4,083 research outputs found

    Incomplete graphical model inference via latent tree aggregation

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    Graphical network inference is used in many fields such as genomics or ecology to infer the conditional independence structure between variables, from measurements of gene expression or species abundances for instance. In many practical cases, not all variables involved in the network have been observed, and the samples are actually drawn from a distribution where some variables have been marginalized out. This challenges the sparsity assumption commonly made in graphical model inference, since marginalization yields locally dense structures, even when the original network is sparse. We present a procedure for inferring Gaussian graphical models when some variables are unobserved, that accounts both for the influence of missing variables and the low density of the original network. Our model is based on the aggregation of spanning trees, and the estimation procedure on the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We treat the graph structure and the unobserved nodes as missing variables and compute posterior probabilities of edge appearance. To provide a complete methodology, we also propose several model selection criteria to estimate the number of missing nodes. A simulation study and an illustration flow cytometry data reveal that our method has favorable edge detection properties compared to existing graph inference techniques. The methods are implemented in an R package

    Titan's past and future: 3D modeling of a pure nitrogen atmosphere and geological implications

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    Several clues indicate that Titan's atmosphere has been depleted in methane during some period of its history, possibly as recently as 0.5-1 billion years ago. It could also happen in the future. Under these conditions, the atmosphere becomes only composed of nitrogen with a range of temperature and pressure allowing liquid or solid nitrogen to condense. Here, we explore these exotic climates throughout Titan's history with a 3D Global Climate Model (GCM) including the nitrogen cycle and the radiative effect of nitrogen clouds. We show that for the last billion years, only small polar nitrogen lakes should have formed. Yet, before 1 Ga, a significant part of the atmosphere could have condensed, forming deep nitrogen polar seas, which could have flowed and flooded the equatorial regions. Alternatively, nitrogen could be frozen on the surface like on Triton, but this would require an initial surface albedo higher than 0.65 at 4 Ga. Such a state could be stable even today if nitrogen ice albedo is higher than this value. According to our model, nitrogen flows and rain may have been efficient to erode the surface. Thus, we can speculate that a paleo-nitrogen cycle may explain the erosion and the age of Titan's surface, and may have produced some of the present valley networks and shorelines. Moreover, by diffusion of liquid nitrogen in the crust, a paleo-nitrogen cycle could be responsible of the flattening of the polar regions and be at the origin of the methane outgassing on Titan.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icarus on July 7, 201

    Hodge metrics and positivity of direct images

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    Building on Fujita-Griffiths method of computing metrics on Hodge bundles, we show that the direct image of an adjoint semi-ample line bundle by a projective submersion has a continuous metric with Griffiths semi-positive curvature. This shows that for every holomorphic semi-ample vector bundle EE on a complex manifold, and every positive integer kk, the vector bundle SkEdetES^kE\otimes\det E has a continuous metric with Griffiths semi-positive curvature. If EE is ample on a projective manifold, the metric can be made smooth and Griffiths positive.Comment: revised and expanded version of "A positivity property of ample vector bundles

    Urban futures with 5G: British press reporting

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    imagining 5g networks: infrastructure and public accountability

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    This study explores the social imaginaries influencing choices about the architectural design and standards for the 5G mobile network to identify how the network level of the communication infrastructure is implicated in the commercial datafication process. We focus on ambitions to establish global market leadership in the provision of the 5G infrastructure. Based on a multimethod analysis of documentation, press coverage, and a case study of 5G’s radio access network standardization, the analysis provides insight into contradictions within a dominant digital innovation social imaginary that privileges national or regional economic 5G strategies and externalizes risks and threats around 5G networks to foreign actors (mainly China). It also shows how public values, including privacy and freedom from surveillance, as well as transparent public accountability, characteristics of an alternative social imaginary of digital innovation, are suppressed in the process of materializing a new communication infrastructure

    Accounting for missing actors in interaction network inference from abundance data

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    Network inference aims at unraveling the dependency structure relating jointly observed variables. Graphical models provide a general framework to distinguish between marginal and conditional dependency. Unobserved variables (missing actors) may induce apparent conditional dependencies.In the context of count data, we introduce a mixture of Poisson log-normal distributions with tree-shaped graphical models, to recover the dependency structure, including missing actors. We design a variational EM algorithm and assess its performance on synthetic data. We demonstrate the ability of our approach to recover environmental drivers on two ecological datasets. The corresponding R package is available from github.com/Rmomal/nestor

    The Age and Structure of the Galactic Bulge from Mira Variables

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    We report periods and JHKL observations for 648 oxygen-rich Mira variables found in two outer bulge fields at b=-7 degrees and l=+/-8 degrees and combine these with data on 8057 inner bulge Miras from the OGLE, Macho and 2MASS surveys, which are concentrated closer to the Galactic centre. Distance moduli are estimated for all these stars. Evidence is given showing that the bulge structure is a function of age. The longer period Miras (log P > 2.6, age about 5 Gyr and younger) show clear evidence of a bar structure inclined to the line of sight in both the inner and outer regions. The distribution of the shorter period (metal-rich globular cluster age) Miras, appears spheroidal in the outer bulge. In the inner region these old stars are also distributed differently from the younger ones and possibly suggest a more complex structure. These data suggest a distance to the Galactic centre, R0, of 8.9 kpc with an estimated uncertainty of 0.4 kpc. The possible effect of helium enrichment on our conclusions is discussed.Comment: Accepted for MNRAS, 12 pages, 12 figure