4 research outputs found

    When is an Owl More Than an Owl? An Interaction Analysis of a Computer Science Co-design Conversation on Cultural Relevance

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    The learning sciences community is currently exploring new ways to enact productive and equitable co-design research-practice partnerships that are sensitive to all the concerns and needs of stakeholders. The paper contributes to that still-growing literature through an interaction analysis of a co-design discussion involving school district partners that unfolded about cultural relevance and sensitivity in relation to the use of a specific image in an elementary school coding lesson. The episode involved looking moment-by-moment at how district educators recognized and acknowledged that a specific design decision could be harmful for a minoritized population of students enrolled in the district. However, once a key change was made to be more culturally responsive and considerate, new and unexpected pedagogical challenges appeared. This case serves to illustrate some of the unexpected tensions that can appear in real-time when unanticipated questions about cultural relevance are foregrounded during lesson and materials co-design

    Coumarin 153 Dynamics in Ethylammonium Nitrate: The Effects of Dilution with Methanol

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    Magic angle intensity decay and dynamic fluorescence anisotropy measurements were made on the binary solvent system composed of ethylammonium nitrate ([N2,0,0,0+][NO3−], EAN) + methanol (MeOH) across the complete EAN mole fraction range (xIL = 0–1) using the neutral dipolar solute coumarin 153 (C153) at 295 K. Stokes–Einstein–Debye (SED) hydrodynamic theory was used as a model framework to assess the C153 rotational reorientation dynamics. Departure from stick SED prediction was observed (in contrast to literature reports that used cationic or anionic dyes) and indicated a significant influence of domain nanoheterogeneity on probe dynamics. Steady-state spectroscopy indicated minimal changes in spectral peak and width with mole fraction, except at xIL = 0.3 where absorption widths decreased by ~170 cm−1, signaling that C153 sensed a change in solution heterogeneity. Magic angle intensity decays corroborated the steady-state observation and the excited-state lifetimes showed a marked change from xIL = 0.2–0.4 where EAN-EAN interactions became notably more significant. C153 average rotation times (⟨τrot⟩) showed significant solvent decoupling with increased EAN. The rotational data were fit to a power law dependence, ⟨τrot⟩ ∝ (ηT)p, where p = 0.82, demonstrating the presence of dynamic heterogeneity in the EAN/MeOH solutions. With increased EAN, rotation times showed that the heterogeneity became increasingly more significant since the rotation times systematically decreased away from the hydrodynamic stick limit

    ZENK activation in the nidopallium of black-capped chickadees in response to both conspecific and heterospecific calls

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    Neuronal populations in the songbird nidopallium increase in activity the most to conspecific vocalizations relative to heterospecific songbird vocalizations or artificial stimuli such as tones. Here, we tested whether the difference in neural activity between conspecific and heterospecific vocalizations is due to acoustic differences or to the degree of phylogenetic relatedness of the species producing the vocalizations. To compare differences in neural responses of black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus, to playback conditions we used a known marker for neural activity, ZENK, in the caudal medial nidopallium and caudomedial mesopallium. We used the acoustically complex ‘dee’ notes from chick-a-dee calls, and vocalizations from other heterospecific species similar in duration and spectral features. We tested the vocalizations from three heterospecific species (chestnut-backed chickadees, tufted titmice, and zebra finches), the vocalizations from conspecific individuals (black-capped chickadees), and reversed versions of the latter. There were no significant differences in the amount of expression between any of the groups except in the control condition, which resulted in significantly less neuronal activation. Our results suggest that, in certain cases, neuronal activity is not higher in response to conspecific than in response to heterospecific vocalizations for songbirds, but rather is sensitive to the acoustic features of the signal. Both acoustic features of the calls and the phylogenetic relationship between of the signaler and the receiver interact in the response of the nidopallium.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe