467 research outputs found

    Souls Gone in the Wind? Suspending Belief about Rebirth in Contemporary Artistic Works in the Tibetan World

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    Belief in rebirth constitutes a core tenet of Tibetan Buddhism and has thus structured social and political power in Tibetan society for centuries through the tulku (reincarnate lama lineage) institution. Still, it appears to be questioned in a selection of recent short stories and films emanating from Tibet, in which the authorial voices point to a lack of certainty about reincarnation, opting for a suspension of belief. After a brief overview of the literary scene in Tibet today, and an analysis of the surveyed works, several hypothesis will be made to account for what may be seen as the beginning of a process of secularization at work among at least lay educated Tibetans, reflecting the growing intellectual prominence of a new elite

    Entrusted to the Wind

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    2-Arylvinylpyrimidines versus 4-arylvinylpyrimidines: synthesis and comparison of the optical properties.

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    International audienceCondensation of donor-substituted aldehydes on methylpyrimidine led to two series of fluorescent molecules depending on the position of the methyl group. Whereas highly emissive 4-arylvinylpyrimidine derivatives are well-known, this is the first example of fluorescent 2-arylvinylpyrimidine compounds. The optical properties of the two families have been thoroughly compared. Whereas the series derived from 2-methylpyrimidine exhibit a blue shift in absorption and emission in comparison with 4-arylvinylpyrimidine, the influence of the position is less predictable on the fluorescence quantum yield. These compounds also exhibit halochromism: when adding acid, a bathotromic shift is observed in absorption whereas an increase of the fluorescence intensity which is red-shifted except for amino derivatives (a progressive quench of emission is observed in these cases). An emission solvatochromism study has shown that a higher intramolecular charge transfer seems to occur in 2-arylvinylpyrimidines than in 4-arylvinylpyrimidines

    Tibet: des vérités qui dérangent

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    Anne-Marie Blondeau, Katia Buffetrille (Ă©d.), Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions, Berkeley, UC Press, 2008, 364 p

    Tibet: Some Inconvenient Truths

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    Anne-Marie Blondeau, Katia Buffetrille (ed.), Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China’s 100 Questions, Berkeley, UC Press, 2008, 364 pp

    Les « nouveaux villages socialistes » en Région autonome du Tibet

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    Quand des parents interprètent les normes scolaires : le cas du travail scolaire hors la classe en début de primaire

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    Nous tentons de percevoir, à partir des tâches qui circulent de l’école vers les familles et de leur décodage par celles-ci, ce que les parents voient et font des normes scolaires. Par normes, nous entendons des régularités contraignantes et partagées (Prairat, 2019) mais aussi potentiellement transformatrices du milieu par leur action créatrice (Canguilhem, 1996). Notre étude se situe dans le prolongement des théories défendant une « hypothèse relationnelle » (Bautier & Goigoux, 2004) qui considère que les malentendus (Bautier & Rochex, 2007 ; Bautier & Rayou, 2013) sont une source importante d’explication de la production des inégalités scolaires. Ceux-ci peuvent en effet donner lieu à des interprétations éloignées de l’attendu scolaire par les parents et leurs enfants. Nous analysons les pratiques parentales d’accompagnement des tâches qui constituent le travail scolaire hors la classe. Nous optons pour une interprétation de l’accompagnement des parents en termes de « renormalisation » (Schwartz, 2009) dans le sens que les parents réinterprètent les normes scolaires perçues et les réajustent en fonction de la responsabilité de l’instruction scolaire qui leur est en partie dévolue (Glasman, 2004, 2013).On the basis of school tasks to which families are exposed and how they decipher such tasks, we try to identify what parents see of, and do with academic standards. By standards, we mean patterns which are binding and shared (Prairat, 2019), but also potentially transformative of the environment Canguilhem, 1996). Our study is in line with theories defending a "relational hypothesis" (Bautier and Goigoux, 2004) which considers that misunderstandings (Bautier & Rochex, 2007, Bautier & Rayou, 2013) play an important role in explaining educational inequalities. Parents' and children's reliance on misunderstandings can indeed result in remote interpretations of what the academic expectations are. We analyse parenting practices concerned with providing support in relation to homework. We interpret the support parents provide in terms of "renormalisation" (Schwartz, 2009): parents reinterpret the perceived academic standards and adjust them based on their share of responsibility for academic education (Glasman, 2004, 2013)

    Hille Marie-Paule, Horlemann Bianca & Nietupski Paul K. (dirs), Muslims in Amdo Tibetan Society. Multidisciplinary Approaches

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    L’ouvrage Muslims in Amdo propose plusieurs analyses contribuant à mettre en lumière un phénomène peu connu et rarement étudié : la cohabitation ethnico-religieuse entre Tibétains bouddhistes (plus rarement bonpo) et Musulmans, en Amdo (nord-est du Tibet). Qui plus est, ce recueil d’articles historicise cette présence, décrit la variété des populations musulmanes de l’Amdo et sa déclinaison en nombreuses confessions ; surtout, il démontre que les relations entre mondes tibétain et musulman n’..
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