26,817 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the metabolic cost of locomotion in an Apollo space suit

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    Evaluation of metabolic cost of locomotion in Apollo space sui

    Observations on lunar gravity simulation

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    Physiological factors in astronaut performance in simulated lunar gravit

    Tweed in Martensites: A Potential New Spin Glass

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    We've been studying the ``tweed'' precursors above the martensitic transition in shape--memory alloys. These characteristic cross--hatched modulations occur for hundreds of degrees above the first--order shape--changing transition. Our two--dimensional model for this transition, in the limit of infinite elastic anisotropy, can be mapped onto a spin--glass Hamiltonian in a random field. We suggest that the tweed precursors are a direct analogy of the spin--glass phase. The tweed is intermediate between the high--temperature cubic phase and the low--temperature martensitic phase in the same way as the spin--glass phase can be intermediate between ferromagnet and antiferromagnet.Comment: 18 pages and four figures (included

    Importance of Mild Hyperoxaluria in the Pathogenesis of Urolithiasis - New Evidence from Studies in the Arabian Peninsula

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    The hypothesis that mild hyperoxaluria is more important than hypercalciuria in the pathogenesis of urolithiasis is re-examined in the light of new evidence. Small increments in urinary oxalate in the normal to high-normal range are much more critical than similar rises in urinary calcium for increasing the relative supersaturation of urine with respect to calcium oxalate, the oxalate/calcium ratio in urine, the total volume of calcium oxalate crystals excreted, the proportion of abnormally large crystals and aggregates of calcium oxalate and the severity of the disorder as defined by the recurrence rate of stone-formation. Data from the Arabian Peninsula, where the prevalence of calcium-containing stones is considerably higher than in the West, have shown that this occurs in spite of the almost complete absence of hypercalciuria. On the other hand, there is a strong association between stone-formation and the occurrence of mild hyperoxaluria. The life-time expectancy of stone-formation in men from various countries is strongly correlated with the average daily excretion of oxalate in the urine of the normal men in these countries. This relationship extends to include patients with enteric and hereditary hyperoxaluria. There is no such relationship, however, between the life-time expectancy of stones and urinary calcium excretion in the same populations. Studies on the regulation of urinary oxalate indicate that it is largely controlled by the quantity of free dietary oxalate available for absorption in the lower intestine. This can be calculated from the intakes of calcium and oxalate and the urinary excretion of calcium

    Numerical analysis of flow non-uniformity in the hot gas manifold of the Space Shuttle main engine

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    Three-dimensional viscous flow in a conceptual hot gas manifold (HGM) for the Space Shuttle Main Engine High Pressure Fuel Turbopump (SSME HPFTP) was numerically analyzed. A finite difference scheme was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The exact geometry of the SSME HGM was modeled using boundary fitted curvilinear coordinates and the General Interpolants Method (GIM) code. Slight compressibility of the subsonic flow was modeled using a linearized equation of state with artificial compressibility. A time relaxation method was used to obtain a steady state solution. The feasibility and potential usefulness of computational methods in assisting the design of SSME components which involves the flow of fluids within complex geometrical shapes is demonstrated

    The Angular Diameter and Fundamental Parameters of Sirius A

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    The Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI) has been used to make a new determination of the angular diameter of Sirius A. The observations were made at an effective wavelength of 694.1 nm and the new value for the limb-darkened angular diameter is 6.048 +/- 0.040mas (+/-0.66%). This new result is compared with previous measurements and is found to be in excellent agreement with a conventionally calibrated measurement made with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at 2.176 microns (but not with a second globally calibrated VLTI measurement). A weighted mean of the SUSI and first VLTI results gives the limb-darkened angular diameter of Sirius A as 6.041 +/- 0.017mas (+/-0.28%). Combination with the Hipparcos parallax gives the radius equal to 1.713 +/- 0.009R_sun. The bolometric flux has been determined from published photometry and spectrophotometry and, combined with the angular diameter, yields the emergent flux at the stellar surface equal to (5.32+/- 0.14)x10^8 Wm^-2 and the effective temperature equal to 9845 +/- 64 K. The luminosity is 24.7 +/- 0.7 L_sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS


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    Diffuse Neutron Scattering Study of Relaxor Ferroelectric (1-x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3(PZN-xPT)

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    Diffuse neutron scattering is a valuable tool to obtain information about the size and orientation of the polar nanoregions that are a characteristic feature of relaxor ferroelectrics. In this paper, we present new diffuse scattering results obtained on Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 (PZN for short) and (1-x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3(PZN-xPT)single crystals (with x=4.5 and 9%), around various Bragg reflections and along three symmetry directions in the [100]-[011] zone. Diffuse scattering is observed around reflections with mixed indices, (100), (011) and (300), and along transverse and diagonal directions only. No diffuse scattering is found in longitudinal scans. The diffuse scattering peaks can be fitted well with a Lorentzian function, from which a correlation length is extracted. The correlation length increases with decreasing temperatures down to the transition at Tc, first following a Curie-Weiss law, then departing from it and becoming flat at very low temperatures. These results are interpreted in terms of three temperature regions: 1) dynamic polarization fluctuations (i.e. with a finite lifetime) at high temperatures, 2) static polarization reorientations (condensation of polar nanoregions) that can still reorient as a unit (relaxor behavior) at intermediate temperatures and 3) orientational freezing of the polar nanoregions with random strain fields in pure PZN or a structural phase transition in PZN-xPT at low temperatures. The addition of PT leads to a broadening of the diffuse scattering along the diagonal ([111]) relative to the transverse ([100]) direction, indicating a change in the orientation of the polar regions. Also, with the addition of PT, the polar nanoregions condense at a higher temperature above Tc.Comment: AIP 6x9 style files, 9 pages, 5 figures, Conference-Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 200
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