187 research outputs found

    On symmetries of N=(4,4) sigma models on T^4

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    Motivated by an analogous result for K3 models, we classify all groups of symmetries of non-linear sigma models on a torus T^4 that preserve the N=(4,4) superconformal algebra. The resulting symmetry groups are isomorphic to certain subgroups of the Weyl group of E8, that plays a role similar to the Conway group for the case of K3 models. Our analysis heavily relies on the triality automorphism of the T-duality group SO(4,4,Z). As a byproduct of our results, we discover new explicit descriptions of K3 models as asymmetric orbifolds of torus CFTs.Comment: 42 pages; minor changes, references added; version accepted for publicatio

    Some comments on symmetric orbifolds of K3

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    We consider two dimensional N=(4,4)\mathcal{N}=(4,4) superconformal field theories in the moduli space of symmetric orbifolds of K3. We complete a classification of the discrete groups of symmetries of these models, conditional to a series of assumptions and with certain restrictions. Furthermore, we provide a partial classification of the set of twining genera, encoding the action of a discrete symmetry gg on a space of supersymmetric states in these models. These results suggest the existence of a number of surprising identities between seemingly different Borcherds products, representing Siegel modular forms of degree two and level N>1N>1. We also provide a critical review of various properties of the moduli space of these superconformal field theories, including the groups of dualities, the set of singular models and the locus of symmetric orbifold points, and describe some puzzles related to our (lack of) understanding of these properties.Comment: 54 pages; v3: various points clarified; appendix E added; matches with published versio

    Second Quantized Mathieu Moonshine

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    We study the second quantized version of the twisted twining genera of generalized Mathieu moonshine, and prove that they give rise to Siegel modular forms with infinite product representations. Most of these forms are expected to have an interpretation as twisted partition functions counting 1/4 BPS dyons in type II superstring theory on K3\times T^2 or in heterotic CHL-models. We show that all these Siegel modular forms, independently of their possible physical interpretation, satisfy an "S-duality" transformation and a "wall-crossing formula". The latter reproduces all the eta-products of an older version of generalized Mathieu moonshine proposed by Mason in the '90s. Surprisingly, some of the Siegel modular forms we find coincide with the multiplicative (Borcherds) lifts of Jacobi forms in umbral moonshine.Comment: 91 pages. Theorem 5.3 added; presentation improved, comments and explanations adde

    The Singular Locus of the Theta Divisor and Quadrics through a Canonical Curve

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    A section K on a genus g canonical curve C is identified as the key tool to prove new results on the geometry of the singular locus Theta_s of the theta divisor. The K divisor is characterized by the condition of linear dependence of a set of quadrics containing C and naturally associated to a degree g effective divisor on C. K counts the number of intersections of special varieties on the Jacobian torus defined in terms of Theta_s. It also identifies sections of line bundles on the moduli space of algebraic curves, closely related to the Mumford isomorphism, whose zero loci characterize special varieties in the framework of the Andreotti-Mayer approach to the Schottky problem, a result which also reproduces the only previously known case g=4. This new approach, based on the combinatorics of determinantal relations for two-fold products of holomorphic abelian differentials, sheds light on basic structures, and leads to the explicit expressions, in terms of theta functions, of the canonical basis of the abelian holomorphic differentials and of the constant defining the Mumford form. Furthermore, the metric on the moduli space of canonical curves, induced by the Siegel metric, which is shown to be equivalent to the Kodaira-Spencer map of the square of the Bergman reproducing kernel, is explicitly expressed in terms of the Riemann period matrix only, a result previously known for the trivial cases g=2 and g=3. Finally, the induced Siegel volume form is expressed in terms of the Mumford form.Comment: 88+1 page

    Higher genus superstring amplitudes from the geometry of moduli spaces

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    We show that the higher genus 4-point superstring amplitude is strongly constrained by the geometry of moduli space of Riemann surfaces. A detailed analysis leads to a natural proposal which satisfies several conditions. The result is based on the recently derived Siegel induced metric on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces and on combinatorial products of determinants of holomorphic abelian differentials.Comment: 23 pp. A change in citing, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Dualities in CHL-Models

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    We define a very general class of CHL-models associated with any string theory (bosonic or supersymmetric) compactified on an internal CFT C x T^d. We take the orbifold by a pair (g,\delta), where g is a (possibly non-geometric) symmetry of C and \delta is a translation along T^d. We analyze the T-dualities of these models and show that in general they contain Atkin-Lehner type symmetries. This generalizes our previous work on N=4 CHL-models based on heterotic string theory on T^6 or type II on K3 x T^2, as well as the `monstrous' CHL-models based on a compactification of heterotic string theory on the Frenkel-Lepowsky-Meurman CFT V^{\natural}.Comment: 18 page

    Vector-Valued Modular Forms from the Mumford Form, Schottky-Igusa Form, Product of Thetanullwerte and the Amazing Klein Formula

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    Vector-valued Siegel modular forms are the natural generalization of the classical elliptic modular forms as seen by studying the cohomology of the universal abelian variety. We show that for g>=4, a new class of vector-valued modular forms, defined on the Teichmuller space, naturally appears from the Mumford forms, a question directly related to the Schottky problem. In this framework we show that the discriminant of the quadric associated to the complex curves of genus 4 is proportional to the square root of the products of Thetanullwerte \chi_{68}, which is a proof of the recently rediscovered Klein `amazing formula'. Furthermore, it turns out that the coefficients of such a quadric are derivatives of the Schottky-Igusa form evaluated at the Jacobian locus, implying new theta relations involving the latter, \chi_{68} and the theta series corresponding to the even unimodular lattices E_8\oplus E_8 and D_{16}^+. We also find, for g=4, a functional relation between the singular component of the theta divisor and the Riemann period matrix.Comment: 17 pages. Final version in Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Fricke S-duality in CHL models

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    We consider four dimensional CHL models with sixteen spacetime supersymmetries obtained from orbifolds of type IIA superstring on K3 x T^2 by a Z_N symmetry acting (possibly) non-geometrically on K3. We show that most of these models (in particular, for geometric symmetries) are self-dual under a weak-strong duality acting on the heterotic axio-dilaton modulus S by a "Fricke involution" S --> -1/NS. This is a novel symmetry of CHL models that lies outside of the standard SL(2,Z)-symmetry of the parent theory, heterotic strings on T^6. For self-dual models this implies that the lattice of purely electric charges is N-modular, i.e. isometric to its dual up to a rescaling of its quadratic form by N. We verify this prediction by determining the lattices of electric and magnetic charges in all relevant examples. We also calculate certain BPS-saturated couplings and verify that they are invariant under the Fricke S-duality. For CHL models that are not self-dual, the strong coupling limit is dual to type IIA compactified on T^6/Z_N, for some Z_N-symmetry preserving half of the spacetime supersymmetries.Comment: 56 pages, 3 figures; v3: some minor mistakes correcte

    Higher genus partition functions of meromorphic conformal field theories

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    It is shown that the higher genus vacuum amplitudes of a meromorphic conformal field theory determine the affine symmetry of the theory uniquely, and we give arguments that suggest that also the representation content with respect to this affine symmetry is specified, up to automorphisms of the finite Lie algebra. We illustrate our findings with the self-dual theories at c=16 and c=24; in particular, we give an elementary argument that shows that the vacuum amplitudes of the E_8\times E_8 theory and the Spin(32)/Z_2 theory differ at genus g=5. The fact that the discrepancy only arises at rather high genus is a consequence of the modular properties of higher genus amplitudes at small central charges. In fact, we show that for c\leq 24 the genus one partition function specifies already the partition functions up to g\leq 4 uniquely. Finally we explain how our results generalise to non-meromorphic conformal field theories.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figure
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