14 research outputs found

    Arremessar por cima do ombro e a distância percorrida pelo implemento Overarm throw and the distance traveled by the implement

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    A habilidade de arremessar por cima do ombro tem sido bastante estudada, observando-se a velocidade do implemento, porém enquanto muitas tarefas têm como objetivo arremessar o mais longe possível, a distância percorrida pelo objeto ainda não tem sido investigada. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe relação entre o estágio de desenvolvimento motor nesta habilidade e a distância percorrida pelo implemento e observar diferenças entre os gêneros masculino e feminino; 50 crianças, com idade entre 7-8 anos, de ambos os gêneros, procedentes de Piracicaba - SP foram analisadas enquanto arremessavam uma bola de tênis de campo, o mais longe possível. Cada criança realizou três arremessos intercalados e foi filmada com duas câmeras mini DV, tanto em vista lateral quanto posterior, enquanto arremessava. O nível de desenvolvimento das crianças foi classificado, utilizando-se uma sequência de desenvolvimento e a distância percorrida pela bola foi registrada. Foi encontrada correlação significativa entre o nível do desenvolvimento e a distância atingida. Diferenças entre os gêneros foram observadas: os meninos encontravam-se em níveis desenvolvimentais mais avançados em todas as ações e alcançaram maiores distâncias. Assim, o nível de desenvolvimento desta habilidade mostrou-se importante para o alcance de seu objetivo (arremessar mais longe). Sugere-se que o nível de habilidade é influenciado pelo meio ambiente e que oportunidades de movimento devem ser providenciadas para auxiliar o desenvolvimento integral da criança.<br>Overarm throwing skill has been widely studied regarding the farthest throwing distance analysing the velocity of the implement; however the object's distance has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to verify if there is a relationship between the skill development and the distance reached by the object and to observe differences between genders. Fifty children, ages 7-8 years, both genders, from Piracicaba - SP, were analyzed while throwing a tennis ball as far as they could. Each child had three attempts. They were filmed with two mini DV cameras, from both side and rear views while performing. Children's movements were categorized using a developmental sequence and the distance covered by the ball was register. A positive correlation was found between the developmental level and the ball distance. Gender differences were observed; boys were in a more advanced levels in all actions and had farther throwing distances. So, developmental level of this skill was important to reach the task goal (throwing as far as possible). It is suggested that skill level is influenced by the environment and movement opportunities must be provided in order to help the children's global development

    Agroforestry Systems for Ammonia Abatement. AC0201 Final Report

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    Ammonia (NH3) emissions to the atmosphere increased significantly during the 20th century, largely due to the intensification of agricultural production. Ammonia is a soluble and reactive gas that is emitted by volatilization from various agricultural nitrogen forms including urea, uric acid and mineral fertilizers. Emissions are dependent on various meteorological inputs like temperature and wind speed, and are higher in warmer drying conditions, with smaller emissions occurring under cooler wetter conditions. Impacts of excess nitrogen can include eutrophication and acidification effects on semi-natural ecosystems that can lead to species composition changes. Agroforestry Ammonia Abatement (AAA) is a practical concept which uses both the dispersive effect of a barrier and the uptake of NH3 into the tree canopy to mitigate NH3 emissions. This work built upon the research carried out in Defra project AC0201, bringing together measurements, modelling and agroeconomic analyses to build an assessment of the potential benefits and drawbacks of applying AAA strategies both on a local and national scale. The project objectives were to assess the efficacy of farm woodland features for the recapture of agricultural NH3 emissions. The potential of farm woodlands for NH3 mitigation at a local and the UK scale were assessed. The combined modelling and measurement results from this project show that AAA carefully planned and implemented can lead to a significant decrease in NH3 concentrations downwind from sources and a moderate, up to 20% net decrease in emissions to the atmosphere. AAA systems could be used as a protective measure of downwind sensitive ecosystems where local concentration reductions can be higher. Use of existing woodland plantations and panting new forestry can both be used to mitigate emissions, though scrubbing of NH3 at source and reuse would also be a solution. UK scale modelling shows that targeted application of tree planting around agricultural installations would have a modest effect by modifying ‘on-farm’ emission factors, however when the approach is targeted in regions hot-spot emissions, significant effects on NH3 and N-deposition can be achieved.In many agricultural businesses there are no current economic advantages for converting valuable arable land to woodland without specific opportunity benefits (e.g. woodland egg price margins due to animal welfare considerations, carbon or nitrogen credits). However as the woodland egg example shows, when other considerations become relevant, AAA can be a useful approach. It is noted that mitigating ammonia with trees only addresses one nitrogen flow in the farming systems and the net effect on both the reactive and GHG N budgets over the landscape scale should be considered

    Olhares distintos sobre a noção de estabilidade e mudança no desempenho da coordenação motora grossa Ángulos diferentes sobre el concepto de estabilidad y cambio en el rendimiento de la coordinación motora gruesa Distinct views on the notion of stability and change in the performance of gross motor coordination

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    Estudos sobre coordenação motora grossa (CMG) de crianças focam na descrição dos valores normativos em razão da idade e sexo. Poucos analisam a dinâmica da mudança do desempenho de cada criança em relação ao seu grupo ao longo do tempo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a estabilidade das diferenças interindividuais na mudança intraindividual da CMG ao longo de 18 meses. Participaram do estudo 120 escolares de sete anos de idade da cidade de Muzambinho - MG. Foram realizadas quatro coletas com intervalos de seis meses. A CMG foi avaliada pelas provas do KTK. Os valores médios apresentaram incrementos em todas as provas, diferindo entre gênero apenas para o equilíbrio à retaguarda. Os resultados da correlação entre o desempenho inicial e a mudança ao longo do tempo indicaram uma forte heterogeneidade. Os resultados da estabilidade se mostraram fracos, os quais foram discutidos em relação a diferentes trajetórias do desenvolvimento da CMG.<br>Las investigaciones sobre la coordinación motora gruesa (GMC) de niños se centran en la descripción de los valores normativos basados en la edad y en el sexo, y pocos estudios analizan la dinámica de cambio en el desempeño de cada niño en relación a su grupo al largo del tiempo. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la estabilidad de las diferencias interindividuales en el cambio interindividual de la CMG durante dieciocho meses. Participaron de la investigación 120 estudiantes de siete años de edad de la ciudad de Muzambinho - MG. Cuatro muestras fueron tomadas a intervalos de seis meses. La CMG se evaluó mediante las pruebas del KTK. Los valores medios mostraron aumentos en todas las pruebas, defiriendo entre géneros sólo para el equilibrio a la retaguardia. Los resultados de la correlación entre el rendimiento inicial y el cambio a lo largo del tiempo indicaron una fuerte heterogeneidad. Los resultados de la estabilidad se mostraron débiles. Estos resultados se discuten en términos de diferentes trayectorias de desarrollo de la CMG.<br>Studies about gross motor coordination in children (GMC) focus on the description of normative values derived from age and sex, and few analyzed the dynamics of change of each child within its group. The goal of the present study is estimate the stability of intra-individual change over inter-individual differences over eighteen months. One hundred and twenty students with seven years old in the city of Muzambinho - MG participated in the study. Data was collected four times, with a six-month interval between each assessment. GMC was evaluated through KTK test battery. Mean values for all tests increased over time, with differences between sex for equilibrium test. The correlation values between initial performance and improvements over eighteen months indicated high heterogeneity. Results of stability estimates were weak for tests. These results were discussed about different trajectories in the development of motor coordination