990 research outputs found

    Quantum well and dot self-aligned stripe lasers utilizing an InGaP optoelectronic confinement layer

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    We demonstrate and study a novel process for fabrication of GaAs-based self-aligned lasers based upon a single over-growth. A lattice-matched n-doped InGaP layer is utilized for both electrical and optical confinements. Single-lateral-mode emission is demonstrated initially from an In0.17Ga0.83 As double quantum well laser emitting similar to 980 nm. We then apply the fabrication technique to a quantum dot laser emitting similar to 1300 nm. Furthermore, we analyze the breakdown mechanism in our devices and discuss the limitations of index guiding in our structures

    Ecological model of extinctions

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    We present numerical results based on a simplified ecological system in evolution, showing features of extinction similar to that claimed for the biosystem on Earth. In the model each species consists of a population in interaction with the others, that reproduces and evolves in time. Each species is simultaneously a predator and a prey in a food chain. Mutations that change the interactions are supposed to occur randomly at a low rate. Extinctions of populations result naturally from the predator-prey dynamics. The model is not pinned in a fitness variable, and natural selection arises from the dynamics.Comment: 16 pages (LaTeX type, RevTeX style), including 6 figures in gif format. To be published in Phys. Rev. E (prob. Dic. 96

    Mass Dependent αS\alpha_S Evolution and the Light Gluino Existence

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    There is an intriguing discrepancy between \alpha_s(M_Z) values measured directly at the CERN Z0Z_0-factory and low-energy (at few GeV) measurements transformed to Q=MZ0Q=M_{Z_0} by a massless QCD \alpha_s(Q) evolution relation. There exists an attempt to reconcile this discrepancy by introducing a light gluino \gl in the MSSM. We study in detail the influence of heavy thresholds on \alpha_s(Q) evolution. First, we consruct the "exact" explicit solution to the mass-dependent two-loop RG equation for the running \alpha_s(Q). This solution describes heavy thresholds smoothly. Second, we use this solution to recalculate anew \alpha_s(M_Z) values corresponding to "low-energy" input data. Our analysis demonstrates that using {\it mass-dependent RG procedure} generally produces corrections of two types: Asymptotic correction due to effective shift of threshold position; Local threshold correction only for the case when input experiment lies in the close vicinity of heavy particle threshold: QexptMhQ_{expt} \simeq M_h . Both effects result in the effective shift of the \asmz values of the order of 10310^{-3}. However, the second one could be enhanced when the gluino mass is close to a heavy quark mass. For such a case the sum effect could be important for the discussion of the light gluino existence as it further changes the \gl mass.Comment: 13, Late

    Strain balancing of MOVPE InAs/GaAs quantum dots using GaAs0.8P0.2

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    MOVPE growth of stacked InAs/ GaAs QDs with and without GaAs 0.8 P 0.2 strain balancing layers has been studied. The GaAsP layers reduce the accumulated strain whilst maintaining the electrical characteristics. This should enable closer stacking of QD layers leading to higher gain and improved laser performance

    Scents and sensibility: Best practice in insect olfactometer bioassays

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    Olfactometers have been used for more than 100 years and are integral to experimental chemical ecology. Studies utilising olfactometer bioassays form the foundation for understanding the behavioural responses of invertebrates to chemical stimuli under standardised laboratory conditions. Widely used olfactometry apparatuses include two-arm olfactometers for binary responses through to four- and six-arm arenas to evaluate more complex behaviours. Despite its prevalence in chemical ecology studies, there has never been a review of experimental best practice in olfactometry. This review critically evaluates both olfactometry methods and applications as well as experimental design and analysis. We aim to outline a standard of good practice to improve experimental design and reporting for studies involving olfactometry, thereby establishing a reference guide to build a robust experimental workflow for olfactometry bioassays

    Strain Balancing of Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers

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    Incorporation of a GaAs0.8P0.2 layer allows strain balancing to be achieved in self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. Tuneable wavelength and high density are obtained through growth parameter optimization, with emission at 1.27 μm and QD layer density 3 × 10 10 cm-2. Strain balancing allows close vertical stacking (30 nm) of the QD layers, giving the potential for increased optical gain. Modeling and device characterization indicates minimal degradation in the optical and electrical characteristics unless the phosphorus percentage is increased above 20%. Laser structures are fabricated with a layer separation of 30 nm, demonstrating low temperature lasing with a threshold current density of 100 A/cm2 at 130 K without any facet coating

    Properties of a Dilute Bose Gas near a Feshbach Resonance

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    In this paper, properties of a homogeneous Bose gas with a Feshbach resonance are studied in the dilute region at zero temperature. The stationary state contains condensations of atoms and molecules. The ratio of the molecule density to the atom density is πna3\pi na^3. There are two types of excitations, molecular excitations and atomic excitations. Atomic excitations are gapless, consistent with the traditional theory of a dilute Bose gas. The molecular excitation energy is finite in the long wavelength limit as observed in recent experiments on 85^{85}Rb. In addition, the decay process of the condensate is studied. The coefficient of the three-body recombination rate is about 140 times larger than that of a Bose gas without a Feshbach resonance, in reasonably good agreement with the experiment on 23^{23}Na.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, comparison between the calculated three-body recombination rate and the experimental data for Na system has been adde

    DCE-MRI biomarkers of tumour heterogeneity predict CRC liver metastasis shrinkage following bevacizumab and FOLFOX-6

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    Background: There is limited evidence that imaging biomarkers can predict subsequent response to therapy. Such prognostic and/or predictive biomarkers would facilitate development of personalised medicine. We hypothesised that pre-treatment measurement of the heterogeneity of tumour vascular enhancement could predict clinical outcome following combination anti-angiogenic and cytotoxic chemotherapy in colorectal cancer (CRC) liver metastases. Methods: Ten patients with 26 CRC liver metastases had two dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) examinations before starting first-line bevacizumab and FOLFOX-6. Pre-treatment biomarkers of tumour microvasculature were computed and a regression analysis was performed against the post-treatment change in tumour volume after five cycles of therapy. The ability of the resulting linear model to predict tumour shrinkage was evaluated using leave-one-out validation. Robustness to inter-visit variation was investigated using data from a second baseline scan. Results: In all, 86% of the variance in post-treatment tumour shrinkage was explained by the median extravascular extracellular volume (ve), tumour enhancing fraction (EF), and microvascular uniformity (assessed with the fractal measure box dimension, d0) (R2=0.86, P<0.00005). Other variables, including baseline volume were not statistically significant. Median prediction error was 12%. Equivalent results were obtained from the second scan. Conclusion: Traditional image analyses may over-simplify tumour biology. Measuring microvascular heterogeneity may yield important prognostic and/or predictive biomarkers

    Differential effects of the Glasgow Coma Scale Score and its Components: An analysis of 54,069 patients with traumatic brain injury

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    INTRODUCTION: The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is widely used in the assessment of clinical severity and prediction of outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The sum score is frequently applied, but the differential influence of the components infrequently addressed. We aimed to investigate the contribution of the GCS components to the sum score, floor and ceiling effects of the components, and their prognostic effects. METHODS: Data on adult TBI patients were gathered from three data repositories: TARN (n=50,064), VSTR (n=14,062), and CRASH (n=9,941). Data on initial hospital GCS-assessment and discharge mortality were extracted. A descriptive analysis was performed to identify floor and ceiling effects. The relation between GCS and outcome was studied by comparing case fatality rates (CFR) between different component-profiles adding up to identical sum scores using Chi(2)-tests, and by quantifying the prognostic value of each component and sum score with Nagelkerke's R(2) derived from logistic regression analyses across TBI severities. RESULTS: In the range 3-7, the sum score is primarily determined by the motor component, as the verbal and eye components show floor-effects at sum scores 7 and 8, respectively. In the range 8-12, the effect of the motor component attenuates and the verbal and eye components become more relevant. The motor, eye and verbal scores reach their ceiling-effects at sum 13, 14 and 15, respectively. Significant variations were exposed in CFR between different component-profiles despite identical sum scores, except in sum scores 6 and 7. Regression analysis showed that the motor score had highest R(2) values in severe TBI patients, whereas the other components were more relevant at higher sum scores. The prognostic value of the three components combined was consistently higher than that of the sum score alone. CONCLUSION: The GCS-components contribute differentially across the spectrum of consciousness to the sum score, each having floor and ceiling effects. The specific component-profile is related to outcome and the three components combined contain higher prognostic value than the sum score across different TBI severities. We, therefore, recommend a multidimensional use of the three-component GCS both in clinical practice, and in prognostic studies

    The Similarity Hypothesis in General Relativity

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    Self-similar models are important in general relativity and other fundamental theories. In this paper we shall discuss the ``similarity hypothesis'', which asserts that under a variety of physical circumstances solutions of these theories will naturally evolve to a self-similar form. We will find there is good evidence for this in the context of both spatially homogenous and inhomogeneous cosmological models, although in some cases the self-similar model is only an intermediate attractor. There are also a wide variety of situations, including critical pheneomena, in which spherically symmetric models tend towards self-similarity. However, this does not happen in all cases and it is it is important to understand the prerequisites for the conjecture.Comment: to be submitted to Gen. Rel. Gra