25 research outputs found

    Proposal for a Joint German-British Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector

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    For many years there has been steady progress towards the detection of gravitational radiation. It has now become clear that the next major step should be the construction of a number of long-baseline detectors around the world. An array of detectors of this type is expected to allow the observation of gravitational waves from a range of astrophysical sources, leading to improved insight in many areas including stellar collapse, binary coalescence and the expansion of the Universe. We propose that one of these detectors be built by a collaboration formed around the gravitational wave groups in Britain and Germany. In this document we present our case for this collaborative venture and outline the design philosophy of our proposed instrument - an interferometric detector with arms of length close to 3km. Two detectors of the same general type are planned for the USA (LIGO project), one is planned for Italy (Italian/French VIRGO project) and another is proposed for Australia (AIGO project). It is expected that all the long baseline detectors to be built will operate as part of a coordinated worldwide network

    The status of GEO 600

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    The GEO 600 laser interferometer with 600m armlength is part of a worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors. GEO 600 is unique in having advanced multiple pendulum suspensions with a monolithic last stage and in employing a signal recycled optical design. This paper describes the recent commissioning of the interferometer and its operation in signal recycled mode

    Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

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    Following the selection of The Gravitational Universe by ESA, and the successful flight of LISA Pathfinder, the LISA Consortium now proposes a 4 year mission in response to ESA's call for missions for L3. The observatory will be based on three arms with six active laser links, between three identical spacecraft in a triangular formation separated by 2.5 million km. LISA is an all-sky monitor and will offer a wide view of a dynamic cosmos using Gravitational Waves as new and unique messengers to unveil The Gravitational Universe. It provides the closest ever view of the infant Universe at TeV energy scales, has known sources in the form of verification binaries in the Milky Way, and can probe the entire Universe, from its smallest scales near the horizons of black holes, all the way to cosmological scales. The LISA mission will scan the entire sky as it follows behind the Earth in its orbit, obtaining both polarisations of the Gravitational Waves simultaneously, and will measure source parameters with astrophysically relevant sensitivity in a band from below 10−4 10^{-4}\,Hz to above 10−1 10^{-1}\,Hz.Comment: Submitted to ESA on January 13th in response to the call for missions for the L3 slot in the Cosmic Vision Programm

    The US Program in Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Science: Contribution from the LIGO Laboratory

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    Recent gravitational-wave observations from the LIGO and Virgo observatories have brought a sense of great excitement to scientists and citizens the world over. Since September 2015,10 binary black hole coalescences and one binary neutron star coalescence have been observed. They have provided remarkable, revolutionary insight into the "gravitational Universe" and have greatly extended the field of multi-messenger astronomy. At present, Advanced LIGO can see binary black hole coalescences out to redshift 0.6 and binary neutron star coalescences to redshift 0.05. This probes only a very small fraction of the volume of the observable Universe. However, current technologies can be extended to construct "3rd Generation" (3G) gravitational-wave observatories that would extend our reach to the very edge of the observable Universe. The event rates over such a large volume would be in the hundreds of thousands per year (i.e. tens per hour). Such 3G detectors would have a 10-fold improvement in strain sensitivity over the current generation of instruments, yielding signal-to-noise ratios of 1000 for events like those already seen. Several concepts are being studied for which engineering studies and reliable cost estimates will be developed in the next 5 years