1,027 research outputs found

    UV-shielding ceramic nanoparticles synthesised by mechanochemcial processing

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    ZnO, TiO2 and CeO2 are known as UV-shielding ceramic materials that have advantages over organic UV absorbers for their photo-stability and non-hazardous nature to human bodies. However, they normally cause low transparency in the visible-light range due to light scattering by large particles, which is undesirable for many transparent UV-blocking applications in cosmetic and plastic industries. Light-scattering efficiency of particles can be drastically reduced by decreasing the particle sizes down below 100 nm. This paper reviews recent investigation on the synthesis of ZnO and CeO2 nanoparticles by mechanochemical processing. The resulting particles had a significantly low degree of agglomeration, having mean particle sizes of ~ 25 nm and ~ 10 nm, respectively. The aqueous suspensions of the nanoparticles showed strong absorption in the UV-light range and high transmittance in the visible-light range. Mechanochemical processing offers the possibility of industrial-scale production of transparent UV-shielding ceramic particles for many applications.<br /

    The acceptability of healthcare: from satisfaction to trust

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    The assessment of healthcare quality increasingly emphasises lay acceptability, as evidenced by the emergence of patient satisfaction and patient-centred care in the literature and in policy. In this paper we aim to provide a conceptual overview of acceptability and propose ways to enhance its assessment. Firstly, we map how acceptability’s importance in quality assessments has increased and how the term acceptability has been used as synonymous with patient satisfaction, despite it being a broader concept. We then critique the concept of patient satisfaction and its measurement and challenge its use as an indicator of acceptability and quality. By drawing on our research and those of others, the second half of the paper describes how trust in clinicians and health services has emerged as a related concept, including a theoretical discussion of trust in healthcare outlining how it can be built, undermined and abused. We propose trust as an alternative indicator of acceptability in healthcare quality and review its measurement. Finally, we consider how healthcare policy may impact on trust and make recommendations for future research

    Association of FCGR3A and FCGR3B haplotypes with rheumatoid arthritis and primary Sjögren's syndrome [POSTER PRESENTATION]

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    Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that is thought to arise from a complex interaction between multiple genetic factors and environmental triggers. We have previously demonstrated an association between a Fc gamma receptor (FcγR) haplotype and RA in a cross-sectional cohort of RA patients. We have sought to confirm this association in an inception cohort of RA patients and matched controls. We also extended our study to investigate a second autoanti-body associated rheumatic disease, primary Sjögren's syndrome (PSS). Methods The FCGR3A-158F/V and FCGR3B-NA1/NA2 functional polymorphisms were examined for association in an inception cohort of RA patients (n = 448), and a well-characterised PSS cohort (n = 83) from the United Kingdom. Pairwise disequilibrium coefficients (D') were calculated in 267 Blood Service healthy controls. The EHPlus program was used to estimate haplotype frequencies for patients and controls and to determine whether significant linkage disequilibrium was present. A likelihood ratio test is performed to test for differences between the haplotype frequencies in cases and controls. A permutation procedure implemented in this program enabled 1000 permutations to be performed on all haplotype associations to assess significance. Results There was significant linkage disequilibrium between FCGR3A and FCGR3B (D' = -0.445, P = 0.001). There was no significant difference in the FCGR3A or FCGR3B allele or genotype frequencies in the RA or PSS patients compared with controls. However, there was a significant difference in the FCGR3A-FCGR3B haplotype distributions with increased homozygosity for the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype in both our inception RA cohort (odds ratio = 2.15, 95% confidence interval = 1.1–4.2 P = 0.027) and PSS (odds ratio = 2.83, 95% confidence interval = 1.0–8.2, P = 0.047) compared with controls. The reference group for these analyses comprised individuals who did not possess a copy of the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype. Conclusions We have confirmed our original findings of association between the FCGR3A-FCGR3B 158V-NA2 haplotype and RA in a new inception cohort of RA patients. This suggests that there may be an RA-susceptibility gene at this locus. The significant increased frequency of an identical haplotype in PSS suggests the FcγR genetic locus may contribute to the pathogenesis of diverse autoantibody-mediated rheumatic diseases

    Development and psychometric validation of the gum health experience questionnaire

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    Aim To develop and validate a new health-related quality of life measure to capture a wide range of gum-related impacts. Materials and Methods The measure was developed using a multi-stage approach and a theoretical model. Development involved semi-structured interviews, pilot testing, cross-sectional analysis among a general population (n = 152) to assess psychometric properties and test–retest reliability among a subsample (n = 27). Results Psychometric analysis supports the validity and reliability of the measure's impact scale. The measure has excellent internal reliability (nearly all item-total correlations above .4; Cronbach's alpha between .84 and .91 for subscales), with test–retest reliability also performing well (Intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] of .91–.97 for subscales). Good content validity (indicated by large standard deviations for item and total scores) and construct validity (correlations of .54–.73 with global gum health rating for subscales, all p < .05) were also observed. Qualitative and quantitative data indicate that people with gum health-related symptoms experience different degrees of discomfort and impacts caused by their condition. Conclusions The gum health experience questionnaire holds substantial promise as a measure of gum-related quality of life in people across the gum health–disease continuum. Further face validity, refining and reducing the number of items and longitudinal studies to test evaluative properties are required before the measure can be used with confidence

    Coherent X-ray Scattering from Manganite Charge and Orbital Domains

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    We report coherent x-ray scattering studies of charge and orbital domains in manganite systems. The experiments were carried out on LaMnO_3 and Pr_{0.6}Ca_{0.4}MnO_3, with the incident photon energy tuned near the Mn K edge. At room temperature, the orbital speckle pattern of LaMnO_3 was observed to be constant over a timescale of at least minutes, which is indicative of static orbital domains on this timescale. For Pr_{0.6}Ca_{0.4}MnO_3, both charge and orbital speckle patterns were observed. The observation of the latter rules out the presence of fast orbital fluctuations, while long time series data-- on the order of several minutes-- were suggestive of slow dynamic behavior. In contrast, the charge order speckle patterns were static.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The everyday impact of dentine sensitivity: personal and functional aspects

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    Research into oral health status and the impact of oral conditions on everyday life has been developed over the last 30 years. To date it is not clear the degr ee to which these measures can be applied to the pr oblems and impacts associated with dentine sensitivity. Th ere has been very little research on the everyday i mpact of dentine sensitivity. The aim of this study was t o explore the everyday experiences of dentine sensi tivity; in particular we were interested in the personal and f unctional aspects of living with the condition. Par ticipants were purposively recruited from a general populatio n to secure a range of experiences and views about the everyday impact of dentine sensitivity. Participant s were adults (≥18) currently experiencing dentine sensitiv - ity and were initially recruited using the research team’s contacts and snowball sampling. Data were a nalysed through a framework induced from the data and infor med by the literature on chronic illness, coping, i llness beliefs along with the general literature on the bi opsychosocial impact of oral health. Data analysis focussed on detailing the range of impacts associated with t he condition. Twenty three interviews were conducte d with 15 females and 8 males. The principal impacts on ev eryday life were described as pain, impacts on func tional status and everyday activities such as eating, drin king, talking, tooth brushing and social interactio n in gen - eral. Impacts appeared to be related to a range of individual and environmental inluences. The data in dicate the depth and complexity of the pain experiences as sociated with dentine sensitivity. The length of a partici - pant’s illness career appeared to be related to the ir degree of control over the condition. These indi ngs are compatible with the psychological literature on pai n and conirm that there are signiicant impacts asso ciated with dentine sensitivity in everyday life. Further research into the everyday nature of dentine sensit ive pain would be beneicial

    Universality and Critical Phenomena in String Defect Statistics

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    The idea of biased symmetries to avoid or alleviate cosmological problems caused by the appearance of some topological defects is familiar in the context of domain walls, where the defect statistics lend themselves naturally to a percolation theory description, and for cosmic strings, where the proportion of infinite strings can be varied or disappear entirely depending on the bias in the symmetry. In this paper we measure the initial configurational statistics of a network of string defects after a symmetry-breaking phase transition with initial bias in the symmetry of the ground state. Using an improved algorithm, which is useful for a more general class of self-interacting walks on an infinite lattice, we extend the work in \cite{MHKS} to better statistics and a different ground state manifold, namely RP2\R P^2, and explore various different discretisations. Within the statistical errors, the critical exponents of the Hagedorn transition are found to be quite possibly universal and identical to the critical exponents of three-dimensional bond or site percolation. This improves our understanding of the percolation theory description of defect statistics after a biased phase transition, as proposed in \cite{MHKS}. We also find strong evidence that the existence of infinite strings in the Vachaspati Vilenkin algorithm is generic to all (string-bearing) vacuum manifolds, all discretisations thereof, and all regular three-dimensional lattices.Comment: 62 pages, plain LaTeX, macro mathsymb.sty included, figures included. also available on http://starsky.pcss.maps.susx.ac.uk/groups/pt/preprints/96/96011.ps.g

    Psychometric assessment of the short-form Child Perceptions Questionnaire: an international collaborative study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the factor structure and other psychometric characteristics of the most commonly used child oral-health-related quality-of-life (OHRQoL) measure (the 16-item short-form CPQ11-14 ) in a large number of children (N = 5804) from different settings and who had a range of caries experience and associated impacts. METHODS: Secondary data analyses used subnational epidemiological samples of 11- to 14-year-olds in Australia (N = 372), New Zealand (three samples: 352, 202, 429), Brunei (423), Cambodia (244), Hong Kong (542), Malaysia (439), Thailand (220, 325), England (88, 374), Germany (1055), Mexico (335) and Brazil (404). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the factor structure of the CPQ11-14 across the combined sample and within four regions (Australia/NZ, Asia, UK/Europe and Latin America). Item impact and internal reliability analysis were also conducted. RESULTS: Caries experience varied, with mean DMFT scores ranging from 0.5 in the Malaysian sample to 3.4 in one New Zealand sample. Even more variation was noted in the proportion reporting only fair or poor oral health; this was highest in the Cambodian and Mexican samples and lowest in the German sample and one New Zealand sample. One in 10 reported that their oral health had a marked impact on their life overall. The CFA across all samples revealed two factors with eigenvalues greater than 1. The first involved all items in the oral symptoms and functional limitations subscales; the second involved all emotional well-being and social well-being items. The first was designated the 'symptoms/function' subscale, and the second was designated the 'well-being' subscale. Cronbach's alpha scores were 0.72 and 0.84, respectively. The symptoms/function subscale contained more of the items with greater impact, with the item 'Food stuck in between your teeth' having greatest impact; in the well-being subscale, the 'Felt shy or embarrassed' item had the greatest impact. Repeating the analyses by world region gave similar findings. CONCLUSION: The CPQ11-14 performed well cross-sectionally in the largest analysis of the scale in the literature to date, with robust and mostly consistent psychometric characteristics, albeit with two underlying factors (rather than the originally hypothesized four-factor structure). It appears to be a sound, robust measure which should be useful for research, practice and policy

    Structural Determinants and Children's Oral Health: A Cross-National Study

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    Much research on children's oral health has focused on proximal determinants at the expense of distal (upstream) factors. Yet, such upstream factors-the so-called structural determinants of health-play a crucial role. Children's lives, and in turn their health, are shaped by politics, economic forces, and social and public policies. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children's clinical (number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth) and self-reported oral health (oral health-related quality of life) and 4 key structural determinants (governance, macroeconomic policy, public policy, and social policy) as outlined in the World Health Organization's Commission for Social Determinants of Health framework. Secondary data analyses were carried out using subnational epidemiological samples of 8- to 15-y-olds in 11 countries ( N = 6,648): Australia (372), New Zealand (three samples; 352, 202, 429), Brunei (423), Cambodia (423), Hong Kong (542), Malaysia (439), Thailand (261, 506), United Kingdom (88, 374), Germany (1498), Mexico (335), and Brazil (404). The results indicated that the type of political regime, amount of governance (e.g., rule of law, accountability), gross domestic product per capita, employment ratio, income inequality, type of welfare regime, human development index, government expenditure on health, and out-of-pocket (private) health expenditure by citizens were all associated with children's oral health. The structural determinants accounted for between 5% and 21% of the variance in children's oral health quality-of-life scores. These findings bring attention to the upstream or structural determinants as an understudied area but one that could reap huge rewards for public health dentistry research and the oral health inequalities policy agenda

    HOPX functions as a tumour suppressor in head and neck cancer.

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is generalized term that encompasses a diverse group of cancers that includes tumours of the oral cavity (OSCC), oropharynx (OPSCC) and nasopharynx (NPC). Genetic alterations that are common to all HNSCC types are likely to be important for squamous carcinogenesis. In this study, we have investigated the role of the homeodomain-only homeobox gene, HOPX, in the pathogenesis of HNSCC. We show that HOPX mRNA levels are reduced in OSCC and NPC cell lines and tissues and there is a general reduction of HOPX protein expression in these tumours and OPSCCs. HOPX promoter methylation was observed in a subset of HNSCCs and was associated with a worse overall survival in HPV negative tumours. RNAseq analysis of OSCC cells transfected with HOPX revealed a widespread deregulation of the transcription of genes related to epithelial homeostasis and ectopic over-expression of HOPX in OSCC and NPC cells inhibited cell proliferation, plating efficiency and migration, and enhanced sensitivity to UVA-induced apoptosis. Our results demonstrate that HOPX functions as a tumour suppressor in HNSCC and suggest a central role for HOPX in suppressing epithelial carcinogenesis
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