, les plans de services adaptés aux besoins des résidants, la formation, les compétences fonctionnelles ainsi que la capacité de l'établissement à diagnostiquer et à résoudre les problèmes de fonctionnement et d'agression qui lui sont posés.The Association of Health and Security at Work, as part of the Social Affairs' Sector, has tried to define the existence, the scope, causes and solutions of the problem of violence that afflicts the employees of the reception centers at the hands of the residents that they care for. According to information obtained, it seems that the problem exists eventhough the physical danger is minimal. However, the impact on the workers' morale should be considered. The causes and therefore the solutions are concerned with the beneficiaries' living conditions and the working conditions offered to employees. Other factors include the service plans adapted to the residents' needs, the training, the abilities and the organization of the personnel, the quality of the functional communications as well as the ability of the establishment to diagnose and resolve the problems of administration and aggression that arise
Phosphorous-31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of cellular systems
In 1973, R. B. Moon and J. H. Richards utilized phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance ((\u2731)P-NMR) to examine the human erythrocyte and monitor its intracellular pH (Moon and Richards, 1973). Ever since this classic report, the field of in vivo NMR has virtually exploded. The growth of this technique can be attributed to its non-invasive nature and its ability to yield complete, real-time, metabolic profiles at a relatively low cost. In these two respects, nuclear magnetic resonance remains unchallenged by other physical techniques.;In this dissertation, (\u2731)P-NMR spectroscopy was applied to the study of (1) sipunculan erythrocytes (part 1), (2) spermatozoa isolated from several vertebrate and invertebrate species (parts 3-5), and (3) unfertilized eggs isolated from the blue crab and the horseshoe crab (part 6). Part 2 deals with the determination of P(,50) values for the oxygen-hemerythrin interaction in the presence or absence of effectors. This study was performed utilizing uv-visible spectroscopy.;(\u2731)P-NMR results (parts 1, 3-6) center on the identification of key metabolites and on the determination of intracellular pH. In studies involving fish spermatozoa, emphasis was also placed on examining changes in metabolic profiles following (1) an anaerobic insult, (2) motility initiation, or (3) short-term storage. This dissertation also captures several difficulties in spectral interpretation which a spectroscopist is likely to encounter
Mothers-in-law and son preference in India
In India, the mothers-in-law are often portrayed as the most powerful entity in the household in Indian popular culture and media. Similarly, in the literature, the influence of the Indian mothers-in-law is often taken for granted. However, most of the empirical evidence relies on qualitative data or on small samples. Looking at stated son preference and using the third nationally representative National Family and Health Survey dataset, we show that mothers-in-law do indeed have an influence on their daughter-in-law, everything else constant. Given the stronger son preference among mothers-in-law, this contributes to the high imbalance in the male to female sex-ratio observed among children in India
Food Consumption Patterns and Malnourished Indian Children: Is there a Link?
Despite its economic success, India has made little progress towards meeting its Millennium Development Goal targets of reducing undernourishment, particularly among children. Using nationally representative data, our analysis finds evidence of an improvement in the anthropometric measures of height-for-age, but a worsening in weight-for-height z-scores for children aged 0 – 3 over the period 1998 – 2006. There is also a worsening in both cereal consumption and calorie intake over this period, with some of the most noticeable declines taking place in households with children aged 0 – 3. This suggests a possible link between declining food intake and poor nutritional outcomes of children during this period.India, Weight-for-height, Height-for-age, calorie consumption, expenditure patterns
Éléments d’identification des modelés fluvioglaciaires issus des débâcles glaciaires
La description géomorphologique de la vallée de la Petite rivière Pikauba remodelée par une crue consécutive à la rupture du barrage Beloeil permet de mettre en lumière des transformations majeures. Le corridor fluvial touché, initialement tapissé de till épais, montre maintenant diverses formes d'érosion et de sédimentation qui révèlent d'étonnantes similitudes avec celles des modelés fluvioglaciaires de débâcle glaciaire, soit des crues fluvioglaciaires catastrophiques associées au déversement brusque et violent de lacs glaciaires. Les éléments d'identification les plus manifestes des modelés fluvioglaciaires de débâcles glaciaires sont : les cuvettes glaciolacustres asséchées, les barrages morainiques entaillés, les « accumulations en nappe de débâcle glaciaire » (terme proposé comme équivalent d'outburst deposit), les entailles d'érosion profondes dans le till, les terrasses d'érosion dans le till, les bancs et îlots de sédimentation fine, les formes d'érosion dans le roc. Les débâcles glaciaires correspondent à une activité de grande puissance pouvant provoquer de profondes modifications géomorphologiques. En conséquence, elles méritent d'être sérieusement considérées dans la reconstitution des environnements proglaciaires. L'application des éléments d'identification à quelques sites québécois a permis de révéler des modelés fluvioglaciaires de débâcle glaciaire qui n'avaient pas été interprétés ainsi au départ.The Petite Rivière Pikauba valley was flooded following the failure of the Beloeil Dam, and its geomorphological description reveals a number of major modifications. The fluvial corridor, initially covered with thick till, now exhibits various erosion and disposition landforms which are surprisingly similar to those found in the fluvioglacial topographies of glacier ourbursts or catastrophic fluvioglacial surges resulting from the sudden, drainage of glacial lakes. The most obvious identification features associated with fluvioglacial glacier outburst topographies are dry glacioiacustrine basins, grooved morainic dams outburst deposits, deep grooves and terraces cut in till, fine sedimentation bars and islets, and bedrock erosion. Glacier outbursts are an extremely powerful phenomenon, likely to produce extensive geomorphological transformations. Consequently, they deserve serious consideration in the reconstruction of proglacial environments. The identifier elements were applied to a number of sites in Québec, revealing fluvioglacial glacier outburst topographies that had not been identified as such initially.Die geomorphologische Beschreibung des Tais des kleinen Pikauba-Flusses, das nach dem Beloeil-Dammbruch uberlfutet und neu modelliert worden war, IaBt die wichtigen Verànderungen deutlich, erkennen. Der betroffene FluBkorridor, der ursprunglich mit dickem Till bedeckt war, zeigt jetzt verschiedene Erosionsund Sedimentierungsformen, welche erstaunliche Ahnlichkeiten mit den glazifluvialen Modellierungen von Gletscherausbruchen oder den glazifluvialen katastrophalen Hochfluten aufweisen, die durch plotzlichen und heftigen uberlauf der glazialen Seen entstanden. Die deutlichsten Elemente fur die Identifizierung der glazifluvialen Gletscherausbruchsmodellierungen sind: ausgetrocknete glaziallimnische Becken, eingeschnittene Morânen-Dàmme, "deckenfôrmige Anhâufungen von Gletscherausbruchen", tiefe Erosionseinschnitte in das Till, Erosionsterrassen im Till, Bànke und lnseln feiner Sedimentierung, Erosionsformen im festen Gestein. Die Gletscherausbruche sind àuBerst màchtige Vorgânge und kônnen tiefe geomorphologische Verànderungen bewirken. Folglich verdienen sie eine ernsthafte Berucksichtigung bei der Rekonstruktion der proglazialen Umwelten. Die Anwedung der ldentifikationselemente auf einige Plàtze in Québec machte glazifluviale Modellierungen erkennbar, die zuvor nicht als solche interpretiert worden waren
Older caregivers' depressive symptomatology over time:evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
The prevalence of informal caregiving is increasing as populations across the world age. Caregiving has been found to be associated with poor mental health outcomes including depressive symptoms. The purpose of this study is to examine the mean trajectory of depressive symptomatology in older caregivers in a large European sample over an eight-year period, the effects of time-varying and time-invariant covariates on this trajectory, and the mean trajectory of depressive symptomatology according to pattern of caregiving. The results suggest that depressive symptoms in the full sample of caregivers follow a nonlinear trajectory characterized by an initial decrease which decelerates over time. Caregiver status and depressive symptoms were significantly associated such that depressive symptoms increased as a function of caregiver status. The trajectory in caregivers who report intermittent or consecutive occasions of caregiving remained stable over time. Significant associations were found between sociodemographic, health and caregiving characteristics and the initial levels and rates of change of these trajectories. While these results point to the resilience of caregivers, they also highlight the factors that are related to caregivers' adaptation over time. This can help in identifying individuals who may require greater supports and, in turn, ensuring that caregivers preserve their well-being.</p
The tyranny of distance and the gravity of resources
To what extent does geography remain an important determinant of comparative advantage and factor incomes in resource markets? We estimate gravity models for resources and find that some minerals and fuels, particularly Iron Ore and Gas, do have very high elasticities of trade with respect to distance. To assess the implications of this we then consider a simple counterfactual where location advantages are eliminated. We find that for a few countries, including Australia and New Zealand, distance barriers have a large impact of their market share
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