1,607 research outputs found

    Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Therapeutic Day School Students: Prevalence in this Population and Effective Treatment Programs

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    This survey-based, comparative study investigated the percentage of students at a suburban Chicago therapeutic day school who meet criteria for clinically significant levels of PTSD as compared to students in a general education setting. The directional hypothesis was that students placed at therapeutic day schools have a higher prevalence of PTSD than a general population of students. The method used was a survey assessment called the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS) given to 16 students at a suburban Chicago therapeutic day school. These CPSS scores were analyzed and statistically compared to CPSS scores of an already published study with students in a regular education private school who had experienced a community-wide traumatic event. Data was compared using tables, bar graphs, and the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. This study\u27s results showed that the CPSS scores of therapeutic day school students were significantly higher than those of the students in a regular education school who had recently experienced a community-wide traumatic event. Individual student data for all of the participants was also depicted using line graphs to show the variability in student data and their total CPSS scores. The principal conclusion was that the therapeutic day school students who participated in this study had significantly higher levels of PTSD than students in a regular education school who had experienced a community-wide earthquake. There is a need for more studies on therapeutic day school populations to focus on PTSD interventions and programs that could be implemented in therapeutic day schools. Two suggested interventions/programs in this study are the CBITS program and EMDR

    Strengths and weaknesses of the humanitarian Cluster Approach in relation to sexual and reproductive health services in northern Uganda.

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    Implementation of the Cluster Approach has been a major recent development in the humanitarian system. The aim of this study was to explore the strengths and weaknesses of the humanitarian Cluster Approach in relation to services for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) [including gender-based violence (GBV)] in northern Uganda, which is recovering from over 20 years of armed conflict. Face-to-face and telephone, semistructured, qualitative interviews were conducted in 2009 with purposively selected key informants from governmental, non-governmental, United Nations and donor agencies working in northern Uganda. Respondents noted a number of contributions of the Cluster Approach, including improved co-ordination of SRH services and stronger advocacy. However, concerns were raised about the low prioritisation, limited leadership and capacity, and standard setting for SRH services. Concerns were also raised about limited planning and capacity for dissolution of the Clusters in the transition to recovery and development in northern Uganda. Despite a number of contributions made by the Cluster Approach, particularly for responding to GBV, there were many concerns about its limited influence on SRH services. There were also concerns that the transition to recovery and development in northern Uganda may not result in reproductive health services being sufficiently strengthened

    Let\u27s Be Honest About Law School Cheating: A Low-Tech Solution for a High-Tech Problem

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    The savvy nature of academic cheating has outpaced educators racing to foil students’ high-tech high-jinx. Indeed, a culture of cheating in higher education has become pervasive, and even normalized. While problematic in all educational contexts, the implications of this erosion of academic integrity have particularly profound consequences in law school. There is no question that every law school has problems with cheating, but this Article is meant to cast doubt that engaging in a technological arms race with students to catch the cheaters is the best solution. Instead, a pedagogical commitment to teaching integrity in law school is a better low-tech solution to the high-tech problem of cheating. This Article posits that academic dishonesty can be addressed in law school by not only developing exam procedures to deter cheating, and appropriate procedures for handling allegations of cheating, but also by creating a law school culture that reinforces the high ethical standards that students will be held to once in practice. This Article contends that academic integrity should be part-and-parcel of legal education because nurturing a culture of integrity can lead to a significant impact on student behavior, and better prepare students for the practice of law

    Guia dos Direitos e Recursos da Comunidade

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    Esta compilação de inÍormações tem a Íinalidade de dar a conhecer ao utente e aos seus Familiares os recursos e os direitos da pessoa que por alguma razão se encontre incapacitada à sua autonomia. De acordo com o regime geral estabelecido, pessoa portadora de deÍiciência é aquela que, por motivo de perda ou anomalia, congénita ou adquirida, de funções ou de estruturas do corpo, incluindo as funções psicológicas, apresente dificuldades específicas suscetíveis de, em conjunção com os fatores do meio, lhe limitar ou dificultar a atividade e a participação em condições de igualdade com as demais pessoas). A avaliação das capacidades de pessoas portadoras de deÍiciência compete a juntas médicas, sendo que os requerimentos de avaliação das incapacidades devem ser dirigidos ao adjunto do delegado regional de Saúde e entregues ao delegado de Saúde da residência habitual do interessado, devendo ser acompanhados de relatório médico e dos meios complementares de diagnóstico. Para que o doente/portador de deficiência possa usufruir de qualquer um dos seguintes direitos/benefícios, deverá, numa primeira fase, ser portador de um atestado médico de incapacidade multiuso, a emitir pelo presidente da referida junta médica, do qual deverá constar o Íim a que o mesmo se destina e respetivos efeitos e condições legais, bem como a natureza das deficiências e os condicionalismos relevantes para a concessão do benefício. Este é o único documento que faz prova legal de que é doente/portador de deficiência e para obter os seguintes direitos/benefícios deverá ser decretada uma percentagem de incapacidade igual ou superior a 60%. O grau de incapacidade fixado pode ser sindicado, em caso de discordância, do mesmo modo que pode ser objeto de reavaliaçãoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detrimental Tears

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    For our museum we chose to design it as a walkthrough of a ship used during the Transatlantic trade. Through research we were able to understand how slaves on the ship were treated. We were able to understand that slaves were confined to small spaces while linked together with others during voyages. With this we were able to gather ideas on the layout of our museum. First we chose to put a set of metal chains in the museum to give a sense of how slaves had to be transported. As you walk through you will see what it was like for a slave to be living on the ship. In part of the museum we will have small boxes where someone can sit down and get a feel of how slaves were confined to space while aboard the ship. While sitting there will be a pair of headphones to put on so you will be able to hear the sound of the ocean and other voices.https://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/historyfrombelow/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Habituation of the C-start response in larval zebrafish exhibits several distinct phases and sensitivity to NMDA receptor blockade.

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    The zebrafish larva has been a valuable model system for genetic and molecular studies of development. More recently, biologists have begun to exploit the surprisingly rich behavioral repertoire of zebrafish larvae to investigate behavior. One prominent behavior exhibited by zebrafish early in development is a rapid escape reflex (the C-start). This reflex is mediated by a relatively simple neural circuit, and is therefore an attractive model behavior for neurobiological investigations of simple forms of learning and memory. Here, we describe two forms of short-lived habituation of the C-start in response to brief pulses of auditory stimuli. A rapid form, persisting for ≥1 min but <15 min, was induced by 120 pulses delivered at 0.5-2.0 Hz. A more extended form (termed "short-term habituation" here), which persisted for ≥25 min but <1 h, was induced by spaced training. The spaced training consisted of 10 blocks of auditory pulses delivered at 1 Hz (5 min interblock interval, 900 pulses per block). We found that these two temporally distinguishable forms of habituation are mediated by different cellular mechanisms. The short-term form depends on activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), whereas the rapid form does not

    Effectiveness of Bimodal Versus Unimodal Alerts for Distracted Drivers

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    Twenty-two participants drove a simulated vehicle while engaged in a low or high working memory load task and responded to signals presented in auditory, visual and tactile modalities or their bimodal combinations by pressing on the brake. Signals were designed to be of low or high urgency in both unimodal and bimodal combinations. High urgency and bimodal signals were responded to faster than their low urgency and unimodal counterparts. Fewer bimodal signals were missed overall. This bimodal advantage was particularly significant relative to unimodal signals of low urgency in the high working memory load condition. Together these results indicate that hazard mapping can most effectively be obtained by designing with both the perceived urgency level of the signal and modal plurality in mind