84 research outputs found

    Double-nucleus elliptical MCG-01-12-005 in an X-ray emitting cluster of galaxies

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    The scenario of galaxy formation is believed to follow a structure that builds up from the bottom, with large galaxies being formed by several merging episodes of smaller ones. In this scenario a number of galaxies can be expected to be seen in the merging phase, with their external regions already mixed, while their nuclei, with stronger self-gravitation, are still recognizable as such. During a photometric monitoring of AGNs in the field of a long-exposure INTEGRAL pointing, we serendipitously found an elliptical galaxy in the center of the X-ray cluster (EXO 0422-086) with two nuclei. We performed surface photometry on our images and those of the SDSS archive and obtained slit spectra of both nuclei. Aperture photometry of the two stellar-like nuclei showed very similar colors in the SDSS image and in our Johnson BVRI images, which is typical of an elliptical galaxy nucleus. The spectra of the nuclei showed the typical absorption lines of an elliptical galaxy without appreciable emission lines. The redshifts derived from each nucleus were equal and fully consistent with the literature value (0.0397). We can therefore exclude the possibility that one of the nuclei is a foreground star or a background AGN and consider this elliptical galaxy as a bona fide example of a galaxy merger.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the nature of V2282 Sgr

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    The star V2282 Sgr is positionally consistent with a strong Chandra X-ray and a Spitzer/IRAC MIR source. We derived its long term II-band light curve from the photographic archives of the Asiago and Catania Observatories, covering the years from 1965 to 1984. CCD RCR_C photometry in Summer 2009 was re-analyzed. Optical spectra were secured at Loiano Observatory in 2011 and 2012. J H K photometry, obtained from several experiments in different epochs was compared and the Spitzer images were re-analyzed. V2282 Sgr was found to be irregular variable in all wavelengths. Spectroscopically, it shows strong emission features (H Balmer lines, [NII]6584 AA and [OIII]5007/4959 AA) while the Na D doublet is very strong, indicating a circumstellar envelope. A single thermal energy distribution cannot reproduce the observed SED, while it can be explained as the sum of a G-type star plus a variable circumstellar disc, which mimics a class 0/I object. Most likely, V2282 Sgr is a 1-2 MsunM_{sun} mass pre main sequence star with an accretion disk.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure, in press on Baltic Astronom

    ASASSN-18aan revisited

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    The light curve of the cataclismic variable ASASSN-18aan is studied using recent observations of the MC589 Observatory, giving an orbital Period and Epoch fully consistent with the data obtained after the discovery flare in 2018. Archival data from ASASSN, ZTF and Gaia were used to check if its flares have a quasi-periodic behaviour. A recurrency time scale of about 11 months is found, confirming a previous tentative result using the historic plate archive of the Asiago Observatory. The next outbursts are expected by April 2023 and March 2024.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, published on OEJ

    Spectral Slope Variability of BL Lac Objects in the Optical Band

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    Light curves of eight BL Lac objects in the BVRI bands have been analyzed. All of the objects tend to be bluer when brighter. However spectral slope changes differ quantitatively from those of a sample of QSOs analyzed in a previous paper (Trevese & Vagnetti 2002) and appear consistent with a different nature of the optical continuum. A simple model representing the variability of a synchrotron component can explain the spectral changes. Constraints on a possible thermal accretion disk component contributing to the optical luminosity are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in ApJ, June 200

    A New Fast Silicon Photomultiplier Photometer

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    The realization of low-cost instruments with high technical performance is a goal which deserves some efforts in an epoch of fast technological developments: indeed such instruments can be easily reproduced and therefore allow to open new research programs in several Observatories. We realized a fast optical photometer based on the SiPM technology, using commercially available modules. Using low-cost components we have developed a custom electronic chain to extract the signal produced by a commercial MPPC module produced by Hamamatsu, in order to obtain sub millisecond sampling of the light curve of astronomical sources, typically pulsars. In the early February 2011 we observed the Crab Pulsar at the Cassini telescope with our prototype photometer, deriving its period, power spectrum and shape of its light curve in very good agreement with the results obtained in the past with other instruments.Comment: Accepted for Publications of the Astronomical Society of Pacific (PASP), 8 pages, 8 figure

    SiFAP: A New Fast Astronomical Photometer

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    A fast photometer based on SiPM technology was developed and tested at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and at the Bologna Observatory. In this paper we present the improvements applied to our instrument, concerning new cooled sensors, a new version of the electronics and an upgraded control timing software