51,276 research outputs found
This paper applies a structured legal-linguistic profiling approach to EU “staff representation bodies” as a way to access domains that lie behind the public face of EU institutions and their texts concerning translation, language and terminology. The study commences with a legal-linguistic analysis of EU texts for references to “staff”, “staff representation” and “employment” in order to identify specific texts and bodies of relevance to the study. This approach leads to two broad categories: staff committees and trade unions. Information is sought from EU institutions about these bodies and their translation and language arrangements, and a list is made of websites available to the general public. These sites are then examined as part of the legal-linguistic profiling approach.W niniejszym artykule zastosowano ustrukturyzowane podejście do profilowania prawno-językowego do „unijnych organów reprezentujących pracowników” jako sposobu dostępu do obszarów poza oficjalnym obliczem instytucji UE oraz ich tekstów dotyczących tłumaczeń, języka i terminologii. Badanie rozpoczyna się od analizy prawno-językowej tekstów UE pod kątem odniesień do „pracowników”, „reprezentacji pracowników” i „zatrudnienia” w celu zidentyfikowania konkretnych tekstów i organów mających znaczenie dla badania. Takie podejście prowadzi do dwóch kategorii, ujmowanych szeroko: komitetów pracowniczych i związków zawodowych. Instytucje UE poszukują informacji na temat tych organów oraz ich tłumaczeń i ustaleń językowych. Sporządzono także listę stron internetowych dostępnych dla ogółu społeczeństwa, które następnie są badane w ramach profilowania prawno-językowego
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A Letter from Eric Robertson to John Wren-Lewis
This letter refers to questions John Wren-Lewis
had asked Eric Robertson
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Recordings of Ple-Temiar Dream Music
A piece written about the events of the night of recording the Dream Music as well as some background information about how the whole night came together. It goes on to explain the importance of the recordings and the impact of war and H.D. Noone going missing, and the ability to record the Temiar again
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Draft Notes and Responses
These are the draft notes and final responses
written by Eric Robertson in answer to the
queries and statements posed by John Wren-
Lewis to Tony Beamish, Eric Robertson and
Peggy Robertson
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Instructions for Processing Recordings of Temiar Dream Music
A short note on how the Temiar Dream Music
should be re-recorded onto a more sturdier form
of disc
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Instruction to Copy Discs
This letter to a Mr Glover at the British Ministry of Information contains information as to what should be done to the recordings made in the December of 1941 of the Ple-Temiar community
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Eric Robertson’s CV
The CV of Eric Robertson from the beginning of his education in 1921 to the appointment of his most current position for the BBC, at the time of writing his CV, on April 15th 1945
Taking our learning and teaching strategy to the next level through technology enhanced campus development
Over the last three years Abertay University has radically evolved its strategy for teaching and supporting learning. This paper outlines Abertay’s journey over the last few years, including the key features of our new pedagogic approach and its impact so far. For example, in 2016 Abertay was the highest ranked modern Scottish University in the National Student Survey (NSS) and shortlisted for the prestigious Times Higher Education “University of the Year” award.In order to further enhance our students’ progression, attainment and employability we have recognized the need to invest further in two key (and related) areas: technology enhanced learning and estate development in order to create a so-called “sticky campus” i.e. somewhere our students will want to come and stay. This has included full implementation of electronic management of assessment (EMA); blended learning; new technology-rich collaborative learning environments and science laboratories which promote richer student-staff interactions and new ways of learning; and a planned complete refurbishment of the University library which will provide a variety of learning environments (formal and informal) from summer 2017.The paper will detail the drivers for these changes; the change management processes involving a staff-student partnership involving management, academic and professional services; successes;challenges; lessons learned and future plans
Direct Manipulation-like Tools for Designing Intelligent Virtual Agents
If intelligent virtual agents are to become widely adopted it is vital that they can be designed using the user friendly graphical tools that are used in other areas of graphics. However, extending this sort of tool to autonomous, interactive behaviour, an area with more in common with artificial intelligence, is not trivial. This paper discusses the issues involved in creating user-friendly design tools for IVAs and proposes an extension of the direct manipulation methodology to IVAs. It also presents an initial implementation of this methodology
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