320 research outputs found

    Editors’ Introduction

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    Integrated Behavioral Health Training in Counselor Education: A Call to Action

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    The American healthcare system is beginning to adopt an integrated behavioral health model as a way to meet the ever-changing and holistic needs of patients by creating opportunities for collaboration among medical and behavioral health professionals. Professional counselors play a vital role in integrative behavioral health through their meaningful participation on interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Professional counselors are key to any interdisciplinary team because they embrace a biopsychosocial wellness perspective and have undergone clinical and academic training. However, many counseling programs do not specifically educate or train counselors in how to work in integrated care settings. As such, counselor educators must adapt to this evolving system of healthcare by providing students with didactic and experiential learning opportunities to promote competence and readiness to practice in this new wave of healthcare

    Planar Symmetry Detection and Quantification using the Extended Persistent Homology Transform

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    Symmetry is ubiquitous throughout nature and can often give great insights into the formation, structure and stability of objects studied by mathematicians, physicists, chemists and biologists. However, perfect symmetry occurs rarely so quantitative techniques must be developed to identify approximate symmetries. To facilitate the analysis of an independent variable on the symmetry of some object, we would like this quantity to be a smoothly varying real parameter rather than a boolean one. The extended persistent homology transform is a recently developed tool which can be used to define a distance between certain kinds of objects. Here, we describe how the extended persistent homology transform can be used to visualise, detect and quantify certain kinds of symmetry and discuss the effectiveness and limitations of this method.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Investigation and comparison of multi-state and two-state atom laser output-couplers

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    We investigate the spatial structure and temporal dynamics created in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) by radio-frequency (RF) atom laser output-couplers using a one-dimensional mean-field model. We compare the behavior of a `pure' two-state atom laser to the multi-level systems demonstrated in laboratories. In particular, we investigate the peak homogeneous output flux, classical fluctuations in the beam and the onset of a bound state which shuts down the atom laser output.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The Disciplines and the Liberties of Art Education

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    The Role of Source Coherence in Atom Interferometery

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    The role of source cloud spatial coherence in a Mach-Zehnder type atom interferometer is experimentally investigated. The visibility and contrast of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and three thermal sources with varying spatial coherence are compared as a function of interferometer time. At short times, the fringe visibility of a BEC source approaches 100 % nearly independent of pi pulse efficiency, while thermal sources have fringe visibilities limited to the mirror efficiency. More importantly for precision measurement systems, the BEC source maintains interference at interferometer times significantly beyond the thermal source

    80hk Momentum Separation with Bloch Oscillations in an Optically Guided Atom Interferometer

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    We demonstrate phase sensitivity in a horizontally guided, acceleration-sensitive atom interferometer with a momentum separation of 80hk between its arms. A fringe visibility of 7% is observed. Our coherent pulse sequence accelerates the cold cloud in an optical waveguide, an inherently scalable route to large momentum separation and high sensitivity. We maintain coherence at high momentum separation due to both the transverse confinement provided by the guide, and our use of optical delta-kick cooling on our cold-atom cloud. We also construct a horizontal interferometric gradiometer to measure the longitudinal curvature of our optical waveguide.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    An LSE action plan for a strong and sustainable recovery

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    What does ‘building back better’ actually mean? Nicholas Stern, Sam Unsworth, Anna Valero, Dimitri Zenghelis, James Rydge and Nick Robins (LSE) set out the actions the government needs to take to deliver a sustainable recovery
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