11 research outputs found

    Baroreflex dysfunction in sick newborns makes heart rate an unreliable surrogate for blood pressure changes.

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    BACKGROUND: Cerebral pressure passivity (CPP) in sick newborns can be detected by evaluating coupling between mean arterial pressure (MAP) and cerebral blood flow measured by NIRS hemoglobin difference (HbD). However, continuous MAP monitoring requires invasive catheterization with its inherent risks. We tested whether heart rate (HR) could serve as a reliable surrogate for MAP in the detection of CPP in sick newborns. METHODS: Continuous measurements of MAP, HR, and HbD were made and partitioned into 10-minute epochs. Spectral coherence (COH) was computed between MAP and HbD (COH(MAP-HbD)) to detect CPP, between HR and HbD (COH(HR-HbD)) for comparison, and between MAP and HR (COH(MAP-HR)) to quantify baroreflex function (BRF). The agreement between COH(MAP-HbD) and COH(HR-HbD) was assessed using ROC analysis. RESULTS: We found poor agreement between COH(MAP-HbD) and COH(HR-HbD) in left hemisphere (area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0.68) and right hemisphere (AUC 0.71). Baroreflex failure (COH(MAP-HR) not significant) was present in 79% of epochs. Confining comparison to epochs with intact BRF showed an AUC of 0.85 for both hemispheres. CONCLUSIONS: In these sick newborns, HR was an unreliable surrogate for MAP required for the detection of CPP. This is likely due to the prevalence of BRF failure in these infants

    Prostitución: qué modelo jurídico-político para portugal?

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    A prostituição em Portugal conheceu diversos modelos jurídico-políticos, como a regulamentação, o proibicionismo e o abolicionismo, prevalecendo este último na atualidade. No discurso social e científico encontramos sobretudo duas posições: os defensores da prostituição como trabalho e os que a consideram uma violação dos direitos humanos. Este artigo apresenta a evolução histórico-legal dos modelos de intervenção na prostituição em Portugal, de forma a contextualizarmos e compreendermos a influência dos discursos. Em seguida, expõe as opiniões dos profissionais das instituições, que dirigem respostas a esta população, sobre a atual moldura jurídico-política, com a finalidade de analisar as diferentes perspectivas sobre o trabalho sexual. Baseando-se em pesquisa de natureza qualitativa que contemplou 23 entrevistas, conclui-se que embora não exista uma ideia clara sobre qual modelo adotar, a preocupação com o respeito pelos direitos humanos e o combate ao estigma estão patentes, independentemente do paradigma em questão.Different political-juridical models have framed prostitution in Portugal: regulation, prohibition and abolition, the latter of which is currently prevalent. There are two main standpoints in social and scientific discourse: those who defend prostitution as a valid form of labor and those who consider it a violation of human rights. This article presents the legal and historical evolution of models of interventions concerning prostitution in Portugal, so as to contextualize and understand the influence of discourses. Next, the article exposes the opinion of professionals within institutions that respond to the demands of this population, under the current political-juridical framework, with the objective of analyzing different perspectives on sexual labor. Based on qualitative research which tooks into account 23 interviews, it was concluded that although there is not a clear idea as to which model to adopt, the concern regarding respect for human rights and the combatting stigma is well-established, regardless of the paradigm in question.La prostitution au Portugal a connu divers modèles juridico-politiques, tels que la réglementation, la prohibition et l’abolitionnisme, ce dernier étant celui qui prévaut actuellement. Dans le discours social et scientifique, deux positions dominantes se dessinent: la défense de la prostitution comme travail et l’idée selon laquelle elle constituerait une violation des droits humains. Cet article présentera l’évolution historico-légale des modèles d’intervention dans la prostitution au Portugal, de façon à contextualiser et à comprendre l’influence des différents discours. Nous exposerons ensuite les opinions sur le cadre juridico-politique émises par des professionnels d’institutions prenant en charge cette population spécifique, dans le but d’analyser les différentes perspectives sur le travail sexuel. Sur la base d’une étude qualitative comprenant 23 entretiens, nous avons conclu que même s’il n’existait pas d’idée claire sur le modèle à adopter, le respect des droits humains et la lutte contre la stigmatisation constituaient des préoccupations centrales, et ce indépendamment du paradigme en question.La prostitución en Portugal ha conocido a lo largo del tiempo diversos modelos jurídico-políticos: la reglamentación, el prohibicionismo y el abolicionismo, siendo este último todavía prevaleciente en la actualidad. En el discurso social y científico encontramos sobre todo dos posiciones: los defensores de la prostitución como trabajo y aquellos que la consideran una violación de los derechos humanos. Este artículo presenta la evolución histórico-letal de los modelos de intervención en la prostitución en Portugal, como forma de contextualizar y comprender la influencia de los discursos. Enseguida, expone las opiniones de los profesionales de las instituciones, que dirigen respuestas a esta población, sobre el actual marco jurídico-político, con la finalidad de analizar las diferentes perspectivas sobre el trabajo sexual. Basándose en una investigación cualitativa que contempló 23 entrevistas, la conclusión sugiere que aunque no exista una idea clara sobre que modelo adoptar, la preocupación con el respeto a los derechos humanos y el combate al estigma están patentes, independiente del paradigma en cuestión