6,176 research outputs found
Towards a Generic Trace for Rule Based Constraint Reasoning
CHR is a very versatile programming language that allows programmers to
declaratively specify constraint solvers. An important part of the development
of such solvers is in their testing and debugging phases. Current CHR
implementations support those phases by offering tracing facilities with
limited information. In this report, we propose a new trace for CHR which
contains enough information to analyze any aspects of \CHRv\ execution at some
useful abstract level, common to several implementations. %a large family of
rule based solvers. This approach is based on the idea of generic trace. Such a
trace is formally defined as an extension of the semantics of
CHR. We show that it can be derived form the SWI Prolog CHR trace
Analogies between the crossing number and the tangle crossing number
Tanglegrams are special graphs that consist of a pair of rooted binary trees
with the same number of leaves, and a perfect matching between the two
leaf-sets. These objects are of use in phylogenetics and are represented with
straightline drawings where the leaves of the two plane binary trees are on two
parallel lines and only the matching edges can cross. The tangle crossing
number of a tanglegram is the minimum crossing number over all such drawings
and is related to biologically relevant quantities, such as the number of times
a parasite switched hosts.
Our main results for tanglegrams which parallel known theorems for crossing
numbers are as follows. The removal of a single matching edge in a tanglegram
with leaves decreases the tangle crossing number by at most , and this
is sharp. Additionally, if is the maximum tangle crossing number of
a tanglegram with leaves, we prove
. Further,
we provide an algorithm for computing non-trivial lower bounds on the tangle
crossing number in time. This lower bound may be tight, even for
tanglegrams with tangle crossing number .Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
Synergistic mixed-layer height retrieval method using microwave radiometer and lidar ceilometer observations
This paper tackles synergistic mixed-layer height (MLH) estimation via a combination of microwave radiometer (MWR) and lidar ceilometer (LC)-based estimates. While MLH-MWR estimates rely on potential temperature retrievals, MLH-LC estimates rely on aerosol gradients. The pros and cons of MLH retrievals obtained from MWR via the parcel method and from LC via an extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based method are used to motivate the synergistic algorithm. The synergistic algorithm is introduced as a maximum-likelihood combination of MLH-MWR and MLH-LC. Two case examples from the 2013 HOPE campaign at Jülich, Germany, are used to show the robustness of the synergistic method and the effect of surface temperature measurement error. Doppler wind lidar retrievals and radiosonde reference MLH estimates are used for validation.This research is part of the projects PGC2018-094132-B-I00 and MDM-2016-0600 (“CommSensLab” Excellence Unit) funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigación (MCIN)/ Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)/ 10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER. Data were provided by Julich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE-CF), a core facility funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft via grant DFG LO 901/7-1. The work of M.P.A.S was supported under Grant PRE2018-086054 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and FSE “El FSE invierte en tu futuro”. The European Commission collaborated under projects H2020 ACTRIS-IMP (GA871115) and H2020 ATMO-ACCESS (GA-101008004).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
"Com a flecha engatilhada” : rap e textualidades indígenas descolonizando as aulas de literatura
Este trabalho é compartilhamento de um processo de pesquisa que propõe a abordagem das literaturas indígenas (em seus diversos suportes) como possibilidades de descolonizar as representações acerca dos povos originários do Brasil quando abordadas em sala de aula. A ideia principal é que assim como a arte, a linguagem é um campo de disputas importantes e também o principal espaço de expressão para diferentes grupos. Sendo assim, proponho que seja possível construir uma discussão sobre essas temáticas nas aulas de Literatura, e fazendo isso podemos transformar muitos dos paradigmas que perpetuam as representações hegemônicas de grupos tachados como minorias, e também evidenciar essas vozes que combatem as estruturas coloniais que se renovam ainda hoje no nosso país. Partindo do pressuposto de que o os movimentos que se colocam frente à essa organização opressora empreendem atitudes anticoloniais (ou decoloniais), e que isso acontece por meio de processos pedagógicos (WALSH, 2005), proponho uma forma de abordar as produções de sujeitos indígenas (e em especial de jovens Guarani Mbyá e Kaiowá que produzem Rap), que evidencie seu potencial pedagógico. Ou seja, neste trabalho além de brevemente discutir as formas das textualidades indígenas no Brasil, apresento também uma discussão sobre o ensino de Literatura através do relato de duas experiências práticas (a construção de um projeto sobre linguagens, juventudes indígenas e resistência, pensado para alunos de Ensino Médio, e o relato de duas atividades desenvolvidas no Coletivo de Educação Território Popular), que podem auxiliar na compreensão e difusão dessas produções, e sobretudo servem em parte como exemplo de como se dão os processos de desaprendizagens das formas coloniais e reaprendizagem em ambientes mais coletivos e horizontais.Este trabajo es una forma de compartir el proceso de investigación que propone el abordaje de las literaturas indígenas (en sus variados soportes) como posibilidades de descolonizar las representaciones de los pueblos originarios de Brasil cuando son abordadas en clase. La idea principal es que, así como el arte, el lenguaje es un campo de disputas importantes y también el principal espacio de expresión para diferentes grupos. Igualmente, propongo que sea posible construir una discusión sobre esas temáticas en las clases de Literatura, y, con eso, transformar muchos de los paradigmas que perpetúan las representaciones hegemónicas de grupos tachados de minorías, y también evidenciar esas voces que combaten las estructuras coloniales que se renuevan todavía hoy en nuestro país. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que los movimientos que se plantean frente a esa organización opresora emprenden actitudes anticoloniales (o decoloniales), y que eso ocurre a través de procesos pedagógicos (WALSH, 2005), presento una forma de abordar las producciones de sujetos indígenas (en especial jóvenes Guaraní Mbyá y Kaiowá que producen Rap), que señale su potencial pedagógico. En este trabajo, además de brevemente discutir las formas de las textualidades indígenas en Brasil, presento también una discusión sobre la enseñanza de Literatura a través del relato de dos experiencias prácticas (la construcción de un proyecto sobre lenguajes, juventudes indígenas y resistencia, pensado para alumnos de enseñanza secundaria, y el relato de dos actividades desarrolladas en el Coletivo de Educação Território Popular), que pueden auxiliar en la comprensión y difusión de esas producciones, y, sobretodo, sirven en parte como ejemplo de cómo se construyen los de desaprendizajes de las formas coloniales y reaprendizaje en ambientes más colectivos y hori procesos zontales
Dwarf elliptical galaxies in Centaurus A group: stellar populations in AM 1339-445 and AM 1343-452
We study the red giant populations of two dE galaxies, AM 1339-445 and AM
1343-452, with the aim of investigating the number and luminosity of any upper
asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars present. The galaxies are members of the
Centaurus A group (D~3.8 Mpc) and are classified as outlying (R~350 kpc)
satellites of Cen A. The analysis is based on near-IR photometry for individual
red giant stars, derived from images obtained with ISAAC on the VLT. The
photometry, along with optical data derived from WFPC2 images retrieved from
the HST science archive, enable us to investigate the stellar populations of
the dEs in the vicinity of the red giant branch (RGB) tip. In both systems we
find stars above the RGB tip, which we interpret as intermediate-age upper-AGB
stars. The presence of such stars is indicative of extended star formation in
these dEs similar to that seen in many, but not all, dEs in the Local Group.
For AM 1339-445, the brightest of the upper-AGB stars have Mbol~-4.5 while
those in AM 1343-452 have Mbol~-4.8 mag. These luminosities suggest ages of
approximately 6.5+/-1 and 4+/-1 Gyr as estimates for the epoch of the last
episode of significant star formation in these systems. In both cases the
number of upper-AGB stars suggests that ~15% of the total stellar population is
in the form of intermediate-age stars, considerably less than is the case for
outlying dE satellites of the Milky Way such as Fornax and LeoI.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, A&A accepted; high resolution version available
from: http://www.eso.org/~mrejkuba/CenA_dEs_I.pd
A taxonomy of small Markovian errors
Errors in quantum logic gates are usually modeled by quantum process matrices
(CPTP maps). But process matrices can be opaque, and unwieldy. We show how to
transform a gate's process matrix into an error generator that represents the
same information more usefully. We construct a basis of simple and physically
intuitive elementary error generators, classify them, and show how to represent
any gate's error generator as a mixture of elementary error generators with
various rates. Finally, we show how to build a large variety of reduced models
for gate errors by combining elementary error generators and/or entire
subsectors of generator space. We conclude with a few examples of reduced
models, including one with just parameters that describes almost all
commonly predicted errors on an N-qubit processor.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, all the customized error models you could ever
Stellar over-densities in the halo: the extent of the Virgo over-density
We map the three dimensional extent of the Virgo Over-density by combining
distance information from RR Lyrae variables and projected spatial information
from SEKBO (Keller et al. 2008) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR6
photometry. The Virgo Over-density is seen to comprise two filaments 14.5 x 3
degrees and 10 x 3 degrees and a circular structure 3 degrees in diameter.
Together the three features span 38 degrees of right ascension and declinations
of +2 to -15 degrees. RR Lyrae variables place the two filamentary features at
heliocentric distances of 20 and 17 kpc respectively, with projected dimensions
of 5 x 1 kpc and 3 x 1 kpc.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte
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