20 research outputs found
Rediseño de una finca de hortalizas en el Perú para convertir a la agricultura ecológica
Explora la perspectiva agroecológica al nivel de la finca con el objetivo de diseñar el prototipo de un nuevo sistema de producción de hortalizas en el Perú. Para ello se definen las características de una finca ecológica, se resume el proceso de conversión o transición (tiempo, energía, rendimientos, economía, gestión, recursos naturales) y se analiza el agroecosistema (productividad, estabilidad, sostenibilidad, equidad y autonomía). Posteriormente se realiza un diagnóstico del sistema productivo presente; se diseña una nueva jerarquía de objetivos y estos se transforman en parámetros que son definidos. Con la experiencia de Europa como referencia, se propone un conjunto de métodos que refuerzan objetivos múltiples, se vincula parámetros y métodos en un prototipo teórico y se propone un plan de acción.Tesi
A collective mark for Peruvian non-certified organic products: smallholder market differentiation and product development
In order to enhance the integration of non-certified smallholders into improved short value chains, the AGROECO Project supported the National Association of Ecological Farmers of Peru (ANPE PERU) to develop its “Frutos de la tierra” (Fruits of the earth) brand into a multi-product collective mark. The development process and bottlenecks are analyzed as well as suggestions presented
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Assessed by SSR in a Peruvian Germplasm Collection of Loche Squash (Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbitaceae)
Loche is an ancient landrace of squash from Northern Peru, notable for its vegetative re-production and lack of seeds in fruits. To date, very little is known about its genetics. Here, we used 21 simple sequence repeats to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of a collection of 100 samples of loche from three localities in Peru, and 10 samples of related species, C. pepo and C. maxima (110 accessions in total). A total 85 bands were manually scored, obtaining an average of 4.05 alleles per locus. UPGMA clustering method and principal coordinate analysis showed a clear identification between the three species of Cucurbita. Population structure analysis clustered the 110 accessions into five populations: (i) three of loche, (ii) one of C. pepo, and (iii) one of C. maxima. Genetic diversity estimation was conducted considering only the three groups (populations) of loche identified, which was 0.024 as an average. AMOVA revealed the greatest variation between populations (79.66%) and indicated that variability within populations is 20.33%. Vegetative prop-agation by means of stem cuttings and cultivation in a very restricted geographical area would ex-plain the rather low diversity of loche. This in turn would suggest that the apparent variation ob-served in fruit shape may be explained by somatic mutation and/or environmental factors
Especial Agro 2010: Agricultura y cambio climático : adaptarse o morir
Con los impactos del cambio climático sintiéndose ya en todo el país, urge
tomar medidas que, por ejemplo, mejoren la gestión del agua. De lo contrario,
todo el espectro agrario desde comuneros hasta agroexportadores sufrirá
sus efectos, potencialmente devastadores
Especial Agro 2010: Agricultura y cambio climático : adaptarse o morir
Con los impactos del cambio climático sintiéndose ya en todo el país, urge
tomar medidas que, por ejemplo, mejoren la gestión del agua. De lo contrario,
todo el espectro agrario desde comuneros hasta agroexportadores sufrirá
sus efectos, potencialmente devastadores
Cultivo de hierbas aromaticas y medicinales
La información que se proporciona, sin embargo, puede ser utilizada de manera general si se está interesado en otras hierbas aromáticas y medicinales, cuyo tratamiento escapa al ámbito de esta publicación: borraja, coca, diente de león, geranio, hercampuri, marco, ortiga, pimpinela, ruda y muchas más pueden formar parte de una singular “farmacia viva” en pequeñas huertas en las ciudades, tal como sucede desde hace milenios en huertos caseros a lo largo del país
Procesos y avances en campo 2011 – 2012 (anexo 36 del informe técnico final)
The report “Processes and field progress 2011 – 2012” of the AGROECO Project, corresponds to a report written at the end of the second year of project implementation. The document reports quantitative achievements and progress towards goals related to: a) the acknowledgement of family agriculture value in shaping and in the evolution of Peruvian culture and biodiversity; b) the organic agriculture practice based on science and agroecological experience to improve productivity, quality and environmental services; c) participatory social innovation fostering spaces for individual and collective growth; d) efficient management of producer organizations for advocacy and integration with developed value chains under best conditions; e) networks of national and regional stakeholders with multiple interests and commitments, f) contributions to food security at the household level. The document, addressed to producer organizations, partners of the project, shows the progress while also contributing for monitoring and evaluation of the actions implemented. While it is not intended to be a research report, it conveys a set of basic and concrete indicators to facilitate understanding. The report is also a public acknowledgement to all the participants, especially communities and family farmers, as well as the team project
Collective mark to improve local value chains for Peru's smallholder organic products (annex 25 of final technical report)
The collective mark “Fructos de la tierra” was created as a multi-product mark for organic smallholders- representing family agriculture, biodiversity conservation and farmer associativity as its core values. This paper describes its’ pioneering, from brand development and development of rules of use, to awareness-raising and capacity building among farmer groups in pilot studies in 4 regions of Peru, finalizing with product selection, evaluation, development and market launch. Improving food security of non-certified ecological smallholders by enhancing their integration into improved short food supply chains, is a strategic objective for the National Association of Ecological Farmers of Peru