2 research outputs found

    A study of books included in the state of New Jersey\u27s holocaust and genocide 5-8th grade curriculum

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the books suggested by the State of New Jersey Holocaust and Genocide Curriculum. To Honor All Children for Grades 5-8 in order to create a diverse curriculum. Through the use of suggested materials by New Jersey, it is intended that students be exposed to a well rounded and balanced educational experience. In order for this for this curriculum to be diverse, it needs include many ethnic racial/ethnic groups and other topics relevant to holocaust and genocide study. The curriculum guide also needs to be updated to include books that have a recent publication date and are still available to purchase. In order to complete this study, spreadsheets were created based on the topics designated by the state of New Jersey. Within the seven topics, the following variables were retrieved from the state\u27s curriculum: type of book, recommended reading level, recommended interest level, state recommended grade level, publication date and race and ethnicity. As a result of this study, the researcher recommends that the curriculum be updated to include books that are not out of print and cover a more diverse range of genocides as well as newer titles to keep students\u27 interested