1,373 research outputs found

    Thermo-mechanical behaviour of a compacted swelling clay

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    Compacted unsaturated swelling clay is often considered as a possible buffer material for deep nuclear waste disposal. An isotropic cell permitting simultaneous control of suction, temperature and pressure was used to study the thermo-mechanical behaviour of this clay. Tests were performed at total suctions ranging from 9 to 110 MPa, temperature from 25 to 80 degrees C, isotropic pressure from 0.1 to 60 MPa. It was observed that heating at constant suction and pressure induces either swelling or contraction. The results from compression tests at constant suction and temperature evidenced that at lower suction, the yield pressure was lower, the elastic compressibility parameter and the plastic compressibility parameter were higher. On the other hand, at a similar suction, the yield pressure was slightly influenced by the temperature; and the compressibility parameters were insensitive to temperature changes. The thermal hardening phenomenon was equally evidenced by following a thermo-mechanical path of loading-heating-cooling-reloading

    High-Order Hybrid RANS/LES Strategy for Industrial Applications

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    Turbulent flows of industrial interest are often dominated by large turbulent structures. A typical example is provided by launcher base flows, combining one or more extended and interacting separated regions with strong compressibility effects. Such flow features represent a challenge for CFD simulations, since, on the one hand, well established Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes (RANS) solvers cannot represent such highly unsteady and three-dimensional large scales and, on the other hand, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approaches remain too expensive for routine production use in industry. In fact, LES methods can lead to inaccurate results if the mesh size and/or the scheme accuracy are not good enough to resolve correctly most of the relevant flow scales. In complex industrial applications, the energy spectrum is often ill defined and changes from one point to another of the simulation, so that it is difficult to warrant a sufficient resolution everywhere, unless extremely fine meshes are used. Mesh resolution requirements become particularly severe if industrial codes based on low order, low resolution discretization schemes are used. In this work we assess a recently developed hybrid RANS/LES strategy, combining a selfadaptive hybrid turbulence model [6] and a hybrid high-order finite volume scheme [7], for flow around industrial geometries, namely, the Ariane 6 and Ariane 5 space launchers. Increasingly complex geometrical details are included in the simulation and the results are compared with the experimental data available for the average and root mean square (rms) of the longitudinal distribution of the pressure coefficient, which represent a significant quantity of interest for launcher design.ArianeGrou

    Optimal perturbation for two-dimensional vortex systems: route to non-axisymmetric state

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    We investigate perturbations that maximize the gain of disturbance energy in a two-dimensional isolated vortex and a counter-rotating vortex pair. The optimization is carried out using the method of Lagrange multipliers. For low initial energy of the perturbation ( ), the nonlinear optimal perturbation/gain is found to be the same as the linear optimal perturbation/gain. Beyond a certain threshold , the optimal perturbation/gain obtained from linear and nonlinear computations are different. There exists a range of for which the nonlinear optimal gain is higher than the linear optimal gain. For an isolated vortex, the higher value of nonlinear optimal gain is attributed to interaction among different azimuthal components, which is otherwise absent in a linearized system. Spiral dislocations are found in the nonlinear optimal perturbation at the radial location where the most dominant wavenumber changes. Long-time nonlinear evolution of linear and nonlinear optimal perturbations is studied. The evolution shows that, after the initial increment of perturbation energy, the vortex attains a quasi-steady state where the mean perturbation energy decreases on a slow time scale. The quasi-steady vortex state is non-axisymmetric and its shape depends on the initial perturbation. It is observed that the lifetime of a quasi-steady vortex state obtained using the nonlinear optimal perturbation is longer than that obtained using the linear optimal perturbation. For a counter-rotating vortex pair, the mechanism that maximizes the energy gain is found to be similar to that of the isolated vortex. Within the linear framework, the optimal perturbation for a vortex pair can be either symmetric or antisymmetric, whereas the structure of the nonlinear optimal perturbation, beyond the threshold, is always asymmetric. No quasi-steady state for a counter-rotating vortex pair is observed

    How weather-proof is the construction sector? : empirical evidence from Germany

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    With the purpose to reduce winter unemployment and to promote all-season employment in the constructions sector, Germany maintains an extensive bad weather allowance system. Since the mid 1990s, these regulations have been subject to several reforms that resemble the range of approaches for employment promotion which can be found in other European countries. We analyse the effect of these reforms on individual unemployment risks using large individual administrative data merged with information about local weather conditions and the business cycle. We find a weaker direct link between seasonal layoffs and actual weather than broadly assumed, since most of the layoffs take place at fixed dates. The reforms under consideration have economically plausible effects; Regulations that limit an employer's financial burden reduce transitions to unemployment and render it less weather-dependent

    Expansion of elevational range in a forest pest: Can parasitoids track their hosts?

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    We are thankful to Karim Senhadji and Ramon Ruiz-Puche for their help during the field work, and to Sara Garcia Morato for her contribution to quantifying rates of parasitism in PPM clutches at the laboratory. Two anonymous referees contributed to improve the manuscript. This study was supported by projects PROPINOL (PN22/2008), GESBOME (P06-RNM-1890) from Junta de Andalucia, REMEDINAL TE-CM (S2018/EMT-4338) from Comunidad de Madrid, ADAPTAMED (LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612) from LIFE program, and GILES (PCIN-2016-150) from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme.Gradients in elevation impose changes in environmental conditions, which in turn modulate species distribution and abundance as well as the interactions they maintain. Along the gradient, interacting species (e.g., predators, parasitoids) can respond to changes in different ways. This study aims to investigate how egg parasitism of a forest pest, the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa, vary along an elevational gradient (190-2000 m.a.s.l.) in a mountain range of SE Spain, including areas of recent elevational expansion, for a seven years period (2008-2014). We used generalized linear mixed models to ascertain the effect of both elevation and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index (a proxy of interannual climatic conditions) on the rate of parasitism, and the occurrence probabilities of two parasitoid species: a PPM specialist and a generalist species. Since four pine species are stratified along the elevational gradient, we repeated all the analyses separately for lowlands (190-1300 m. a.s.l.) and uplands (1350-2000 m. a.s.l.). Results showed a decrease in both parasitism rate and probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species with elevation, although decline was more severe for the specialist species. The effect of elevation was more conspicuous and intense in uplands than in lowlands. Positive NAO winter values, associated with cold and dry winters, reduced the rate of parasitism and the probability of occurrence of the two main parasitoid species-but particularly for the generalist species-as elevation increases. In a context of climate warming, it is crucial to mitigate PPM elevational and latitudinal expansion. Increasing tree diversity at the PPM expansion areas may favor the establishment of parasitoids, which could contribute to synchronizing host- parasitoid interactions and minimize the risk of PPM outbreaks.Junta de Andalucia PN22/2008REMEDINAL TE-CM from Comunidad de Madrid S2018/EMT-4338ADAPTAMED from LIFE program LIFE14 CCA/ES/000612GILES from the ERANET-LAC H2020 Programme PCIN-2016-150Junta de Andalucia P06-RNM-189

    Gravitational waves: search results, data analysis and parameter estimation

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    The Amaldi 10 Parallel Session C2 on gravitational wave (GW) search results, data analysis and parameter estimation included three lively sessions of lectures by 13 presenters, and 34 posters. The talks and posters covered a huge range of material, including results and analysis techniques for ground-based GW detectors, targeting anticipated signals from different astrophysical sources: compact binary inspiral, merger and ringdown; GW bursts from intermediate mass binary black hole mergers, cosmic string cusps, core-collapse supernovae, and other unmodeled sources; continuous waves from spinning neutron stars; and a stochastic GW background. There was considerable emphasis on Bayesian techniques for estimating the parameters of coalescing compact binary systems from the gravitational waveforms extracted from the data from the advanced detector network. This included methods to distinguish deviations of the signals from what is expected in the context of General Relativity